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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Hrmm, Rocks *are* A Bit Bland Colour Wise 
I think I can fix that with a bit of blending.

And Headthump, please don't fuck my rocks. 
I'm just saying those are some good looking rocks. 
I'd say please don't fuck any rocks. 
Get your rocks off, but don't get off on the rocks. 
It's Just That They're So Hard To Clean 
HeadThump: <3 
Hey, I'm Not Madfox... But Have Cheap Lols 
Cant Map 
I vote colored lighting the best games industry invention since texture mapping. It makes everything look so much better. 
Oh Man! 
I laughed out loud when I saw the face in the corner on the last image.

Absolutely brilliant. 
Can't Map 
what the hell is that from?!? o_O 
That face looks a lot like this really (really) old image I made: 
Okay I think this will be the last beta before final.

I took many of the suggestions given by biff, Shambler, Daz, pope, and I think it is much better now.

About the jump pad works fine as long as you don't stand still on it -- in HL2 you need to keep moving in the direction you want to go. So when you're attempting a jump, the best way to go is just to run at it in the direction + launch upward you want to go.

Also, there is a texture misalignment on the inside of the vent fan, I already fixed it my next save, I just didn't noticed it after I did the compile. 
Love The Rocks But Don't LOVE The Rocks 
You didn't listen to any of my suggestions? :( I'll give it a try tho. 
Zwiffle too. Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. 
Some Shots From Jq3 Ailbreak 
that look very very good :

Scroll down to see the shots posted by scrotch. 
The last screenshot is so far the best ! 
Blitz, will check later.

Nitin, well pointed out, those look really good. 
Hi Again! 
I just realized its over two years since my last login...time flies for a newborn father I guess.. forgot my pass and changed my e-mail as well :l

Found a Q3 map I just about finished before my daughter came and realized it's not all that bad... a little dusty but still...or? 
Scrotch Shots! 
After looking at scrotch's shots mine are dusty in deed :l
Beautiful work there! 
Why Hello! 
Snaga: it looks like you've got some good shapes, spaces, and lighting going on, but the detail level in several spots looks more on par with Q1 than Q3. Also, the textures seem a bit plain, and although that's not bad in itself (e.g. geocomp maps) it just exacerbates the situation with the details. About half of the indoor stuff looks tasty, though. Such as shots 5 and 8.

On the other hand, pro gamers will probably prefer the sparseness of details. 
Some Of Those Shots 
have killer lighting.

But rpg is right about detail and texturing. 
What They Said... 
Nice clean style and great lighting, good build quality too, but a few stronger designs would be good. Not that it's not good at the moment, that is. 
I'm going to go with the general consensus and say it looks really good but needs a little more love.

Personally, I quite like the textures. Slightly more detail on some of the panels might work, but it's funny that you jokingly talk of the design seeming dusty, because there is indeed an interesting dusty abandoned base look to them, and I think it might be cool to play to that more by having cobwebs here and there (look to RtCW's cobwebs for a good way of doing these), and giving some lights a subtle volumetric effect with scrolling dust motes. Slightly less saturated colours on your contrast lighting might work well if you play up the dust aspect.

Also, get some phong shading on those rocks, it'll make them look much nicer. 
Thanks for input yall:)
I do agree with you in the lack of detail in most pics. My intention from the start was to make the map fast in game, beeing sparse with detailing. But I guess that, as R.P.G pointed out, can only be pulled off by fooling the eye with more detailed textures, or making stunning architecture.

I don't think I have it in me to finish the map but it's always nice to get feedback on something you done. 
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