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to move the into more terrifying territory from 'Doom for Columbine' you must be planning 'HL2 9/11'

I dont care really.
You know, in ww2 many people died, yet they have no problems making silly games about it. 
This Title Is Empty 
You know, in ww2 many people died, yet they have no problems making silly games about it.

Yeah, 60 years after the fact. 
It's just a game guys... LOL

I can't wait to put some really nasty shit in there. Should be a blast.

We're working on the cheerleader models now.

Their motto is, "Don't shoot my face!".

Abyss: I agree. We are better off away from GSN. I'm just waiting to see what happens with our current host because we might have to move from there and become permanent squatters.

I'm only making this for fun, so I don't really care who plays it or what people think about it. When you start seeing shots of the school, you may crap your pants, however. It's a yuppie school, so it will be really high rez, detailed and swanky. 
You Are 
very fucked up.

I see a nice life in store for you. 
Ah................... A Newcomer 
And with that "Qmap Spirit" on by default. ;) 
What Phait and Scampie said.

Remove morons out of the way! 
#1736, #1745, 

Read #1741 and learn it by rote. 
If you are violently opposed to following any kind of theme then you could of course make a normal map instead, but it doesn't really help the coherence of the pack or the community spirit of the event.

How come, a few weeks ago, I suggested a theme, and people took the piss and then completely ignored it?? 
Well I Didnt Notice You Suggested A Theme 
but the response to this theme has been to take the piss, and i predict it will be ignored later today 
Columbine is in an affluent area, but it's still a public school and schools in Colorado are built like prisons (no, I'm not trying to compare the institutions, just the structural design).

If by swanky you mean 7 shades of tan or light-blue concrete blocks, then yes, it's very swanky. Columbine is like a lot of public buildings that are built primarily for function, like hospitals, police stations, etc. Clean lines, flat walls and well diffused lighting. Not really swanky.

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of money in the Columbine area, and plenty of it is in that school, but swanky it is not. You'll find the money in the parking lot and the lockers and the clothes on the kids back and the cell phones. 
you'll have to seriously work on the layout to get it good, as real life locations rarely (if ever) produce good gameplay 
Please allow me to correct a few of you.

We are not having this TC in the actual Columbine school. We could get sued for that.

The only reason it's called Doom for Columbine, is because the media blamed Doom for Columbine.

This TC takes place in the high class neighborhood of Mellowton, a fictitious place, at a fictitious highschool called Loyal Crown High.

This school is to be designed for Doom 3. We'll be testing it for gameplay from the ground up.

For those of you with nasty attitudes, I have this to say; grow up kids, it's just a game and your hatred for anything outside your moral boundaries, illuminates your ignorance for art. 
No Hatred. 
Just pity. 
Maybe if Charles Manson had said it was art instead of a social revolution, he would have got away with it!

</attempt at humor> 
warms the cockles of me 'eart, so it does :) 
Two New Reviews At My Site: 
Carved in Flesh

Thanx to Necros. 
<-- Fat Man Mooning You With His Oh-so-shiny Ass 
your hatred for anything outside your moral boundaries, illuminates your ignorance for art

Completely ignoring whatever moral quibbles I may or may not have about this mod in particular, that statement, aside from being grammatically fucked up, is retarded enough that I actually reread it multiple times thinking I had to be misreading it.

Frankly, whatever relative ignorance of</> art I have has very little to do with my morality. I wouldn't consider creating a game level where the player herds Jews into a furnace either, no matter how "artistic" it was, and that was a (relatively) long time ago.

The only reason it's called Doom for Columbine, is because the media blamed Doom for Columbine.

So you setting this mod in a school is just a coincidence then? Right. (Nice attempt to rationalize using the Columbine name without getting sued though.)

"Don't shoot my face!" (LOLOLOLOL) != art

trite bullshit designed for attention
Quoted for emphasis.
Oh Well, I Fucked Up The Tags. 
I trust the content remains clear. 
<- - Cloud With Legs 
You think that's good, you should read his psychopathic spouting over at Map Center.
Or better yet, don't.

trite bullshit designed for attention
Quoted for sheer accuarcy. And giggles. 
i think your 'at sea' skybox download link is broken. Please fix it, I want to download it :( 
Ok...gimme a sec 
Uploaded now.
Some of my others have gone mysteriously missing too. If you want any of the others, you can always download my compilation:
...or get it from the Map Center downlaods section.

"I fly the friendly skies" 
in about 3 hours 30 minutes at the time of posting

come to #speedq1 in at 10pm GMT
11pm uk time! 6pm EST!

the idea is to make a map in 100 minutes....
the suggested theme is to make a space map in SP or DM, but you don't have to! chill! 
Re: Two New Reviews At My Site 
Oh Cheers Kell 
nice stuff 
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