#17267 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/06 07:44:46
Would someone explain me 'why func_illusionary.. if I put _shadow 1.. Light still goes through it and lights for example one room that should be dark? Because I can't make this working like you do, I have to make actually normal brushes there.. kill them when func_breakable wall is broken and then set active func_illusionary which where first "start off".
If someone knows why simple just using _shadow 1 doesn't make it solid + block light coming through it?
#17268 posted by Preach on 2016/10/06 08:41:45
Which light tool are you using? Only the newest versions of some light tools support _shadow. I'd grab a copy of http://celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=61211&start=99999 if you aren't sure.
#17269 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/06 10:06:40
I thought I already crabbed that one.. let me see.. yep. I'm using tyrutils-ericw-v0.15.7-win64.
#17270 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/06 10:39:23
I mean I grabbed*
#17271 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/06 12:32:18
How bad is hitting the vert limit on bsp? I added the bsp2 flag to my compiler like the error said, but should I be concerned about it at all? Also, I'm assuming that all modern engines support bsp2, I mean i'm only about 3/4 done with this map so I can't exactly just trim it down yet.
Stupid Elevators.
#17272 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/06 13:30:24
I want that player goes to "wait elevator zone" and whether it is up.. it goes down where player is.. but if it is down already - don't do anything ... just let the player go inside elevator.. wait about 1 second, after it goes up. And same other way around.
Pictures would help a lot more to visualize this.
#17273 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/06 13:47:34
you could probably use logic gates to make that happen neohouse
Going Down
#17275 posted by mjb on 2016/10/06 15:47:24
I take it this is for the AD jam?
You could use entity states for multiple triggers. I don't know if this is over thinking it but what comes to mind is something like:
If elevator is up, and the player is down then a trigger by the elevator entrance will trigger a func_door set with toggle. This also turns off the trigger so it will not go back up without the player going inside the elevator.
A trigger located where the elevator space in the down position would then activate the door toggle. A similar trigger would be in the elevator space when in the up position.
Finally, duplicate the first section but on the upper floor.
With this, you can set separate wait values for triggers to get the elevator to act how you want.
I just pulled this out of my bum and your mileage will probably vary. :O
#17276 posted by mjb on 2016/10/06 15:49:07
You could also just use multiple func_buttons like how other elevators work.
But if you don't want buttons then try it out!
#17277 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/06 17:41:51
As long as entity_state whatever works in a way, it set the same state like "on" or "off" multiple times and not starts switching it between until I really want it to be changed.
#17278 posted by ericw on 2016/10/06 20:16:55
_shadow 1 on func illusionary should work with my light tool. Try starting with a simple case of a room with a pillar in the middle made of func_illusionary.
The light tool doesn't understand the start off spawnflag, so things that cast shadows always cast shadows.
#17279 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/06 22:05:14
the thing is, if these brushes were "normal" no "func_anything", light didn't come through it. But using func_illusionary.. even though I tried everything, using these _shadow 1 etc. I couldn't make it block lights, and tbh I didn't use "start off" yet so problem is not there. Somewhere is problem I can't figure out it by myself, because there is other things like I have to do.. like finishing up my map before deadline.
Also another thing about these clip brushes.. There is one hallway and monsters could easier walk through it, then I added there grates on floor, and covered it with clip brushes like I did in many other part of my map and in those areas those worked just fine.. but for some reasons it didn't worked on this specific hallway and enemies couldn't anymore go through it.. there is clip brush precisely placed on same high as floor is and it covers all these func_detail iron bars on floor, why they can't go through it? Is this some kind of bug or something?
A Hunch
Newhouse, try turning bounce lighting off and see if the func_illusionary with skip textures and shadow tag works then.
Monsters Can't Walk On Clip Brushes.
#17281 posted by czg on 2016/10/06 22:54:43
#17282 posted by ericw on 2016/10/06 22:56:06
Wait, the func_illusionary is textured with "skip"?
Updating your utils to v0.15.8 will fix that then!
Due to some things I changed in light (new raytracer), I had to handle the case of shadow-casting skip-textured funcs in a special way. The only limitation is, all faces of the func must be textured as "skip" for it to work.
#17283 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/06 23:35:56
Yeah, to fix the walking issue you need to use a func_wall with a very small alpha key value.
ericw, what are the chances of that changing in the future? It'd be nice to have some of the "one sided" brushes in my map cast shadows. It's not a big deal if it can't happen, though.
#17284 posted by ericw on 2016/10/06 23:51:15
Pritchard, I think that case will already work as you expect.. (something like hanging vines with texture on one side only?) The normal textured face will block light. (the skip faces won't, but the back side of the normal-textured face will, so the result will be fine.)
(The only case I'm aware of that is broken would be very unusual: say you had a bridge using regular textures, with spikes extending out of it that were textured with skip, and the whole thing was a single func_wall with _shadow 1. The result would be the main bridge casts a shadow but the skip-textured spikes don't).
#17285 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/07 00:17:42
I'll check my entity setup when I get the chance, I may have forgotten to set _shadow 1 on the relevant bits...
#17286 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/07 00:39:07
Thanks ericw, I will update my tools*
czg "Monsters Can't Walk On Clip Brushes."
Is that so? So it means I need to use invisible brushes or func_wall with alpha always when thinking of monsters. Maybe I skipped that part where ever it was written down.
Use noskip textures on a func_wall instead
sorry, I meant skip textures
#17289 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/07 01:24:44
Because not using skip textures.. possible makes some surfaces disappear when looking from different angles?
Weird Bug?
#17290 posted by Newhouse on 2016/10/07 01:55:05
I placed armor and health on elevator (func_train) which slowly goes from up to down.. when it reaches its destination bottom, I hear stopping sound and then items falls through floor..
Should I use skip there as well? I already tried clip brushes.
#17291 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/07 08:35:40
Right now in my map I'm trying to create a little plant in a pot, like one of those shitty plastic ones you see in foyers or something like that. Does anyone have any advice on the best way to go about it? I'd be happy to just have a texture that's feasible to cut a shape out of with brushes, I've got some good ideas as to how to use something like that, but something better would be nice as well.
It's an AD map so although I haven't looked into it I think I can load arbitrary models, so that's another avenue.
What would be really juicy is a guide on how to get transparent textues working in Q1, if that's even possible (I doubt it!). I've got a .wad with a plant that I could use if this was made possible somehow, but it's on that ugly pink background and the details are far too fine for me to simply chop it out, even at the smallest possible grid size.