This was a very good map, it is like a glorified speedmap, but I thought it was well put together, played pretty well and was fun! It was just a shame when it ended.
Next time you release a map you should get it playtested, preferably by someone who knows a bit about what they are doing. Thias is always a good place to ask people if they want to test your level. It doesnt matter how big it is, rather than release a level untested I would always get them tested.
I recorded a demo of my first run! Here it is:
You'll probably need 7zip to open this file.
It was exciting to see the theme, as others have said, it is a different theme to the norm, but looks pretty ace!
Make more maps please!
But if they leak, fix the leaks. This is not so hard. If you cant find the leaks tap down the console and type "pointfile", as long as the pts file which Qbsp generated is in the maps dir this will work. If you look around the map you should see a dotted line, this will lead to the leak. If there are many leaks you will have to get a new pointfile as you fix them for each leak, probably by re-compiling the map.
Dont worry, 5 of the 6 maps in my first release had the same error!
Make another map!