#20408 posted by human[rus] on 2020/01/24 16:39:51
how check max entities limin in trenchbroom?
 Urban Mercenary Level
#20409 posted by Ricky on 2020/01/28 01:10:52
Please can someone help me I tried to convert a .bsp2 map to .bsp1 for a game that uses the Quake 1 Engine, but it gives me error ModLoadBrushModel has wrong version number .... should be 29, how can I solve?
 A Mystery In Quakespasm
Yesterday I got a fascinating problem.
Got the message Alloc Block: full and started to solve the problem like usual.
replaced every bad texture. -nothing
deleted or repaired every unclean brush. - nothing
deleted over 60 lights. -nothing
deleted all trenchbroom autosaves. -nothing
deleted all the maps .bsp, .lit, config,... and recompiled the map. -nothing
Deleted Quakespasm and reinstalled. No Error anymore.
Has anyone an idea what happend?
I think this would be usefull to everyone.
best wishes
#20414 posted by iw on 2020/02/05 14:45:28
Deleted Quakespasm and reinstalled. No Error anymore.
I'm wondering whether you may have replaced an older version of QuakeSpasm with a newer version? The newest is 0.93.2, released November 2019.
From the thread dumptruck_ds linked:
metlslime: This is caused by lightmaps.
From the README for QuakeSpasm 0.93.2:
Lightmaps are now dynamically allocated (from QSS), and BLOCK_WIDTH/HEIGHT raised from 128 to 256.
So if you replaced an older version with 0.93.2, I guess this would be why that error went away?
Ahhh, enlightened!
I installed the newest version.
So it is a change in Quakespam.
Thank you very much.
best wishes.
 As Random As Always
#20416 posted by wakey on 2020/02/08 16:37:22
Who said trisouping can only be used for terrain?
 Textures With Permissive Licenses
#20417 posted by misc_ftl on 2020/02/11 15:24:34
where to find them? CC0, CC-BY, etc. i love evillair stuff
 Lazarus Misc_actor / Target_anger
#20418 posted by geraintwd on 2020/02/12 15:33:00
Hi guys, nearly got my new Q2 map ready for playtesting but struggling with a particular issue.
I'm using the Lazarus misc_actor to have a friendly marine attack some Strogg enemies but I want the friendly guy to stand still in one place while he shoots the bad guys.
I'm using the "Hold" spawnflag on the target_anger to achieve this:
HOLD Spawnflag (=16)
The target_anger will cause the misc_actor/monster_* to stand in place and not run around.
...but it seems to have no effect. The actor runs around trying to get close to the Strogg and, while he will occasionally shoot them, when he happens to find himself with a suitable angle to do so, he's largely useless and stupid.
Has anyone here used this feature in Lazarus and managed to get the actor to stand still when he's told to?
 Elevator Multi Level And Combining Mods? Help Lease.
#20421 posted by XG on 2020/02/16 02:58:49
New and signed up just for this! Really enjoying my first foray in mapping for quake.
As per title, I know you can make multi direction elevators with progs_dump mod (dowloaded from Dumptruck DS)
However I'm enjoying using AD mods for all the excellent extras it includes. - I cant figure out how to do it (multi level elevator) with AD!
Is there a way to combine mods? I can't find a way to do this anywhere either! ...or maybe a tutorial on how to customize my own mods and features / combine mods?
(on a side note, I spent 4 hours trying to raise/lower water into an electrified basement room!!! Urgh...failed)
Apologies if this has been asked before, please link to post if that's the case. Much appreciated.
Thanks in advance and I'll upload my maps in time! hopefully!
#20422 posted by damage_inc on 2020/02/16 23:20:15
1)NO combining MODS.
2)Load AD and type "map test_2floorplat"
in the console.
Map is in the AD maps folder.
 Elevator Multi Level And Combining Mods? Help Lease.
#20425 posted by XG on 2020/02/19 11:50:56
@damage_inc thanks for that will reverse engineer, This is a blast.
 Compiled Map No Longer Feels Like Running
#20426 posted by wongusman on 2020/03/02 00:07:01
So I started mapping a few days ago and I've recently hit a brick wall. I've been working on a Quake map in Trenchbroom, compiling it with ericw-tools, and now suddenly, upon compiling, my map is just refusing to run and I have no idea why.
^ That is all I see upon compiling and attempting to run the map. I have a .BSP of my map, it IS in the correct location, I can run an older version of my map and the default maps, but for no apparent reason Quake has just decided to not let me run my map anymore. Using the console and typing "map mymapname" leads to the same result as the image posted above.
I have no idea what the solution is and would appreciate some help because I can't test my map anymore until this is resolved.
#20427 posted by Joel B on 2020/03/02 00:11:07
Running any mod or is this vanilla id1?
#20428 posted by Joel B on 2020/03/02 00:11:42
Some Googling says:
This is also the error given when giving a func_plat a negative "height" value.
#20429 posted by wongusman on 2020/03/02 00:21:38
Yeah got it now, thank you. I wasn't aware that you couldn't reverse the direction of a func_plat with a negative integer, that's why the game was freaking out.
 Platform Tip
#20430 posted by Preach on 2020/03/03 09:02:55
Very often if you want a platform, you should use a func_door. Moving downwards is certainly one of those cases.
 WTF Brush Entities Turning Non Solid ?! :°°-(
#20431 posted by Inky on 2020/03/04 20:23:51
Dear all,
I experience a very annoying bug. I'm afraid it's a well-known issue. Sorry in advance for maybe being the 1000th one to ask about it but I didn't figured out the right keywords in the search engine to find how to fix it.
For some unknown (to me) reason, some of the brush entities in my map turn non solid. They are still drawn but don't block the player movements anymore and can't be touched either, just like illusionary walls: doors looking closed but being wide open, button not triggerable anymore unless they have a health value, breakable brushes needless to break...
Trenchbroom doesn't give me a clue about the problem. There is no leak... What the hell is going on???
Shall I precise that curiously SOME of the brush entities in the same map react the right way and can be normally interacted with. o_O;
Thank you in avdance for enlighting my mind, I'm going mad!
#20432 posted by Joel B on 2020/03/04 22:59:15
Are you building things near the origin coordinates in the space, or are you building far away from the origin? If things get more than 4096 units away from the origin then weird stuff can happen in most Quake engines.