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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Delayed Entity Creation? 
Complete noob to mapping here, been experimenting with it and have been trying to figure out a kind of odd scenario- is there a way to prevent an entity from appearing until the player has done something else in the map, i.e. pressing a button or killing a certain enemy? I know monsters can be teleported in, but I mean things like a pickup or message trigger not existing until it's called. Something like the episode gates that only appear if you have the rune, but within a single map (and without runes).

I'd imagine it's possible to kludge something together for item pickups (hide them in the roof/walls/floor and raise them when triggered), but what about entities that can't be pushed around like that? 
It depends on the MOD you use.
With vanilla quake you only have the ability to have monsters spawned in from closets. (Think of rooms not connected to the map layout. Put a trigger_teleport around the monster, and a teleport_destination where you want to spawn that monster. All you have to do is now to target the trigger_teleport when desired. (Button pressed or trigger_counter fired or or...)

With MODs like Quoth or AD this is even easier, just give the monster a spawnflag (iirc 32 in quoth, 96 in AD) and target the monster via your setup. (Monster needs a targetname set for this to work.) 
One (complicated) option I've considered using but haven't yet was having an exact copy of the section of your map with the revised entities.

So you have section A of the map and an alternate version that's unreachable outside the play area. Let's call it A-2. Your player moves through A and kills monsters etc. Moves forward to section B (make sure and separate A from B with a "gate" of some kind - a door, teleporter, elevator.) The player moves thru B to hit a button or solve a puzzle required to move ahead back in section A. By teleporting the player back or finding some other way to route them back to the copy A-2 you could have all kinds of things going on. The dead monsters would be missing but I can't think of any other downside other than that interconnected areas would not work with this method. 
I know about teleporting monsters, I was hoping for something similar for entities that can't be teleported (which monsters can be) and can't be pushed by func_doors (which health/armor/weapons/pickups can be).

That's actually a damn clever idea, and the dead monsters could be handled by adding static dead-monster models in the second version of the map- they wouldn't be in the exact spots they died in the original, but not many players would be that attentive anyway. Only thing is depending on the size of the map section, that could be a *lot* of brushes and entities to double up on (and if the branching point is at the very start of the map, pretty much out of the question), and would require some smart design to not make the transition too obvious. 
Check These Articles

I think you are looking for logic gates?

In vanilla quake you can setup up logic gate map hacks to get things like triggers activating AFTER you do something else in the map. 
Check out the entity state system in Arcane Dimensions. It generalizes the idea of starting "off" (invisible, like it's not spawned), "disabled" (visible but no interactions), or "on" (visible and normal behaviour) to most entities.

You can start an entity in a particular state, and switch entities to a new state by triggering a "trigger_entitystate_on" or "trigger_entitystate_off" (etc.) that targets the entity you want to modify.

It's great for swapping in new gameplay to the same area of a map. 
I've read a number of articles on that site regarding logic gates in Quake, and the implementation seems solid, even if reading it tends to make me go glassy-eyed after a bit- however the issue here isn't making something (call it Thing A) only usable after the player does something else, it's making Thing A not be apparent or interactive to the player in the first place until they do something else.

Think of it like walking down a hallway, doing something at the end of the hallway, then on the way back a message appears telling the player something by way of a trigger_once that now exists in the hall. In this case the trigger_once is Thing A. I know you could make that message appear easily by use of an automatic delay once the player accomplishes whatever's at the end of the hall, but you won't be able to dictate exactly where they are when the message comes through.

I hope I'm making sense, it's hard to put this type of thing into words and I am not good with computer.

Arcane Dimensions is actually the exact mod that made me start thinking about this- specifically, the keycards in Crucial Error and tomes in Bogbottom that don't appear at all until you've already been someplace else and triggered whatever causes them to appear. I know AD has heaps of new features like that but I was looking for something that works in vanilla Quake, in a single .bsp without requiring a -game switch or any additional codebase used. 
Walking down the hallway and in the middle is an inactive trigger and on the way back that trigger is now active and will provide a message?

That's a logic gate to me.

Now if you want that now active trigger to make something appear that isn't an item? I could be over complicating things but you could do something like have it lower from an invisible func_door in the ceiling being targeted by that previous inactive trigger or thing A haha.

