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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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desaturate the image, then colourise it to a green colour before applying the quake palette. 
Thanx! I'll try. 
Really Stupid Question But... 
How do I launch TB after having compiled it in linux? 
I got it running, but there's no games available in the preferences window, and also no .trenchbroom file in my home folder that I can set the paths manually. I heard about TB by using it a little on my friend's windows machine and really liked it, so I guess if nothing else I'll set up a small windows partition on my drive and see if it works there. 
IIRC if you launch it from the build directory without installing, there's a TB_DEV_MODE environment variable that needs to be set to tell it to find the resource (game configs, etc.) in the build folder:

TB_DEV_MODE=1 ./trenchbroom

Looks like this is an omission in the build instructions. 
Quake Chars / Quake Name Maker 
I tried to get some red centerprints using the Quake Name Maker script on Quake Terminus as well as some standalone tool, but all it ever displays in game is gibberish. I doubt it's a problem with the script/program, but could it be Windows 10 messes up the output somehow? 
Text Color 
If you are trying ^1 type color callouts, they only work in Darkplaces. If you are trying the bold orange text use backslash b on either side of the text. But bold text only works on any engine other than Darkplaces. 
Func_train Sound 
Is it possible to stop a func_train's sound when it reaches its last path_corner? 
Train Sound 
I tried several oppertunities, but I think it can only be archived with altering plats.qc.
Targeting to the same endposition only leads to a hanging sound. Killtarget won't work, and there's no killsound.

In what mod does the scuba gear appear? 
Having Items Drop To Floor / Move 
What ways are there to make items move, like removing a brush under them and have them fall down or similar stuff? 
When you place ammu or health on a plat or train it will travell the same direction.
So making a thin trigger under them will move them the way you want.
I don't know if you can add a clip texture, but if it works they'll be invissible.

Quake Remake has a code to make brushes (ie boxes) move in a way you can push them. But this is qc, not the ordinairy way.

Pingu had a map where there is a squaddamage in the air. As soon as a trigger is pushed, the added brush on which it stood (also a clipped trigger_once) was killtargetted.
It took me quiet long to retrace the way he had done it. 
I've found pushing items to be the most reliable method.

Weird things can happen though.

Such as pushing items through solid walls: 
Automatically Compile Map When You Save It 
Quake 4 Ericw Tools FGD 
Dropbox updated their sharing / linking of public files and broke the old link, gg

That is the latest fgd, supports phong shading and all the new sky stuff / bounce lights in the last *official* release. 
For Quake, Or Quake4? 
Did Anyone Expirement 
with randomized monster spawns yet? 
Quonquer, mapjam 5.

It has the option for waves of different (randomized) monsters. 

so I'm new to mapping and I've got questions :)

- is there any way to block sounds? like teleporter ambience behind the wall? I can't hear it, but I shouldn't.

- is there any way to block lights from lighting your gun. For example my gun is being lit by colored light from behind the closed door, I don't want that to happen.

- is it possible to make brushes passable for projectiles, but still appear as solid geo?

I meant 'I can hear it' regarding teleporter sounds 
for #3, func_illusionary will look solid but let everything pass through (players monsters projectiles). adding a clip brush will block players and monsters. (add a brush to the world and give it the texture "clip") 
you can('t) hear it, but you shouldn't?

You can dimm your shotgun light, but then tou'll need to alter the weapon.qc

You can use teleporting /players only, or /silent. 
thanks guys! editing quake c files beyond my level of expertise, but 2 out of 3 will do :) thanks 
I can hear it but I shouldn't (...) my gun is being lit from behind the closed door
Would thickening the walls and doors solve the issue? Is there any doc on minimum thickness to prevent that? 
You basically have to light around doors so that it looks good whether the door is open or closed. Alternate: for one-time doors, toggle the light on when the door opens. 
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