![](images/clear.gif) Light
#16955 posted by mjb on 2016/09/02 19:56:56
I wanted to light comes from "real" light sources like lamps
That's a great mindset to have when it comes to lights so stick with that idea.
In terms of fill lights like you describe those are needed to but try out the new -bounce parameter in the latest Tyrutils. Check out a bounce demo here: http://ericwa.github.io/tyrutils-ericw
For my jam map, I used almost no fill lights and just played with bounce scale and such. I am pretty impressed so far!
Another thing to mess with:
Say you have a lamp...
Place a light entity with a high wait value (7-8.5) and place it directly at the source of a lamp. Then place your actually room filling light that the lamp would give off in front of that. This will give the lamp an intense bright source which makes it seem like a real light source.
Lots of experimentation when it comes to lights.
#16956 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 20:13:57
Ah, fantastic.. I was only using bounce 0.1, because I wanted to keep it "horror" in one level.. I want to have actual 100% dark places too. I was afraid that bounce scale would make everything "too bright" in terms of mood I'm trying to capture.. but I'm sure I can increase the value a bit higher sure*
#16957 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 20:15:05
And maybe playing around with those wait values more, I can control it somehow*
![](images/clear.gif) Im Not Sure
but i think bounce is either 1 or 0
1 being a single light bounce, 0 being off.
ericw could probably enlighten us further.
#16959 posted by ericw on 2016/09/02 22:36:39
Yeah, there is the on/off switch, plus 2 parameters:
-bounce n
Enables 1 bounce, 0=disable even if set in worldspawn. Available as a worldspawn key.
-bouncescale n
Scales brightness of bounce lighting, default 1. Available as a worldspawn key.
-bouncecolorscale n
Weight for bounce lighting to use texture colors from the map: 0=ignore map textures (default), 1=multiply bounce light color by texture color. Available as a worldspawn key.
The first screenshot on http://ericwa.github.io/tyrutils-ericw/ shows the effect of different values of -bouncescale, if you click on the buttons on the side.
I haven't mentioned "-bouncecolorscale" much, not sure if anyone is using it, but this is what makes white light bouncing off a red wall become red light (you have to turn it on; by default the map is treated as if all textures are solid gray.)
#16960 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 22:54:10
Sorry I meant I used bouncescale 0.1
#16961 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 22:56:03
Now I set it to default 1, and start working on lights again. Maybe after this my map is much more playable.
![](images/clear.gif) 2 Lights
#16962 posted by madfox on 2016/09/03 01:26:49
Here is an example of a
light 100 wait 0.3
and a colour light of
light 300 colour 112 132 256.
As they both are the same strength 300=100/wait0.3 the colour has the same glow as the withe, producing a rare effect.
#16963 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 02:06:13
Does it mean.. if I use 450 it is.. 450=100/wait 0.45?
#16964 posted by Rick on 2016/09/03 02:16:06
My thoughts are that too much of your light is coming from highly saturated colored light. Try setting a wait value on the sourced colored lights (those that are supposed to look like they are emitted from a texture). Try around 1.5 - 3 or more and use delay 2 or 5. Try to confine the color to just the area near the source.
Then add some white or almost white area lighting out away from any surfaces. Give those a low light value but with a small wait, so they can reach for some distance, light around 150-200, wait 0.5 - 0.7
#16965 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 02:38:28
Trying all this, and having bouncescale 1?
#16966 posted by Rick on 2016/09/03 02:55:20
I don't use a new enough light.exe to have bounce, but it shouldn't matter much if the colored light is not allowed to extend very far.
Here is part of my map. After I made this pic I realized it was actually not a great example. There is more colored light in that room than any other room in the map. I think there is 6, maybe 7 different colors in use.
#16967 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 11:18:46
How do you make it show like this, is it some command you need to put on engine's console?
Anyway, thanks for your suggestion - I try to understand what it means, some of words are new to me and I might not understand it 100%.. but I sure try.
#16968 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 11:26:08
sourced colored lights = original colors from quake's palette?
..they are emitted from a texture = same colors that are used mainly to make all of original textures?
..white or almost white area lighting out away from any surfaces = means I should place white light sources to walls, ceilings, even floors even though there is no visible any "real" light sources where that light comes from?
![](images/clear.gif) #16967
#16969 posted by khreathor on 2016/09/03 13:28:15
r_lightmap 1
#16970 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 13:30:28
What is r_lightmap? it is not command or anything?
#16971 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 13:34:43
Experimental options..
-lit2 -> write lit2. file
-lux -> write lux. file
what are those?
#16972 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 13:36:53
Oh, thanks khreathor* nevermind it did that what I was asking earlier.
#16973 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 13:41:52
So now I can actually see the lighting itself.. this will speed up the progress so much.
lit2 allows much higher resolution lightmaps and lux probably does something similar but is designed specifically for FTE.
lit2 is not supported by many engines afaik
![](images/clear.gif) Rick
#16975 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 13:51:03
And indeed Rick, base color was too saturated in overall, I need to add more white there.
#16976 posted by Rick on 2016/09/03 13:57:01
r_lightmap is a console command.
r_lightmap 1
r_lightmap 0
You can actually add it to your autoexec.cfg file. The autoexec.cfg is a file with commands that are run automatically when you start the game. You might have to create it first if you've never had one before (it's just a simple text file). The "toggle" part makes it so pressing the key turns it on/off.
bind "l" "toggle r_lightmap"
I use the L key, but it can be whatever you want.
Some other useful commands to put in autoexec.cfg are:
bind "?" "toggle r_fullbright"
bind "?" "toggle r_showtris"
bind "?" "toggle r_showbboxes"
noclip and notarget don't need "toggle"
bind "?" "noclip"
bind "?" "notarget"
Just replace the ? with whatever key you want to use.
#16977 posted by Rick on 2016/09/03 14:07:34
I forgot to say, autoexec.cfg goes in the Quake/ID1 folder
If you play other game types such as Quoth and AD, you have to put a copy in their folder also.
#16978 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 15:19:06
Thanks, Rick. Now it is super fast to toggle between different views.
#16979 posted by Rick on 2016/09/03 15:21:40
Sourced lights are when the light has an obvious point of origin. It is coming from something. That could be a flame or torch entity, but most often is a texture which has an image or picture of some kind of lighting fixture on it.
Notice how the source light is concentrated near the source and falls off quickly. The areas between are still lit, but not as much. And the light there has much less color. That is what I use fill/area lights for.
Keep in mind that I'm just offering some generalized examples here. I'm not at all trying to tell you exactly what to do.