#1756 posted by Spirit on 2015/12/26 11:25:34
Loading game from /home/me/.quakespasm/ad/quick.sav...
ERROR: couldn't open.
I did not pay attention to saving but thought I had saved. The message implies an error reading the file to me but in reality I did not save and the file did not exist. Maybe reword it if the file is not found?
#1757 posted by ericw on 2015/12/26 21:02:18
Hm, "couldn't open" is printed when the fopen() call fails, so it makes programmer sense :P I guess it could check for the specific reason and print a clearer message.
However I'm more concerned about why the saves failed, I guess you are using the patch that adds ~/.quakespasm support.
Is there any way to get fog without banding? nvidia on Linux.
Make sure QS is using a 24/32 bit video mode.
There's a vid_bpp cvar which is archived, but since it gets saved in every mod directory it's safer to launch with "-bpp 32".
(I'm surprised the QS default for that cvar is actually 16bpp, which I never noticed.)
Aside from that, banding will be the least at "gamma 1". There should be the same amount of banding as other engines @ 32bpp.
#1758 posted by Spirit on 2015/12/26 23:12:02
No saves failed, I simply did not make any =)
Still some banding but I guess that might be the low dynamic range of the lightmaps.
Not Urgent
#1759 posted by Orl on 2015/12/28 15:48:48
But the soon to be released map(s) of mine extends beyond Quake's standard -+4096 boundaries. I understand a new protocol will have to be made in order to accommodate this, but I am unaware of how difficult such a change will be.
#1760 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/12/28 15:51:22
I wouldn't rely on that. It's REALLY unlikely to happen anytime soon.
#1761 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/28 15:53:26
what are you currently running them in?
#1762 posted by Spike on 2015/12/28 16:05:45
larger boundaries is basically the point of rmqe's 999 protocol.
servers can fairly trivially use a specific subset (which is what fte does), while clients can probably get away with just short/float coords and byte/short angles.
#1763 posted by Orl on 2015/12/28 16:17:11
RMQ version 0.85.3. It is currently the only publically available engine that plays the map properly without any visual problems.
Loading Mods In Game And Quake.rc
#1764 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/29 02:17:27
Seems when I load a mod using the console (e.g. game x) it doesn't exec that mod's .rc file.
The Console Says..
#1765 posted by parubaru on 2015/12/29 02:22:14
'Enter 'exec quake.rc' to load new configs
#1766 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/29 02:33:41
i never read that
Controller Support?
#1767 posted by Legend on 2015/12/29 11:48:27
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but is there currently or will there be controller support for quakespasm? 360 or otherwise?
I know the majority of players use mouse and keyboard and I agree it is a more proficient way to play. But I currently use a controller for my gaming for various physical reasons.
I wanted to check out quakespasm to play arcane dimensions, but it does not seem to have any controller support that I can figure out. Not even the original quake joystick support. Is there a way to enable controllers or plans to add it in the future?
+1 For Controller Support
#1768 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/29 12:00:53
I also find console-style controllers much more comfortable than mouse & kb.
Would love 360 controller support in QS.
#1769 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/29 12:21:11
I appreciate that the number of people who want to use a controller in QS is probably single-digit.
Legend - have you looked into using some sort of scriptable input emulator? A quick google throws up this: http://andersmalmgren.github.io/FreePIE/ looks like it could be cool if you fancy doing a bit of python.
Count Me In
but only because I would also love to see split-screen functionality in the game.
Xbox360 Controller FreePIE Script
#1771 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/29 17:07:29
Legend - If you wanna have a look at FreePIE - I found a script for the 360 controller that looks like it could work well.
Note: I haven't tried any of this stuff out yet - but will do as soon as I can.
Also, you can (and should) edit the .py file to change button mappings to what you want.
script here: http://andreasaronsson.com/projects/xboxwasd-in-freepie/
Controller Support
#1772 posted by ericw on 2015/12/29 19:48:09
There is none currently.. I tried implementing it in QS a while ago; I do have a 360 controller.
What I found frustrating is, the FPS games that have good-feeling controller support (Valve games) are doing some fairly complex easing stuff. Like, if you flick the analog stick all the way to one side, there's a period of time where you turn slowly, then suddenly it accelerates like crazy - so there's some sort of time-based acceleration going on.
I don't actually game with a controller ever, so maybe that stuff is not really desirable, but I'm guessing it is. Anyway I'll try to dust off what I wrote and post a beta here for feedback.
get that 4 player split-screen support coded in while you're at it ;)
#1774 posted by Baker on 2015/12/29 22:24:18
#1775 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/29 22:25:13
why are the players christmas lights
that's cool as hell!
Does it have Pad support though?!
#1777 posted by Baker on 2015/12/29 22:34:09
Didn't make the pic. ;=)
#1778 posted by Baker on 2015/12/29 22:40:19
@fifth -- don't know. If I recall, Spike said it basically needs 2 USB keyboards plugged in.
Fte+splitscreen Input
#1779 posted by Spike on 2015/12/30 01:50:38
bind w "+p1 forward"
bind uparrow "+p2 forward"
bind lctrl "+p1 attack"
bind rctrl "+p2 attack"
bind 5 "p1 impulse 5"
bind kp_5 "p2 impulse 5"
if you omit the p1 / p2 stuff then yes, the engine uses an internal index of the input device that generated the key events in order to determine which player the event is meant to be controlling.
4-way splitscreen kinda needs a lot of keyboards and binds... you could of course also use csqc for really weird bind setups, which has access to the devid stuff too, but of course this isn't relevant unless you're making a mod.
you don't need two keyboards, just really weird binds.
also, fte is supposed to have support for xinput now, including support for per-player headphones as part of that (I don't actually have one, of course), so that's an alternative way to play splitscreen games.
yeah, bloom + fullbrightskins kinda has that effect. quakeworld players might be crazy for wanting fullbright skins, but at least they don't use bloom. only a crazy person would use both at the same time...
also looks like someone disabled rtlight shadows in an attempt to make rtlights look obviously worse than lightmaps.
Direct Input Controllers?
#1780 posted by Legend on 2015/12/30 01:57:24
what about the direct input joystick support that the original quake had? I know it works with directq and qbism super8. they don't recognize 360/x-input, but work fine with direct input controllers like logitech f310.