Reading This...
#17692 posted by damage_inc on 2016/12/03 20:45:15
It states " �_sun_mangle� - This has the same format as �mangle� on spot lights, �Direction, Pitch, x�, which way the sun is shining. (Not the position the sun is in)"
So my question is, how do I know where the position of the sun is?
#17693 posted by ericw on 2016/12/03 20:57:53
The sun doesn't have a position like a regular light entity, it's a "distant light source" so wherever you are in the map, the direction vector to the sun is the same.
So what happens is from each lightmap sample in the map, the tool traces a line in the direction to the sun, and checks if it hits a sky face.
With the "yaw" component of mangle at 270 I would expect 3 walls to be lit up.. but with light coming in perpendicular to two of the walls, the value of "anglescale" will determine whether they receive any light, if "anglescale" is 1, those walls perpendicular to the sunlight direction will be dark.
There's also the possiblity of a bug of course. mind posting a screenshot?
#17694 posted by damage_inc on 2016/12/03 21:28:46
And yes, the "back" wall I clipped thru is fully lit as well.
Oddly, the pillar gets lit the same way. Sorry it's not in the image.
Thanks for the reply
The Pillar
#17695 posted by damage_inc on 2016/12/03 21:44:48
#17696 posted by ericw on 2016/12/03 21:58:54
Argh, that does look like a bug.. I'll look into it
Using "2016-11-20 TyrUtils-ericw 0.15.9 Release"
#17697 posted by damage_inc on 2016/12/03 22:19:02
I forgot to mention that.
Sorry This Must Be Asked Multiple Times
#17698 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/03 23:00:16
I have tried to google and read guides, but couldn't figure out or make work some lighting techniques:
#17699 posted by ericw on 2016/12/03 23:32:18
1. Classic light tools allowed regular light entities to shine through world sky faces, but my tool doesn't. One option: make the "Q" a func_illusionary with "_shadow" "1" and texture it with the "skip" texture. Omit the sky brush in the middle of your diagram.
2. yeah, this is something I just added in the latest version of my light tool 0.15.9. Just set "_shadow" "1" and "alpha" "0.5" on the func_illusionary window entity, for example.. tweak the alpha as needed.
3. spotlight or normal light will both work. A spotlight will only shine in the direction of the bars, whereas a regular light will iluminate behind / to the sides of the light entity as well. You'll want to make sure the light is bright enough, could try "delay" "2", and "light" "500" or "1000".
Thank You For Your Quick Answers*
#17700 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/03 23:51:25
#17701 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/04 00:10:41
This might be stupid question, but is it possible to make brushes receive less brightness or less light. And in case 3) still having strong shadows but the light between bars is mild.
#17702 posted by mfx on 2016/12/04 00:39:59
is it possible to make brushes receive less brightness or less light?
Yes, make the brushes a func_wall and give it the _lightignore 1 key.
Add minlight to have low light on those brushes.
Thank You~
#17703 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/04 00:50:56
#17704 posted by ericw on 2016/12/04 00:56:25
Depending on what you want.. you might want to just reduce the "wait" key (default=1). So 0.5 = the light reaches twice as far, 0.25 = reaches 4x as far, etc. This way you can have a light that is only medium brightness, but it still reaches far enough to cast long shadows
Just Testing*
#17705 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/04 02:53:05
This Link
#17706 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/04 02:53:37
yeah, you might be able to use project textures to get a ground effect for those stained glass windows.
Who Has A Long Memory?
I remember using a texture tool ages ago that had a "remove fullbrights" function. It would map those colours to their closest non-fullbright colour.
Does anybody know what tool this is?
#17709 posted by mjb on 2016/12/04 05:52:53
Texmex Misses A Color (a Red?), IIRC.
#17710 posted by killpixel on 2016/12/04 06:01:27
You could always open the palette in your editor of choice (photoshop, gimp) and remove the fullbrights and palettize the image that way.
You Know What...
I feel like an idiot, I looked through texmex last night and couldn't find it.
of course it was in the adjust brightness dialogue.
Light Color Selector In JACK, Missing W/ad_quake.fgd
#17712 posted by damage_inc on 2016/12/04 11:34:40
Anyone know why that happens when I switch to the AD .fgd?
Happened with 1.42 and stayed with 1.5
If I switch back to ericw's .fgd it magically comes back. I looked thruogh both files to see if there was something I needed to add/remove but I didn't see what needs to be done.
@Shamblernaut #17707
#17713 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/04 15:03:25
Thanks, I forgot how it was called.. so what I'm looking for is "project textures"?
On Your Light Entity
_project_texture texturename
I know the quoth fgd has this property. You might be able to copy the relevant lines from there into the the ad / vanilla / other fgds that you want.
Texture Path Or Just Texture Name?
#17715 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/04 18:35:21
I tried but couldn't get it project window01_3 texture, just normal light. I added _project_texture to my light entity that has target, it is spotlight. Also tried it for not spotlight, but didn't do what it should do.
#17716 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/04 18:36:43
I tried delay 0 and 2, value 300 - 600