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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Run it from a cmd window, might show something 
quakeisdead, ok, thanks.

Did a previous version of QS work for you?
There are 4 QS build to choose from for windows, 32/64-bit and SDL1/2 - which are you trying, or do all fail? the full download list is here:

One thing to check is enter "gl_info" in the console. It'll print a bunch of GL extension info, but scroll up with PageUp and check the GL_VENDOR, GL_RENDERER, GL_VERSION.

Another idea is launch with the "-condebug" command line option (create a shortcut and put it in the end of the target field.) This creates a qconsole.log file that may have some info on the crash. 
QC File Access 
If you're going to implement this, then I strongly recommend that you first implement a Sys_FileOpenAppend function in your sys_*.c rather than using the zone-memory nastiness in the original tutorial. I have no idea why the original authors didn't do this. 
Not a mapper or a programmer so I have absolutely no idea what any of that is. I guess I'll wait til the next stable release of Quakespasm to play again 
Case-sensitive Console 
I just realized you can type in small or big.

Is this a feature for case-sensitive OSs?

In Windows versions it does not seem to be a very useful feature, because if you happen to use a capital letter in a console command it says 'unkown command'. 
RE: Case-sensitive Console 
Seems like it is not case-sensitive for commands, but it _is_ so for cvars. The behavior seems to be the same in the original quake source too. 
all quake engines do this. it's not very useful. 
I don't know the difference between command and cvar.

If you type 'mAp e1m1', it will load e1m1.

If you type map E1m1, it won't.

Is that what 'it is not case-sensitive for commands,
but it_is so for cvars' means? 
"map" is a command. What the engine not being case-sensitive for commands means is that "map", "Map", "mAp", etc will all work and will all change the map.

It's actually even worse because the engine is case-sensitive in some places for commands, but not in others. Cmd_AddCommand for example is case-sensitive, so it would in theory let you add "mAp" and "map" as separate commands. Cmd_ExecuteString is case-insensitive so which of the hypothetical two it actually executes depends on the order they're added in (or something else if you e.g sort commands for faster finding).

All of this is clearly buggy behaviour, but is it the kind of buggy behaviour that legacy content may have dependencies on? 
Are you thinking like cfgs and stuffcmd/localcmd? 
Not thinking anything in particular other than I've been in a "put the bugs back" scenario before, so caution seems merited. 
All of this is clearly buggy behaviour, but is it the kind of buggy behaviour that legacy content may have dependencies on?

Is Cmd_AddCommand used for alias commands? If not, then surely only the engine is going to be calling it. That should make it safe to fix in a given engine. 
i was thinking there may be some mod that executes commands from a config to set things up and maybe they typed the command with/without caps. 
Is fence texture support on .mdl planned? 
Is there a way to change water color? Underwater everything is beige and in dark corridors I can't see anything. 
try setting "gl_cshiftpercent 50" in the console (default is 100) 
Mark V has a cvar r_watercolor for the underwater cshift color. There is also r_lavacolor, r_slimecolor.

In the engine code itself, it is referred to as called r_watercshift as a more descriptive internal name. 
Thank you, ericw. Now underwater fights aren't a pain anymore.

PS. I'm planning to speedrun a forgotten map pack. 
Suppress Launch Dialogue 
Am I correct in understanding that, on OSX, there is no way to suppress the Quakespasm launch dialogue (which allows the selection of command line parameters and resolution)?

I am writing a shell script to compile my map and then launch it in the game and it would be great if I could pass an argument that tells Quakespasm to suppress the launch dialogue and go straight into the game engine. 
You Can 
open ./ --args -nolauncher

Substitute the correct bundle name, of course. 
Suppress Launch Dialogue 
Excellent, thank you. 
how do you launch this engine windowed with a specific size?
when working on maps, i prefer to keep it windowed... i am using these args:
-vid_fullscreen 0 -width 1440 -height 900 -bpp 32
it starts windowed, yet it is not using the size i specified with width and height... 
Any chance of a command similar to "kill", but...

like kill, it reloads the map but it preserves the player's position, angles, and flags such as god, notarget, noclip etc...

When mapping I find the time it takes me to noclip over to the distant area I was working on after each map reload, really adds up, especially when making millions of tiny incremental tweaks to lighting and things... 
This works fine for me:

c:\quake\quakespasm.exe -width 400 -height 300 -window 
cool, thanks. looks like -window does the trick :) 
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