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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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It looks like qrad3 needs that colormap.pcx to be extracted from the pak file.
Found a copy of it online:

try putting that in a "pics" folder in baseq2 
That did the trick the map compiles now! But for some reason it's completely dark and the lights (those green boxes called lights) don't seem to work. Do lights work differently than in Quake 1 (when I made a quake 1 map the green light boxes worked just fine)? 
Regular Texture Interpreted As Clip? 
Is there something wrong with the Daikatana texture "mtn2"? When I texture a brush with it in TrenchBroom, the editor treats it like a clip brush. So far it's the only texture I've found where this happens.

Or is it a TrenchBroom issue? Or something to do with the name of the texture?

Here is an example of what I mean. The brush on the left is textured with clip, the brush in the centre is textured with "mtn2", and the brush on the right with "mtn" (which behaves normally). 
I recall seeing an issue on the Github tracker for something like this. It is an editor bug and at first glance a very weird one.

I think it should be fine in game, if you can stand having it look like that in TB.

Are you using the latest RC? 
Are you using the latest RC?

Yup. I searched the open issues on github before posting here, and couldn't find anything, but I guess I didn't search very thoroughly. 
It's a bug. I looked for an open issue a while back and had no luck myself. It won;t affect your map though. Just annoying. 
Thanks For The Responses, PRITCHARD And Dumptruck_ds 
I submitted it as an issue on Github just in case. 
The "View" -> "Show X brushes" (hint, skip, clip, etc) system was broken in TB2 RC4. This is the same code makes clip brushes semitransparent. It's fixed in git / will be fixed in the next RC. 
Probably a long shot if anyone knows this one-

In Hexen 2, water brushes (or rather, any brushes that are rendered underwater), have this really ugly warping effect. It basically arbitrarily warps the vertices of the underwater geometry around in a wavy fashion, which is a neat idea, but it makes clipping errors and texture stretching.

As far as I know, the variable for this is called r_waterwarp 1. I tried turning this off in the console (r_waterwarp 0), and in autoexec.cfg, but it claims "Unknown command".

I'm a little confused because I tried a couple other vars from the console commands, like "r_transwater 0" should remove transparency on water, but it also claims "Unknown command"

Here are (supposedly) the H2 console commands

Would anyone know why they don't work? I'm using glh2.exe, from Steam 
Ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up, ericw! 
Pak Extractor On Linux 
I'm pretty sure I've used Pak Explorer via Wine before, but can't get it to work any more. Any recommendations? I'm using Linux Mint 64 bit. 
@ Former_total_newbie 
I think the preferred .pak tool is Pakscape, which I've used with Wine in a Linux distro before. Maybe try that? 
If you just want to rip stuff out of a pak file and are comfortable with Python, I made this module a while back: 
damage_inc: Thanks, that did the trick!

Johnny Law: Thanks for the link. I'm not comfortable with any programming/coding language, but I'd like to be. Made a note of this; I might try to use it later just as a learning experience. 
All righty. :-) BTW if you do install that module, it also installs a command-line utility so you don't need to write any Python code to do simple things with it. 
Noted, thanks very much! :) 
Water Warping 
Here are shots of the 'clipping' with Hexen 2's water warping effect (which I assume, to be related to "r_waterwarp 1")

As you can see it warps around the tris of any underwater geometry. I'm not sure if this was in Quake (Quake 2?) also, but I'd like to disable it. "r_waterwarp 0" in console returns "Unknown command" but I am fairly sure that's the right variable

If no one ends up knowing about this one though then I'll have to live with it :-) 
this ugly warp effect and the fact that r_waterwarp is ignored are both problems in GLQuake as well. It's fixed in a lot of modern quake ports but perhaps not in the Hexen 2 port you are using? 
What does Port mean in this context? I'm using vanilla Hexen II, well, glh2.exe. Back in the day (when I had my disk) I remember there was just a "h2.exe" but the Steam version only comes with glh2.exe 
"Port" as in source port, modified engines made by the community. is the Hexen 2 one I know of. 
I'll have to patch that then, looks like they fixed a lot, thanks : )