It's confusing to be sure. 
Mid Map Spawning 
People always link to the logic gate one but that's massively overkill a lot of the time. They mean to link to this tutorial:

Important editorial note, this tutorial includes a prank! The first example of spawning an ogre doesn't work, it just crashes your map. Perhaps I should have started with an example that works, then moved on to one that doesn't, oh well. The point is that you can delay spawn a trigger using the method in this article, which does exactly what you need for your hallway example.

This works for a variety of entities, but triggers are certainly the best case. Monsters don't work, but you can use teleporters there. If you try this trick on a particular entity and it doesn't work, just say and I'll see if I can find a trick... 
@preach Is The Man 
Thanks. I hope the original poster is able to use this. I will try it out too. 
The Man Indeed! 
The method in that article is dead simple and works perfectly, thanks a ton! Haven't experimented with many other entity types yet but it works fine for the hallway example from above- I cobbled together a quick example map (.bsp and .map included) for anyone browsing in the future who can't quite figure it out. 
When I'm distributing my map, is it alright to include my own folder that becomes part of the mod the map is for?

My map uses AD, but I have a small set of custom models I need to include with my map. To keep things organized, right now I have them stored in a separate folder from where models are usually stored in AD (progs/), which is simply named "pritchard".

Is this the right way to include custom models with my map? 
In fact it's the correct way of avoiding any filename conflicts. 
Right Otp 
All you want is to avoid any conflicts between assets.
Do follow these simple guidelines.

/progs/ is for .mdl and .mdl only!

/maps/your_folder_here/ is for anything .bsp.
For example all breakable rubble models you make should go into maps/your_folder_here/ (if they are bsp, but i assume nobody makes rubble .mdls these days)
Bsp models are the easier way to have external custom content. 
Darkplaces And Trenchbroom 
Hey guys!

Long time Quake fan, first time poster. I've been playing a lot of Darkplaces Mod for Q1 recently and decided to look into mapping for it. I'm familiar with GTKRadiant as I used to make Jedi Knight 2 and Quake 3 maps but after some googling I found Trenbroom and decided I wanted to use it.

Is it possible to use Trenchbroom to make levels for Quake 1 Darkplaces? I can't find a tutorial on how to setup Trenchbroom to do it. Does anyone have one? I keep getting the error "cannot find: (filepath)" 
Ericw Surface Light Prefab? 
Does somebody have a prefab map that predefines all surface lights as light entities for ericw's light? 
Re:surface Lights 
Is it normal that they're very bright with very low light values?

E.g. I use -surflight_subdivide 8 -bounce 4 and light=2 is already kinda bright 
I don't have an example map handy, but the surface lights feature is pretty dumb (was one of the first things I wrote when learning lighting). it's just automated copy/paste of the template entity, and with "-surflight_subdivide 8" they'll be duplicated every 8x8 units, which will create a ton of lights. There's no scaling of brightness to compensate for the subdivision size. 
Unless ericw has changed it, bounce values above 1 do nothing. It's binary, on or off. 
Im Back! 
Hows everyone doing? I'm back this time i bought Quake 3 from steam, downloaded it and gtkradiant and now when i try to make a map it shows "shader image missing" on 99% of the textures? Can anyone please help????! 
@ #18507 
Have you specified the correct path-name for the location of the shaders? Check this link:

Otherwise I have no idea, might have better luck on a Q3 dedicated or Radiant forum.

A Good Old Hipnotic Rotator Question. 
Hi everyone, there is a lot of information about rotating brushes available, but its a complex thing depending on what one is building. I haven't been able to find anything concrete.

I have built a rotating bridge in a map for Arcane Dimensions using the standard Hipnotic entities with A.D. The bridge works fine, is lit, and has collision, the problem is the bridge is so large I have to use "a million" func_movewalls for the collision.

I found a post by Preach hinting that you can use Hipnotic rotation and add "solid" to the shell without using func_movewalls. I have no idea what this means or if its possible without changing the code. As it is, the bridge works fine I'm just wondering if someone can help me simplify the func_movewalls issue.

Thanks, Redfield 
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