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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Wait What? 
I switched to a train and the collision does not match up with the position of the train - i tested in quakespasm and vkquake and it's broken in both, but oddly enough in darkplaces the collision of the train is correct

I have no idea what's going on 
Check for an "angle" or "angles" key on the func_train and delete it if there is one. 
I feel like a dope, that was it. Leftover from converting door > train

Check Your Server Fps Too 
Another thing that can cause weird physics glitches, like the one you had with your elevator, is setting the server fps too high in the config (default 72, if I recall correctly). When I use Quakespasm, setting it to 150 still seems to allow everything to work correctly. 
I Actually Kept Quakespasm Running At 72 Fps 
It still would happen. Sometimes the train gets caught too and does a point or 2 of damage but it's alright since it doesn't break the whole sequence 
I had the same stubborn func_plat that caused me headaches to solve.
Glad finding the solution here.

(for the the func_plat head) P: 
Lava Alpha 1 
It's been asked many times, but here I go. There is a worldspawn key to set the lava alpha for that particular level, right? Which one is that, again? 
Meet The "alpha's", Hehe (Hope This Is Correct) 

----- Alpha Options -----

water_alpha(string) : "Water Alpha" : : "Set the transparency of water (ex .70), which are brushes textured with a water(ex *04water) texture. This setting tranfers directly to the other 'liquid' types and teleporters, UNLESS you are using an engine that supports individual 'alpha's' for each(see below). NOTE - Defaults to the players own 'r_wateralpha' settings if no value is assigned."

lavaalpha(string) : "Lava Alpha" : : "Set the individual transparency of Lava, brush solids textured with a lava(ex *lava1) texture. Default inherits the 'water_alpha' setting. If 'water_alpha' is not set then it defaults to the players own 'r_wateralpha' setting."

slimealpha(string) : "Slime Alpha" : : "Transparency of Slime, works the same as 'lavaalpha' except for solids textured with a slime(ex *slime0) texture."

telealpha(string) : "Teleporter Alpha" : : "Transparency of Teleporters, works the same as 'lavaalpha' except for solids textured with a teleporter(ex *teleport) texture."

This works for me and I believe it to be accurate but if it is not, please let me know otherwise. 
I Forgot To Bold This... 
... and it threw me when I was testing:

IF 'water_alpha' is NOT set, then it defaults to the players own 'r_wateralpha' setting."

That means, that to set lavaalpha, it IS necessary to set a starting water_alpha to get the results you desire! 
Sorry For The Empty Post Above 
Is this Quakespasm? Do these work in other engines? 
Yes, Quakespasm. I just assumed it was a QS related question since it was a specific lava alpha question, maybe that was wrong?

I tested with DP, FTE, AD-MOD/QSS etc... I only remember I had mixed results, not the specifics to what each one did upon map load. 
Thanks, But 
I hope I can still set water_alpha 0.5 and lavaalpha 1, transparent water and opaque lava. Will try later. 
Water_alpha Is An AD Feature 
It works on any engine, but only with the AD mod.

Quakespasm and MarkV both support "_lavaalpha" and "_wateralpha" worldspawn keys. These work on any mod includong id1. This is relatively new (last 2 years ish) and not sure if any other engines recognize these keys. 
Really Wish I Could Edit My Post, Grrrr 
I should have used my modified version of Daz's FGD for reference, doh. I forgot the subtle differences.

Which has the correct entry for wateralpha, which is:

wateralpha(string) : "Water Alpha" : : "Set the overall transparency of liquids, default = (1.00)"

This I just tested with stock id1. No underscore needed at all?

Apologies for the confusion. 
Just checked MarkV and QS source, they will both accept underscore or no underscore. 
What About Telealpha For Mark V? 
In my map it's not recognizing it? 
MarkV Doesn't Seem To Support A Telealpha Key 
I think were technical reasons for not doing it.

Mark V has automatic underwater transparency detection (which isn't hard to implement, btw --- I told qbism how to do it and he added it qbism super8).

But the underwater transparency test cannot be applied to all teleporters because a small teleporter might not even materially affect vis.

Recommendation: Add automatic underwater transparency to Quakespasm (you'll like it) and then also remove support for tele-alpha.

Qbism added automatic underwater transparency to super8 because if a map isn't water-vised, honoring the user's r_wateralpha value (unless r_novis 1) is just silly looks horrible.

If you add automatic underwater transparency, you'll never see that ugliness ever again! 
Original Id1 Wads 
#14672 #14678
"Are the original id1 wad files somewhere? I wanted to re-compile all the maps to try this but got a lot of missing textures when I used wads from my collection.


For example: I was also looking for the original wads and after finding these two posts I decided I was bored enough today to do this:

I found that the available METAL.WAD had only 99 textures in whereas mine now has 144.

I opened each original map from Romero's source and then made a list of which maps used which wads. I then extracted the textures from each map as its own named wad. After that I merged all the wads into their correct wad according to the list I made.

Adding these to /Trenchbroom dir/gfx now allows all the source maps to be textured without having to open Quake101.wad or similar afterwards. 
I always found the lacking textures super annoying, but oGkspAz, you have finally fixed the problem that has annoyed me for so long.

Thank you thank you thank you! 
Help, I Am About To Release My First Map But I Have Some Problems 
Ok, so I am a long-time Doom mapper and have recently taken up Quake mapping as well. I like it a lot and you can expect to see more stuff from me. Forgive me if I come across as a massive noob. I still feel like an outsider.

I have two problems that prevent me from releasing the map:

First, I have a func_door descending lift but whenever I step on it it only goes 48 is driving me nuts.

Second, the surface of the lift and a brush near it are acting very strangely. If I just walk on them then it alright but if I jump, I get instagibbed. I don't get it...

Would someone mind taking a look at the map? I could also use some feedback on the map itself.

Now I don't know how to package the thing. I just use the compiler but when I drag the .bsp file in Quakespasm, it crashes, so I will just upload the .bsp, .map and .WAD files that I used in a RAR. Again, excuse my noobishness.

I hope you will enjoy the map. 
func_door descending lift but whenever I step on it it only goes 48 is driving me nuts.
func_door will move the extent of the bounding box, minus the "lip" value (but if lip is unset or 0, it uses a default value of.. 8, I think?).

Easiest fix is probably to add a "pedestal" to the lift to give the overall func_door the right height.

If I just walk on them then it alright but if I jump, I get instagibbed.
Check that your host_maxfps cvar is not set above 72. If it's too high elevators will hurt the player. 
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