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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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@19956 And @19957 
Thanks! You hit the nail right on the head - I did not know the pushable had to be completely inside for it to work. Did a few more tests and it worked exactly as it should.
I'm a bit annoyed that pushables, that doesn't move, don't block gasshooters but this allows me to do a workaround for that. 
You could use Target2 also, which is when a pushable is "partially inside" the volume ;)

Also, I'm a bit confused on the pushables that "don't move" comment? Maybe you mean when you are not pushing them? 
@Spipper Nvrmnd 
I tested it. Yeah, pushables are not solid to the gasshooter at all.

Seems an isolated case, versus the other trap types I tested('nades, spikes etc). Prolly not that hard to "fix". 
Messages In Quake 
Hi. Do someone know if there's a way to create longer messages than one line? and maybe change its colour? 
Reply To GunSgtHighway 
Yes, you can just move to another line by adding \n.
Just like this. “Hello, this is my message \n how do you like it?”
In game it will be seemed like this:
Hello, this is my message
how do you like it? 
@ Reyond 
Thank you very mutch! 
Message Color 
Color is possible in Darkplaces but you only use normal white or orange (bold) in all other engines like this:
\bImportant Message!\b\nNotice, thank you for noticing\n this notice.

For Darkplaces or QuakeLive engines:
The color codes are as follows:
^1 = Red
^2 = Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Light Blue
^6 = Magenta
^7 = White


^4BLUE TEXTBOOK\n^7Normal white message. 
Does anyone know where to find some good sky textures? I looked through most of the wads on Quaddicted's wads section but only found a few skies, none of which matched what I was looking for. 
Thanks OTP. And GunSgtHighway, although I should've clarified I was looking for old-school style sky textures rather than skyboxes. 
Buttons, Info_notnull And Spawnflags 

I'm getting crazy on this.
Is there a way to turn for example lights on and of or turn it on with two buttons and turn it off again? Thought I can handle this with trigger_relays or an info_notnull but I have no coding practise. Is there a tutorial or a manual for coding, spawnflags,...? 
turn lights on and off -- give light(s) a targetname, give button that matching target, make sure the button has a wait that is not -1.

same lights with two buttons -- if you want either button to do it, just give both buttons the same target value.

same light with two buttons, where you have to press both -- both buttons have wait = -1, they both target a trigger_counter, which triggers the light. This setup is not repeatable.

two buttons that you have to press both and then the light turns off and then you press them both again and it turns on -- a complicated setup with logic gates probably. 
@GunSgtHighway, Metlslime 
Not sure if this exactly what Sgt wanted, but here's a light that requires pressing two buttons (order doesn't matter) to be turned on or off. The buttons stay depressed until the other is pressed at which point the light toggles and they both reset. Demonstration here, bsp and map here. As metlslime suggested, it's done with some logic gates, a setup that could be cleaned up a lot by someone more skilled with gate optimization who doesn't rely on babby-mode spike shooters like I do, or just using a custom progs set, not to mention fixing up the timing on the button and trigger resets a bit. 
@metlslime And Spud 
Thanks for answers.

What I want to do is to put a little more riddles in my maps.
Means I made three buttons. Two of them have to be pushed for activating something, the other on sets them and the activating thing back to zero and you can push them again.

I don't know if quake supports this logic things with IF and THEN. But hopefully there might be a way. @Spud I'm hoping to find time today or tommorow to check your map out. Big thanks anyway! 
A Non-Gated Community 
Quake doesn't support that kind of logic internally (at least, not in terms of what one can normally use in the map, other than predefined setups i.e. "open door if player has key, else don't open door"), but you can use the various entities to make physical logic gates including if, then, all sorts of and, nand, and so on, and combine them all to do all sorts of tricksy logic stuff that you'd never expect to be possible. Some of them involve other types of map hacks (info_notnulls and InitTriggers and so on), but the most basic form just needs a spike shooter trap, a door, and a button- a simple if gate. From there everything spirals outwards, and you can even save a couple entities/edicts by using further hacks in the gate itself.

There's some great reading material to be found around, including the QuakeWiki entity pages and the QuakeC source, but here's a couple offhand:
New Logic Gate Design (2013) and part two of the same article,, along with Logic Gates for 2017, all hosted at the Tome of Preach, a most excellent site run by Preach that's absolutely chock-full of crazy map hacks. Those articles primarily focus on gates themselves; there's a number of other pages on the site that go into detail about specific hacks, some of which require gates, others that don't.

Not coincidentally, the last page above also links to a relatively ancient example of the aforementioned trap-shooter logic gate in Quake 2, penned by metlslime, whose post is a couple paragraphs up, and whose thread we're posting in, not to mention whose board we're posting on. Maximum respect to the old guard for figuring this stuff out years ago so us noobs don't have to.

The Teaching Old Progs.dat New Tricks thread is an enormous and fantastic source of information and hacks for the vanilla (id1) codebase, many of which aren't collected anywhere else and some of which are only discussed in the thread in throwing-science-at-the-wall form, but would be refined and used by mappers months or even years later. Ctrl+f is your friend, and sometimes stuff shows up in other threads like this one instead; if that thread doesn't have it, I find just Googling "topic or hack you're looking for here" often works very well.

Lastly, dumptruck_ds (whose videos relating to Trenchbroom you've likely seen once or a dozen times) created and runs a Quake mapping help/discussion Discord channel along with a number of long-time or experienced mappers, if you're into the instant-response* type of help. You can't say how fucking awesome someone's newest screenshot or mod might be, though, because apparently we aren't all consenting adults there.

*instant response may be less than instant depending on time of day and interest level of whoever's online 
Wow! That helps!Thanks!
It's realy hard to get into that stuff no matter what you find in the web as long as you find the links between informations and understand how to use it.
Thank you very much!

PS.: No instant reponse guy. Have a Job to do too. :) 
Thanks for the map. Checked it.
Thats a lot to learn. :)

Best wishes. 
Similar Hack 
Here's a similar hack which is specifically about toggling lights. There are five different lights in the example, so it's a bit more complex that what you were after. But there are some useful things to bear in mind here.

I should also mention that I wouldn't treat the 2013 logic gates as an alternative to the 2017 article - the 2017 method is better all round because it fixes a bug, is easier to integrate using copy-paste, and supports an unlimited number of output on a single gate. Upgrade your map today! 
Thanks!. Thats an good to read tutorial!

Think I got it slowly.
So I have to transfer my If/Then-diagram to a gate model where every gate simulates an 0-1 status that will be activated by a target_shooter pointing on an info_notnull that does the action? 
Trenchbroom Help 
it's been a pretty long while since I've started on a new map in trenchbroom, but when I run the compiler it looks like there's no .bsp for the map. I've had this problem before but I don't remember what to do.

here's what it says:

#### Executing 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake\bin\light.exe coldwiz.bsp'
---- light / TyrUtils v0.15 ----
running with 4 threads
************ ERROR ************
Error opening coldwiz.bsp: No such file or directory 
Many times this is an issue with spaces in the path names. I see you are using TyrUtils so that could be it. ericw tools are the next "gen" of TyrUtils. I highly recommend you use them.

And in general just check all the paths in your compiling configs. 99% of the time that's is the issue. 
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