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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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You are using TB?

I imagine since you are not talking about the .jmf format.

Anyway, even your regular .map has errors in it when I load it in JACK[invalid solid structure(tiny edge)], and a few others.

Now, in JACK... what about a "select all/copy" then a "File/new map/paste"? Followed with: Save/Save as, which will be a .jmf file and lastly, an Export map?

That's what I did. And as far as I can tell, I got a 220 map format version.

In Worldspawn there's this:

"mapversion" "220"

If I paste the differences(the actual brush text) of the .map files it won't make sense here on func_. I'll just say it looks like 220 stuff is in there?

I don't have a dropbox account, sorry:

I don't know a whole lot about the .map format differences though, tbh.

Hope this works for you, fingers crossed ;) 
@Pritchard: I Forgot To Mention 
How could I forget this darnit :(

I couldn't get it(regular .map version) to compile without attempting to fix the brushwork errors.

I use tyrutils-ericw v0.15.9 and get stopped with a convex brush error message. I have no idea how it compiles for you! 
Also, if that works when you try, make sure texture lock is on when you do it. Otherwise your textures will possibly get misaligned 
That map contains corrupt brushes, see 
Corrupt Brushes 
@SleepwalkR Yeah, I figured that the 220 format map had busted brushes, since it complains about non-convex etc. when I try and compile it.

@damage_inc it's strange that you can't compile the normal version, I know it might have some funky brushes in places but it only complains about leaks in my compiler. I've attached a build log as proof:

Also, the map file in your link still crashes/fails to compile - what did you do exactly? It still has non-convex faces. 
I Believe... 
All I did was give you a version 220 of your map which contains the same invalid brushwork as your regular .map!

My mistake was assuming your .map compiled(it doesn't for me) and subsequently uploading something worth nothing :( Apologies, I figured this out after it was to late.

I believe all you need to do is fix your invalid brushwork and save your map. Then start a new version 220 map and copy everything over to it?

Your problems start with the original .map regardless of how you can compile it! Which is crazy considering we both use the same version of tools.

Here's my log file output: 
try Alt + P in JACK and see if it can fix your problems. 
@-topher: mapping is a rare co�ncedence.

After several maps I'm often surprised why some things work and others don't.
Map scale is more the relation between the 64 unit of the player and eyes at 48. So a door becomes 96 and a ceiling gets 128 and more.

The actual thing of a good map is to make a kind of layout. A drawing with certain main halls, where a trick or a fight takes place, with in effort a change of brushes that unclose other compatible parts.

In attempt, take care of the room you created. Is it a corridor, furnish with pipes or lights. Is it a room, make it comfortable to be, or give it a strange notch. Puzzling lifts or hiden places.

Most of my ideas happen when I have some experimental maps, a terrain map or a side of architectical crunched brushes. Sometimes they fit, sometimes they drench in occupant reached, whatever.

As long as it tinkers my imagination I go well.
As soon as I want to finnish it I stumble. 
@kreathor, sadly it cannot. Many of the errors it suggested it couldn't fix, and the ones it could "fix" resulted in affected brushes being stretched out into infinity etc.

I think I'm just going to have to deal with the Standard format limitations at this point, it compiles fine with no errors for me and annoying skewed textures are just something I'll have to learn to deal with/avoid. 
Fence/Alpha Masked Textures

I'm sure this has been asked here before, but I'm not sure how to search for it in the thread - what is the best way to do alpha-masked textures in Quake, so that they don't have issues like in that screenshot? I know that you can make a brush into a func_illusionary as one fix, but this texture is being used as part of a func_door... 
JACK Editor 
A very stupid question, but where can I find documentation on how the editor works? I've been searching for a while now but besides a FAQ and a list of reasons why it's great for Quake, I can't seem to find anything explaining the editor :S 
The official JACK FAQ page has some information. The support page on the same site also recommends you check out a VHE 3.3+ reference manual, since JACK is very similar to GoldSrc VHE.

I recognize your name from MapCore, aren't you already pretty familiar with the Source engine Hammer from CS:GO? JACK shares much of the same UI, shortcuts, and tools from VHE and Hammer. 
what is wrong with the screenshot? 
Right in the center of the image, where the fence texture'd brush meets the solid one, you can see a gap that lets you look straight through to the other side. The gap is as thick as the fence-textured brush. 
Basically, in this instance, you want the grate texture to appear on both sides of the door?

Make two brushes for that part of the door? 
Skip Texture Issue? 
Using "skip" on the other sides of that brush? 
^^^ Disregard 
meh, a func_door is okay with skip. It's world brushes I was thinking of. 
I ended up fixing my issue by making the fence texture into its own door entity, rather than including it in the door itself. 
Hey guys- I'm sure this is one of the dumbest kinda questions, but I can't for the life of me seem to figure it out. I'm messing around with the play_sound_triggered entity in Quakespasm, and I feel like at one point I was able to kill the entity via trigger, but for whatever reason I can't now. Is there a way to stop a sound from playing, or am I just totally mis-remembering things? 
Thank you! I will look for a VHE 3.3+ reference manual.

Yeah, I'm from Mapcore but I'm a writer/director, not a designer. It's just that you guys keep making these awesome maps so I want to give it a go.

I only have experience with GTKRadiant 1.4 
Why not use a Radiant editor then? There are several Radiant-based editors you can use with Quake. I believe this custom NetRadiant is the most up-to-date at the moment. 
You Could Also Just Keep Using GTKRadiant 
It supports Quake. 
Yes, thank you. I'm aware of that. However, I specifically picked this editor because it's supposed to be a lot like Hammer. So, if I like editing and I wish to pursue it more, it would be an easier transition then with another editor, since Hammer is still being used in (modern) games. 
Fair Enough 
I quite like JACK, I think you'll find it easy enough to pick it up. 
I assume you are aware of Help>Command List... from the menu in JACK? 
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