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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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...much Like This Map 
hahah, where do I get that? :D 
You're all just in love with the original. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

czg: pipe hentai porn? Cthulhu would be proud. 
Splinter Cell 3 Screenshots

There are less "ass-dick-cum", but it's rather interesting... ;) 
I Just Passed... 
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
It's way too short and not too replayable, and multiplayer interest seems to be lacking. From what I read Chaos Theory is supposed to pick up the slack with less linearity. 
Hey peeps, check out my beta HL2DM map. I'd like to hear from you fockers before compiling the final build: 
Hawt! It's on fire! 
Looks Good Slipi 
I like what I see so far -- a nice interweaving town style DM map. The shots seem to have a competent build quality and well executed style. It looks like you're getting some advice on the Steam forums too from people that went through and played the maps. I read some of the commentary and I agree with what's being said -- the fog contrast against the tree models in the background doesn't look so hot, and you do need to optimize things for those on lower end machines. Other than that, it looks good and I can't wait for the final build :) 
Carousel (final) 

The fog is taken care of, as are most of the issues brought up during beta. I am testing the final right now, should be up within six hours. 
Re: Carousel (final) 
Cool That Its Done... 
but can we have non gay download link that doesn't require me to signup to something shit please? :)

Map looks nice though, will comment more when (if! :D ) I get it 
In Time 
I am still waiting for mirrors. Just keep checking the thread, I'll update it when people add their links. 
Carousel Mirrors 
Thank You :) 
Tubular Thingy 
I don't think Friction really needs more comments telling him how good he is.

Thanks for sharing, Fric. :) 
Friction You Suck And We Hate You 
go back to espoo finland 
So that's why you asked if I still live in Espoo. 
No, That Was Just Curiosity 
It became relevant because it was still in my short term memory. 
I made a demo for the first map of The Abandon - Beta.
It's just my own way of playing the level.

Happy Easter! 
Where is that Demo Toppic? 
Fjo3tourney1 - ECP - Beta 3 
Forgot to beta this last time, so I'll make it up now. xD

Hope this will be the final beta, starting to get tired of it.
Did alot of bot and player optimizing.
VIS is complete bollocks, due to ass construction in the beginning leaving it near imposs to hint and I honestly can't be arsed to do something about it.
Also did some work on the item placement, which I feel is quite good now, thanks Todt. :)


Download link: 
Re: Fjo3tourney1 - ECP - Beta 3 
Clipping on the grate under the rotating thingy is a bit weird.

The sound the platforms make is a bit weird, especially the stopping sound, and especially on the lift up to the RA.

Lighting is a bit flat.

The rocky corner area has what appears to be some brush cracks up towards the top, which brings me to...

I tried to noclip up there to see what was going on, but Quake 3 crashed with some error complaining about max_num_sky_vertexes or something like that. I dunno what's up with that.

I had a look in your pk3 file and you should sort out your textures and scripts folders. There shouldn't be anything 'borrowed' in there.



Nice map, Fjodor. 
One Complaint 
One complaint from the screenshots: The walls are all brown, and the floors are all green. It might work well to add a bit more variation. 
Q1 SP Screenshots 
I'm not really about to finish this new map, but here are some screenshots of my last Q1SP... There is a foggy effect which I improved (I think) compared to my previous screenies... It's not dark any more, but more (dark-blue/green, with a lower density..)
As I already explained, this map was initially started for DKT3 Winter Pack, and because I was very (very very... etc..) late, I turned it in a bigger project..

So, verdict ?? 
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