Wait What?
#19508 posted by Bloodshot on 2018/03/06 06:27:18
I switched to a train and the collision does not match up with the position of the train - i tested in quakespasm and vkquake and it's broken in both, but oddly enough in darkplaces the collision of the train is correct
I have no idea what's going on
#19509 posted by ericw on 2018/03/06 07:23:55
Check for an "angle" or "angles" key on the func_train and delete it if there is one.
#19510 posted by Bloodshot on 2018/03/06 09:29:53
I feel like a dope, that was it. Leftover from converting door > train
Check Your Server Fps Too
#19511 posted by Esrael on 2018/03/06 10:34:17
Another thing that can cause weird physics glitches, like the one you had with your elevator, is setting the server fps too high in the config (default 72, if I recall correctly). When I use Quakespasm, setting it to 150 still seems to allow everything to work correctly.
I Actually Kept Quakespasm Running At 72 Fps
#19512 posted by Bloodshot on 2018/03/06 21:10:24
It still would happen. Sometimes the train gets caught too and does a point or 2 of damage but it's alright since it doesn't break the whole sequence
#19513 posted by madfox on 2018/03/12 23:47:06
I had the same stubborn func_plat that caused me headaches to solve.
Glad finding the solution here.
(for the the func_plat head) P:
Lava Alpha 1
#19514 posted by adib on 2018/03/14 12:21:17
It's been asked many times, but here I go. There is a worldspawn key to set the lava alpha for that particular level, right? Which one is that, again?
Meet The "alpha's", Hehe (Hope This Is Correct)
#19515 posted by damage_inc on 2018/03/14 14:01:04
----- Alpha Options -----
water_alpha(string) : "Water Alpha" : : "Set the transparency of water (ex .70), which are brushes textured with a water(ex *04water) texture. This setting tranfers directly to the other 'liquid' types and teleporters, UNLESS you are using an engine that supports individual 'alpha's' for each(see below). NOTE - Defaults to the players own 'r_wateralpha' settings if no value is assigned."
lavaalpha(string) : "Lava Alpha" : : "Set the individual transparency of Lava, brush solids textured with a lava(ex *lava1) texture. Default inherits the 'water_alpha' setting. If 'water_alpha' is not set then it defaults to the players own 'r_wateralpha' setting."
slimealpha(string) : "Slime Alpha" : : "Transparency of Slime, works the same as 'lavaalpha' except for solids textured with a slime(ex *slime0) texture."
telealpha(string) : "Teleporter Alpha" : : "Transparency of Teleporters, works the same as 'lavaalpha' except for solids textured with a teleporter(ex *teleport) texture."
This works for me and I believe it to be accurate but if it is not, please let me know otherwise.
I Forgot To Bold This...
#19516 posted by damage_inc on 2018/03/14 14:05:50
... and it threw me when I was testing:
IF 'water_alpha' is NOT set, then it defaults to the players own 'r_wateralpha' setting."
That means, that to set lavaalpha, it IS necessary to set a starting water_alpha to get the results you desire!
Sorry For The Empty Post Above
Is this Quakespasm? Do these work in other engines?
#19519 posted by damage_inc on 2018/03/14 16:08:46
Yes, Quakespasm. I just assumed it was a QS related question since it was a specific lava alpha question, maybe that was wrong?
I tested with DP, FTE, AD-MOD/QSS etc... I only remember I had mixed results, not the specifics to what each one did upon map load.
Thanks, But
#19520 posted by adib on 2018/03/15 17:11:04
I hope I can still set water_alpha 0.5 and lavaalpha 1, transparent water and opaque lava. Will try later.
Water_alpha Is An AD Feature
#19521 posted by ericw on 2018/03/15 18:05:59
It works on any engine, but only with the AD mod.
Quakespasm and MarkV both support "_lavaalpha" and "_wateralpha" worldspawn keys. These work on any mod includong id1. This is relatively new (last 2 years ish) and not sure if any other engines recognize these keys.
