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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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Good Idea 
deserves to be here imo 
Permanent Threads! 
What a great idea! I don't remember who, but someone was talking about this very idea in #terrafusion.

For inspiration: 
London Underground 
Black and white photos colored in photoshop, i believe: 
Ta Metl... 
morden.htm is way cool. This sort of thing will send zombie to Spencer Street looking for his next D3 build area. 
I Can Assure You That This Is Not In The Least Bit Amusing 
Victorian Underground + D3 monsters = American Werewolf In London? :) 
It would be a nice change of D3 pace

Good movie, and you could slim down Fatty Zombie for a pensive Lon Chaney look. 
Color WWI Photos 
Abandoned Japanese Island 
I dunno if this has been posted here before, because I remember it from some time ago.

Anyway, a repeat won't hurt:
Nice 14-18 first world war colored photos !! 
Cool photos as well... very interesting... Thanx 
Ice Photo From Geneva 
Nature makes some beautifull things sometimes... 
Forgotten NY 
Re: Forgotten NY 
That site is bloody brilliant as the british would say. My home city doesn't have an history as rich or as interesting, so I didn't appreciate New York's until now. The artificats really are a small glimpse into an interesting story. 
some nice pics there 
Nice Photos
including architecture... 
Good Architecture Source... 
I've seen some interesting ideas at: browse the camera review samples. 
Some Links Not Mentioned Here 
That have been making the rounds in #terrafusion
Weird photos of Hong Kong building facades.
Photos of cranes.

Now u no fo sho 
From my Peru trip:

Lima capitol buidlings and/or a cathedral:

From atop Machu Picchu, looking off the side opposite where llamas rest during the day:

I'll get a hold of more pics soon! 
Was the worst commodity that communism has ever created.

Communism has made me drnruk. 
I Don't Know 
the millions killed (and largely ignored) in the Gulag Archipelago

strikes me as somewhat worse. For a bit of evil history and American complicity, I would suggest looking up Operation Keelhaul. Stalin would have never got away with it if it wasnt for his supporters in the West. 
Da Fek? 
Compassion is the stupidest this thing ever. Why bring it up?

For example: compare Jangaweed genocide with the Indian ocean tsunami. One is ignored almost entirely while the other gets more support than is useful. Completely stupid. 
Oi! You Two! Break It Up Will Ya! 
This thread has been nothing but awesome so far. Don't mess it up with starting a discussion! 
If Chernobyl Can Be Considered A Commodity 
then a mile high pile of human skulls can be considered one as well.

By saying 'worse', you brought in to the discussion a scope including a moral dimension. I am saying Gulags are worse than Chernobyl as a human event. By any measure other than a geographic one that should be self evidently true.

I'm not even sure what compassion has to do with it.

Tsunami is an apple, Genocide is an orange. The later is preventable, the former is not. 
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