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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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I agree with him, i use it like crazy too, for getting fog right, doing good info_intermissions, checking coords in general with showpos, the various developer messages that get displayed during testing and you don't godmode and need to read them later...
Also, Negke, i feel you...^ 
there is trigger volume fog for AD!


also, setting up rtlights via console sucks, would be nice to have some sort of editor ui... 
Killpixel, did you even play it? Just kidding, ad_crucial shows it well, the fog triggers are ace, right?

Perfect for changing the mood when entering a lavacave or an area high up, it really does compliment the lighting and all..

Swampy uses them too, more subtle though. 
fog triggers in quake is not something I ever thought I would see so it never really registered... another reason to play through again! 
^ Bug 
finally tracked down what is going on.. I think it's a bug in SDL2.

We switch SDL2's "text input mode" on when the console is open and off when it closes. What's happening is, accent keys pressed when text input mode is OFF are still having an effect when we go into text input mode.
will look into this further and see if there's any fix possible.. 
I'm trying to play co-op with a friend from over the Atlantic, and we can't find any command to enable client side movement and firing prediction. This makes it very difficult for him to play. Darkplaces has it, (cl_movement), and of course ezquake does. Problem is that those clients aren't compatible with a lot of maps.

Is there one? If not, I'm requesting it for future version.

Ooh, very nice client, I'm running into issues with it too though. Teleports that should take me to another map are just restarting the map for me. It's working well for my friend on linux though. I guess I'll take this elsewhere though as it's not related to Quakespasm. Thanks. 
Samelevel 0 
(cvar is used only by the gamecode - even vanilla, so applies to quakespasm too. you probably have that issue due to some dodgy third-party qw deathmatch-only config.) 
Thank you very much. :) 
Latest windows dev build has the fix for ^ getting inserted in the console on German keyboard layouts: 
could you please fix also the OSX version? 
I haven't seen this bug on OS X.

IIRC, I tested the latest stable build, 0.91.0, SDL2 version. OSX 10.11. German keyboard layout.

What configuration is it happening with for you? 
EricW ... You Are Right! 
I�ve just added --> bind "^" "toggle console" in the config.cfg and it works .. sorry for that! 
I'm adding some functionality to Quakespasm for qexpo, I have some questions regarding the engine. Is your email in the your profile here correct? Can I hit you up with some questions there? 
Yep, Sure 
Mousewheel Weapon Switching Bug? 
For some reason I can only switch forward, but not back -- i.e. rolling the mousewheel forward will e.g. switch from shotgun to super shotgun, but rolling it backwards does nothing.

Oddly, this does not happen when playing Arcane Dimensions. In AD, I can switch in both directions. In id1, though, I can only switch in one direction.

I'm on Linux, running QS 0.91.0. 
This is a mod issue, some mods do not support the impulse that cycles backwards through the weapons. It's not actually an engine feature! 
This shouldn't happen with clean and up to date id1 though. 
Err, how do I know if my id1 is up to date? 
Thanks for the responses, by the way.

metlslime, I'm not sure if I understand your reply correctly, but I didn't mean that it was an issue I was encountering when playing with mods (unless one counts id1 as a mod). I just added the bit about AD because I thought it might be relevant that it does work under AD.

I was under the impression that cycling through weapons in both directions should be possible when playing in standard id1 (as dwere's response seems to imply as well).

But now I'm a little confused... 
total_newbie, I think either you don't have quake patched to 1.06, or the mousewheel down isn't bound in your id1/config.cfg.

Under id1, try "impulse 12" in the console, then close the console. If it doesn't switch to the previous weapon, then you must be missing the 1.06 patch.

The patch is here but it's DOS-only unfortunately: 
Thanks for the response, ericw.

Turns out I am using an out-of-date set of pak files, but I can't get the linked patch to work.

Would it not suffice to download an up-to-date pak0.pak (i.e. the shareware pak) and replace mine with it? The readme from the patch you linked to suggests that it's just the pak0.pak that gets updated anyway:

Step 2: Run the file 'patch.exe' from your Quake directory, which will alter
your quakeid1pak0.pak file.

Or does it do something to the pak1.pak too? 
That Last Sentence Wasn't Supposed To Be A Quote. 
try updating pak0.pak. Is there a zip on quaddicted? I guess this should be covered on: which currently doesn't say anything about patching.

(hmm, weird my pak0.pak - from Steam, I think - doesn't match the md5 sum listed there. the pak1.pak does though.) 
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