I've run into another water-related problem and I'm very confused now. It seems that if your map has leaks, then VIS will not run, and water will look weird -- That is, it will look weirder than it is normally supposed to look. It will be 100% opaque instead of transparent, and you can see other parts of the level if you look into the water... Pictures work better here:

The water is definitely not supposed to look that way. It's 'supposed' to look like this:

A note -- whenever the water appeared opaque like that, that was an indication that my map had leaks. I was fairly sure I didn't have any... but I slowly 'chunked off' entire parts of the map with giant wall chunks, and deleting any lights, etc that would've been outside the map, to try and find where the leak was. I eventually enclosed the entire map with new, giant brushes, enclosing the large map to a single hallway -- made a test water brush, and it still didn't look right (which means VIS isn't running, I guess)

I thought, then, maybe my map file is corrupt, and I made a new map. Single room, 6 sides, 1 light, 1 playerstart, no leaks, little barrier in the corner with 1 water brush inside ... that's the room pictures in the first three screenshots. Water STILL looks incorrect. What is happening here?

I should reiterate that this wasn't happening before, and water looked transparent and looked totally correct (aside from the vertex manipulation warpy effect of the engine). I'm baffled as to how this could still be messed up on a brand new map? 
Screenshots 2 and 3 look like a map that were QBSP'ed and VIS'ed without transparent water support - the vis data is culling stuff beneath the water surface when the player is above, because it thinks you can't see under the surface, but the engine is using transparency so you can see through and it looks glitchy.

The fix is to run QBSP with transparent water support. I'm not sure which tools you are using but check the docs for a "-transwater" command or something like ythat. If your tools don't have it my quake compiling suite does by default: ; it supports hexen 2 with the -hexen2 flag added to qbsp.

but I slowly 'chunked off' entire parts of the map with giant wall chunks, and deleting any lights, etc that would've been outside the map, to try and find where the leak was.
This works but there are easier ways; TrenchBroom and JACK can load the pts file which should draw a path that goes through the leak. I think you can also load the leak in the engine with the "pointfile" command (in Quake at least). 
"I'm not sure which tools you are using but check the docs for a "-transwater" command or something like ythat. If your tools don't have it my quake compiling suite does by default: ; it supports hexen 2 with the -hexen2 flag added to qbsp. "

To be honest, I'm not sure. I'm using that editor called BSP and - I had used it before long ago on my old computer, but when I tried to install it more recently on my new computer, I had forgotten how I got it all set up to actually work (error messages, missing files etc), and couldn't get it to run. So I just copied the entire folder over from my old computer on a flash drive. The point being that I'm not sure if the compile tools were downloaded separately or what, can't remember, but they are Bat files called Fast.bat, Full.bat, Leaktest.bat, Novis.bat, Relight.bat, Super.bat. I only have a general idea of how it all works and I usually just run Full.bat and then copy the created .bsp to my H2 folder to test it ingame.

The weird thing about the compiler not supporting transparent water is that...well... it WAS, before. I have no idea why it isn't now. In fact, "r_transwater" isn't even a valid command in the H2 console, and I'm unsure of where I could've accidentally turned off a setting like this, since the build files are just Bats that I run from a drop-down from the editor. :[

The easiest thing for me to try first (I only thought of this now), is to re-copy over my BSP editor files, so I'll try that first. 
I suggest using Necros' compiler GUI and Ericw's tools instead of those batch files that came with BSP. You will just have Nercos' GUI running in the background and alt tab to it when you want to compile.

The GUI is the easiest way to compile maps and it's extremely customizable. I recommend reading the entire web page before using it: 
MSVCR120.dll MSVCP120.dll 
GUI program wants these. I have them, but nowhere that I put them it seems to like?

I tried:

same directory as Compiling GUI
directory of .map file (source)
directory of .bsp (output)
directory of the utils (qbsp, vis, light)

(I needed these dlls before for using bsputil, but putting them in the same folder as bsputil solved that) 
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