#176 posted by inertia on 2003/05/05 21:51:31
sorry, my server is down -- im waiting for that killer dude to approve my pipeline entry so i dont have to good around with my server anymores
#177 posted by inertia on 2003/05/06 17:37:05
i know this is the 02349238442th post about my stupid curvy map but check pipeline.fov120.com for the shots of it that will reliably stay online
#179 posted by
distrans on 2003/05/12 02:18:03
[insert Title Here]
#180 posted by
grahf on 2003/05/25 19:14:38
hehe, that "in-editor" shot looks like that unreleased q1dm that vondur posted screens of somewhere (might have been on the old qboard, in which case, they be gone fer good).
#181 posted by
Vodka on 2003/05/31 23:25:14
#182 posted by
metlslime on 2003/05/31 23:51:57
you're getting pretty good.
excellent stuff.
someone use them in a map, they look great.
They Look Good
#184 posted by
pushplay on 2003/06/01 05:31:39
But they're too brown for my taste. I like happy maps now.
Power To The Striplight!
#185 posted by
pope on 2003/06/01 05:40:43
yeah baby...
now for some triangles
#186 posted by
distrans on 2003/06/02 03:14:29
Now these, I like. Any idea when the full set will be ready Speedy?
#187 posted by
Dietz on 2003/06/02 13:25:19
Triangular lights are a must :>
#188 posted by inertia on 2003/06/02 14:07:10
#190 posted by MadFox on 2003/06/07 11:45:36
Ships Ahoy
#191 posted by
grahf on 2003/06/07 13:41:27
I have to say that ship map looks pretty interesting. Maybe not 100% in execution, but it's neat idea.
#192 posted by MadFox on 2003/06/07 14:31:18
Ever waited 24houres on a vising theme,
and stopped, to reconcile it was 24h30min vising?
#194 posted by Scampie on 2003/06/08 01:21:36
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Batman Rocks
#195 posted by
nitin on 2003/06/08 01:39:32
and the lihgting in those shots looks way too bright.
Von Braun Revisited...
#196 posted by
necros on 2003/06/08 12:01:35
it might look too dark for some of ya... i'm using aguire's q1rad this time, and although it's a great looking light program, it meant i had to put in a lot less lights. i find it makes it much more atmospheric though. ;) woohoo surface lights! :)
also, anyone know why switching and flickering lights don't get lit the same way, instead, they are just 100% light all the way to their perimeter?
#198 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/06/08 13:21:55
anyone know why switching and flickering lights don't get lit the same way, instead, they are just 100% light all the way to their perimeter?
I'm no l33t person with l33tage knowladge and stuff, but maybe because calculating the bounce for a dynamic light would just cost way too much CPU time.
Aguire, Rpg
#199 posted by
necros on 2003/06/08 16:38:01
aguire: are you not Bengt Jardrup?
could have swore you modified riot's util...
rpg: yes, but what i meant is that there is no falloff at all. it just goes 100% intensity all the way to the light's perimeter, than zero...
#200 posted by
necros on 2003/06/08 16:40:02
sorry. i looked at the vis output, which is yours, and got it mixed up with the light output. sorry Riot! :)