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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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I guess I'll take a short break from abusing the F12, this is getting excessive. 
now I *know* I've seen at least three different shots of that area now. 
I've Handed My F12 Key To CZG 
Hope he's careful with it. 
The map looks quality, but the light looks over bright for the room. I'd tone it down a bit, but besides, thats great sexiness. 
Really nice screenshot ! I love these blood splashes on the ground... terrific !
BTW, I agree with ProdXL, lower light level would increase insecurity feeling ... thought... ;)
Keep it up ! 
That's it, I vote that the name of this thread is changed to something more accurate, like Friction's Screenshots
You Know There's Something Strange Going On 
When a Doom3 map is being too well lit. So beware!! 
2nd Shot 
is much better at showing off the room. The lighting level is not the issue IMHO, it's just that it seems to be at a constant level throughout the room. Otherwise, it looks very good. 
Walls look a bit bare imo, maybe its just a dull texture to use? try slapping some posters or anything to liven it up a bit perhaps!

Trim on the raised floor looks a bit too thick as well imo.

Lighting looks a tad dark, maybe move the spotlights closer to the walls to get some cool "V" shaped spotcones hitting them.

Hmm overly negative I geuss, but all easy to fix imo. GG 
Point taken on the trims, lighting is going to be relatively unchanged, gg. 
I Must Say 
I'm not impressed from the Screen shot.

But, like DaZ said, it could be easy to fix and add some detail. I would add yellow-ish lighting to it. Because I'm cool like that. 
I don't really have any complaints with the lighting, but I have to agree about the walls. Too flat and not enough details. It seems awfully clean, so maybe some additional slime decals? 
I Like It, 
to me it looks uncluttered which is the opposite of most HL2 dm maps. RPG is right about the flatness of the walls. Something as simple as raising or lowering that right sided wall could help it feel like a fuller volume of space. 
Some Stuffage 
Nice and dark instead of the usual bright and shiny stuff. Maybe could use a bit more brush detail on the supports and non-mechanical bits. And the floor is really dark (seems to be a problem with most screenshots of Doom 3 custom maps).

Now go finish the rest of this WIP! 
Why Haven't 
People tried to do anything different apart from the usual Doom 3 base stuff? 
doom3 is mostly base stuff 
Yeah But 
Isn't anyone doing any new textures, or is it too much work? I mean, I know it's alot of work, but with all the other texture effects and stuff it's even more... 
Isn't anyone doing any new textures, or is it too much work? I mean, I know it's alot of work, but with all the other texture effects and stuff it's even more...

I'm doing two new texture sets for my ship. And yes, it's a metric fuckload of work. :(
You'll get all my sexy spaceship textures, of course, when Byzantine is done.

Also, Kinn, please fix your monitor. If there's nothing wrong with the monitor, fix your brightness in Doom3. If there's nothing wrong with either of them, then you need to look again because as I said I cannot see a single thing other than light fixtures in any of those images. 
Dark Floors 
This is actually because of the uneven lighting model of Doom3 stock lights. Light that extends 16 units beyond a wall, light up the wall much much brighter than a light extending 16 units into floor. So make those lights extra tall! 
What's Wrong With Base Stuff? 
It rocks! Only thing it's missing is a full rust/waste set. The enpro/outside/recycle isn't quite enough. Also some 512x512 concretes. Then i'd be happy. 
Nothing Wrong With The Base Texes Themselves 
I just haven't seen anyone doing much different from what we already have in Doom 3.

Except for that one outdoors DM map. 
I Cant See Much Either 
so yeah what lunaran says. 
The angular parts are nice, you've got the right ideas for the lights and the normals are brought out fairly nicely, just need to light that floor up a notch and it'll be nice :)

Other then that, make more god damn it!

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