Really Wish I Could Edit My Post, Grrrr
#19522 posted by damage_inc on 2018/03/15 18:45:40
I should have used my modified version of Daz's FGD for reference, doh. I forgot the subtle differences.
Which has the correct entry for wateralpha, which is:
wateralpha(string) : "Water Alpha" : : "Set the overall transparency of liquids, default = (1.00)"
This I just tested with stock id1. No underscore needed at all?
Apologies for the confusion.
#19523 posted by ericw on 2018/03/15 18:56:02
Just checked MarkV and QS source, they will both accept underscore or no underscore.
What About Telealpha For Mark V?
#19524 posted by damage_inc on 2018/03/15 18:58:45
In my map it's not recognizing it?
MarkV Doesn't Seem To Support A Telealpha Key
#19525 posted by ericw on 2018/03/15 21:02:20
#19526 posted by Baker on 2018/03/15 22:34:42
I think were technical reasons for not doing it.
Mark V has automatic underwater transparency detection (which isn't hard to implement, btw --- I told qbism how to do it and he added it qbism super8).
But the underwater transparency test cannot be applied to all teleporters because a small teleporter might not even materially affect vis.
Recommendation: Add automatic underwater transparency to Quakespasm (you'll like it) and then also remove support for tele-alpha.
Qbism added automatic underwater transparency to super8 because if a map isn't water-vised, honoring the user's r_wateralpha value (unless r_novis 1) is just silly looks horrible.
If you add automatic underwater transparency, you'll never see that ugliness ever again!
Original Id1 Wads
#19529 posted by oGkspAz on 2018/03/25 15:36:35
#14672 #14678
"Are the original id1 wad files somewhere? I wanted to re-compile all the maps to try this but got a lot of missing textures when I used wads from my collection.
For example: I was also looking for the original wads and after finding these two posts I decided I was bored enough today to do this:
I found that the available METAL.WAD had only 99 textures in whereas mine now has 144.
I opened each original map from Romero's source and then made a list of which maps used which wads. I then extracted the textures from each map as its own named wad. After that I merged all the wads into their correct wad according to the list I made.
Adding these to /Trenchbroom dir/gfx now allows all the source maps to be textured without having to open Quake101.wad or similar afterwards.
#19530 posted by Esrael on 2018/03/25 16:37:55
I always found the lacking textures super annoying, but oGkspAz, you have finally fixed the problem that has annoyed me for so long.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Help, I Am About To Release My First Map But I Have Some Problems
#19531 posted by DooM_RO on 2018/03/25 22:00:38
Ok, so I am a long-time Doom mapper and have recently taken up Quake mapping as well. I like it a lot and you can expect to see more stuff from me. Forgive me if I come across as a massive noob. I still feel like an outsider.
I have two problems that prevent me from releasing the map:
First, I have a func_door descending lift but whenever I step on it it only goes 48 units...it is driving me nuts.
Second, the surface of the lift and a brush near it are acting very strangely. If I just walk on them then it alright but if I jump, I get instagibbed. I don't get it...
Would someone mind taking a look at the map? I could also use some feedback on the map itself.
Now I don't know how to package the thing. I just use the compiler but when I drag the .bsp file in Quakespasm, it crashes, so I will just upload the .bsp, .map and .WAD files that I used in a RAR. Again, excuse my noobishness.
I hope you will enjoy the map.
#19532 posted by ericw on 2018/03/25 22:19:20
func_door descending lift but whenever I step on it it only goes 48 units...it is driving me nuts.
func_door will move the extent of the bounding box, minus the "lip" value (but if lip is unset or 0, it uses a default value of.. 8, I think?).
Easiest fix is probably to add a "pedestal" to the lift to give the overall func_door the right height.
If I just walk on them then it alright but if I jump, I get instagibbed.
Check that your host_maxfps cvar is not set above 72. If it's too high elevators will hurt the player.