#16942 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/01 20:36:54
I use
http://www.color-hex.com/color-names.html and
That looks neat too.. not sure how it works though. I was just wondering that idea of using same color but only brightness changes. First I had wierd problems with blue violet color and it turn into pinkish color. But doing it right.. I guess.. it keep in same color only brightness changed. So I guess what I was trying to ask was, what did I do wrong at the first place when it turn into pinkish colors.
So hopefully this thing never happens to me again.
Can Func_door_secret Open Upwards?
#16943 posted by Ubiquitous on 2016/09/01 21:03:01
Can func_door_secret open upwards?
I have a func_door_secret with "angle" set to "-1" but it slides sideways to open.
#16944 posted by Rick on 2016/09/01 21:05:36
I think that http://www.colorpicker.com/ which Kinn provided the link to, will help you understand better what's going on. Hex codes and color schemes are for web page designers, so don't worry about that for now.
The boxes down the right side let you enter a color in two different ways or in a combination of both. HSL and RGB. Try changing the numbers in them and watch how the selector dot moves.
H Hue is color
S Saturation is basically how far from pure white
L Luminance or Brightness is how far from pure black
Try entering 0 0 255 for RGB. Look at the resulting numbers for S and B. Try changing S and B from 100 to 75, 50, 25, etc, watch how the picker dot moves and note the changes in the RGB numbers.
#16945 posted by madfox on 2016/09/01 21:16:05
Just delete the "func_door_secret" option from the classname, make it a commen func_door and add a message for your secret door.
The door_secret code is only one way.
#16947 posted by Ubiquitous on 2016/09/01 21:26:58
"angles" "-90 90 0"
produced my desired effect.
#16948 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/01 22:10:21
If I has button on the ceiling, is it possible to make it go up when shot by using that same idea?
#16949 posted by ericw on 2016/09/01 22:32:46
Yep, it's possible, you don't use "angles" though:
"classname" "func_button"
"angle" "-1" // -1=button goes up when pressed; -2 would go down
"health" "1"
#16950 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 00:34:21
Thanks, that will help so much now that I know how to do it in a right way.. was using func_train ealier*
#16951 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 16:00:27
So I started using brighter blue/yellow/orange colors, and trying to figure out whether or not focus points are easy to spot. I put screen brightness very low. But I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of people who can't see even focus points or everything is unpleasantly dark.
So let me know, should I put lighting from 300 to even 450 when using delay 5. I removed even colors so I can see which colors are actually brighter and of course it seemed like yellow/orange is a bit brighter which is good thing, because it works as a main goal color.
#16952 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 16:13:09
Or should I put bright colors in middle of rooms/hallways to add that overall visibility? And not try to increase the actual light sources.. but focus on "fake" lighting.
Taste Of Choice
#16953 posted by madfox on 2016/09/02 18:38:43
I'm attracted to colour lights, but I make sure the white light stays dominate.
In that way the colours blend in at the background without destroying the texture.
#16954 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 19:40:25
Yeah, you're right.. unless it is meant to be disturbing and texture breaking like in silent hill, if you know what I mean*
But overall I want to try to keep colors under control, everything is still quite new to me. I will try adding this white color more by placing them in middle of hallways/room/areas, and let's see what happens. I looked up some map files by other people and they were placing light sources in middle of rooms etc. For some reasons I tried to avoid using those, because I wanted to light comes from "real" light sources like lamps, torches etc. but it seems like that is not enough always.. and if light value is too high everyone sees it, even if using delay 5 - but it doesn't light that much imo.
#16955 posted by mjb on 2016/09/02 19:56:56
I wanted to light comes from "real" light sources like lamps
That's a great mindset to have when it comes to lights so stick with that idea.
In terms of fill lights like you describe those are needed to but try out the new -bounce parameter in the latest Tyrutils. Check out a bounce demo here: http://ericwa.github.io/tyrutils-ericw
For my jam map, I used almost no fill lights and just played with bounce scale and such. I am pretty impressed so far!
Another thing to mess with:
Say you have a lamp...
Place a light entity with a high wait value (7-8.5) and place it directly at the source of a lamp. Then place your actually room filling light that the lamp would give off in front of that. This will give the lamp an intense bright source which makes it seem like a real light source.
Lots of experimentation when it comes to lights.
#16956 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 20:13:57
Ah, fantastic.. I was only using bounce 0.1, because I wanted to keep it "horror" in one level.. I want to have actual 100% dark places too. I was afraid that bounce scale would make everything "too bright" in terms of mood I'm trying to capture.. but I'm sure I can increase the value a bit higher sure*
#16957 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 20:15:05
And maybe playing around with those wait values more, I can control it somehow*
Im Not Sure
but i think bounce is either 1 or 0
1 being a single light bounce, 0 being off.
ericw could probably enlighten us further.
#16959 posted by ericw on 2016/09/02 22:36:39
Yeah, there is the on/off switch, plus 2 parameters:
-bounce n
Enables 1 bounce, 0=disable even if set in worldspawn. Available as a worldspawn key.
-bouncescale n
Scales brightness of bounce lighting, default 1. Available as a worldspawn key.
-bouncecolorscale n
Weight for bounce lighting to use texture colors from the map: 0=ignore map textures (default), 1=multiply bounce light color by texture color. Available as a worldspawn key.
The first screenshot on http://ericwa.github.io/tyrutils-ericw/ shows the effect of different values of -bouncescale, if you click on the buttons on the side.
I haven't mentioned "-bouncecolorscale" much, not sure if anyone is using it, but this is what makes white light bouncing off a red wall become red light (you have to turn it on; by default the map is treated as if all textures are solid gray.)
#16960 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 22:54:10
Sorry I meant I used bouncescale 0.1
#16961 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/02 22:56:03
Now I set it to default 1, and start working on lights again. Maybe after this my map is much more playable.
2 Lights
#16962 posted by madfox on 2016/09/03 01:26:49
Here is an example of a
light 100 wait 0.3
and a colour light of
light 300 colour 112 132 256.
As they both are the same strength 300=100/wait0.3 the colour has the same glow as the withe, producing a rare effect.
#16963 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 02:06:13
Does it mean.. if I use 450 it is.. 450=100/wait 0.45?
#16964 posted by Rick on 2016/09/03 02:16:06
My thoughts are that too much of your light is coming from highly saturated colored light. Try setting a wait value on the sourced colored lights (those that are supposed to look like they are emitted from a texture). Try around 1.5 - 3 or more and use delay 2 or 5. Try to confine the color to just the area near the source.
Then add some white or almost white area lighting out away from any surfaces. Give those a low light value but with a small wait, so they can reach for some distance, light around 150-200, wait 0.5 - 0.7
#16965 posted by NewHouse on 2016/09/03 02:38:28
Trying all this, and having bouncescale 1?
#16966 posted by Rick on 2016/09/03 02:55:20
I don't use a new enough light.exe to have bounce, but it shouldn't matter much if the colored light is not allowed to extend very far.
Here is part of my map. After I made this pic I realized it was actually not a great example. There is more colored light in that room than any other room in the map. I think there is 6, maybe 7 different colors in use.