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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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The building looks cools, but the cliffs are a bit flat, how about adding some horizontal breaks, rather than just vertical ones (at the moment they just look like walls along the edge of crazy paving) 
looks like a diorama, the lighting is very unnatural. :( 
chess palace 
Feedback Required 
Public beta of my first QDM level is available here

The level has already gone through extensive testing (and modification) with respect to layout, brushwork, power-up mechanisms and aesthetics. Thankyou von, scampie, blackpope, blitz, biff, scraggy and inertia.

Apparently the level will never be adopted as a serious 4v4 arena because (a) it's a coagula level and (b) the layout is difficult to learn. I always thought offering massive route choice, with plenty of playable surface area, over a threatening environmental hazard would bring out the best in skilled DM players.

So, now I need to find out how (or if) this thing works as a FFA level. Specifically, I need to know how it plays. Also I need information about ammo and health placement in game. I'd really appreciate feedback on these areas. 
... I forgot to thank Apollyon for his help too. Ta! 
nice! :) 
I want your babies! 
Yah, looks ball-bouncingly good >:} 
I like the choice of textures, and also the way to access the Quad. (Was wondering what that "useless" plat was for) The layout is tough to get the grasp of, definitely... BTW, is that there only one RL in the map? I'd prefer a little more obvious placement of the RL. 
Nice screenshots ! Nice architecture ! cool lightning effects ! And just a question: what is the texture set you used ? 
And just a question: what is the texture set you used ?

c'mon, you really should know these things by now ^_~ 
I'm very sorry to seem so stupid due to my lack of knowledges.. but I was wondering to obtain at least the name of these textures, and so be able to find it later.. I recognize these textures, I already saw them others maps, and taking a look to the different textures I have on my PC, it seems I don't have this particulaer set.. So is there a noble man who could help me please ? 
you show suspicious level of ignorance....
did you ever play contract revoked? maybe lost chapters? eh eh? hint hint? 
I'm very busy for the moment with my project (you maybe saw the screenshots in this threads some weeks ago...), regardless of HL2 and Doom3 I play regurlarly, so I didn't really find time to play these two packs.. I only saw their respective screenies (which sounds goof BTW...)... In anyway, as I already asked: Is there a noble man who could help me please ? 
I only saw their respective screenies (which sounds goof BTW...) needs to be read as which sounds good... 

now go play all these packs and go map after... 
System 4 Teaser Video 
Vids are up, 1.6 MB or 8 MB small/large sizes .WMV's (Windows Media Player required): 
It's Kell's Knave texture set. 
you're mapping seems to go pretty well atm so I say stick to that and stop showing every little bit of progress you make so there's something left unseen when you're finished! 
1) remove bobbing from camera runs (cl_bob 0)

2) if you want similar texts to appear on your gamedir's demo1.dem, so it starts playing as you start the pack, you can check how it was implemented in team fortress (if you run quake -game fortress there's a big nice introduction that starts playing).
Basically the texts are textures and the camera does swift movements. With nice sound sync.

3) fucking hell how good it looks. awesome job. 
AguirRe / Vondur 
Thanks for the infos and related links ;) 
Distrans & Pulsar 
dis: show screenshots...
pulsar: looks really good... I wonder what the fps is... 
really nice cinematic stuff there - by george, you have the technique sir ^_~

I agree with cybear; don't spoil it - we get it. You're good at it. Now finish it. 
Ok I teased enough. I didn't plan on introducing any more little bits anyway.

Now, to be honest - I still feel the trailer was rushed, but I wanted to get it out of the way so I can resume work. And anyway it's just a teaser trailer, not a movie! I'll keep in mind the cl_bob stuff and that. I had actually thought about things like this, including keystroke speed - but didn't bother to look up the commands.

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