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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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It was more work than I thought. As it are two monsters in one it kept breaking the limits. But I felt there had to be a ghost rider, as there is a ring of shadows.

And yes.., it gave me a hell of a nightmare.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, You never fixed the attack with the Chasm skeleton. The chasm Skeleton's current idle pose is suppose to be a melee attack pose. 
oh you did? I apologize. maybe I don't have the latest version. But the skeleton should have four attacks total. melee attack, two sword attacks, and a blast attack. 
I started a map a few years back when I had a little time off. I was absolutely blown away by the quality of the maps in mapjam2 so I wanted to make something in the same vein. I got as far as making about 1% of what I had in mind.

screenshot 1
screenshot 2

I started getting frustrated since I couldn't come close to what I saw in mapjam2. I thought that skacky's texture usage was brilliant but I couldn't match it, so I started a DM map to try and get more comfortable with the textures.

screenshot 3

I couldn't finish it before things got busy. I like the texture set though and it would be cool to see more ikwhite/ikblue maps. The maps in that pack almost present as a greatest hits collection. In addition to skacky's texture usage, I couldn't believe what mfx, Scampie, sock, and Tronyn managed to pull off as well. 
Beta DM Map DeathJam21 
I had never heard of DeathJam before, reading about it I can only find references to past events (2018/2019) -- is it still an active thing? 
Next one is on this November. Was meant to be in June but there was covid lockdown in Ireland. Things are only starting to get back to normal here now. 
It's on in November. Was meant to be on in June but got postponed due to covid lockdown. Ireland is only getting back to normal now. 
Double Post My Bad. On Phone. 
I made a new Quake1 model inspired by the Future vs. Fantasy model "demon2". It is a creeping low ground figure that has a shambler lile outfit. I thought it moved a bit "wacky"so I reconstruckted it to a model that stays lowground, so it can creep underneath ledges.

That's the stuff of nightmares madfox! 
The tumble animation, is that a death animation? I think it would look frighteningly cool if it moved around in a similar way. 
Learn To Crawl 

@-Salbrox:yes,but coding could also make it a walk pose.

Now I think of it. I forgot to give it a run pose. Maybe a shrinked version of the walk pose could do. 
Updated BSP 
New Moljnir 
I made a new Moljnir Hammer.

Thor Hammer 
I Fought The Law.., 
and the Law won. 
Wheel Of Changes 
Acquaintance - Beta Map 
Here's a beta version of a map I'm working on, in id base style.

This is what would be the final section, the finished level would need to be larger and the player would work their way vertically downwards ending up in this section.

No prior experience releasing maps and learning as I go, but I have gone through Dumptruck's Trenchbroom vids so I have a decent high level understanding of how to put a map together.

I'd be happy to receive constructive feedback on the gameplay and any other points. I'm not aiming for a hardcore challenge, this version would represent "normal" skill.

This uses the copper mod so if you do play it, be sure to have copper installed and drop the .bsp and the .lit into /copper/maps/ not id1/maps/.

Happy gibbing


BSP and Lit file (zipped):

If you really want to dig into it here is the map file: 
Looks like large box corridors. Needs more angles and details. Instead of two different textures on the roof, make the middle texture further inward. With some pipes or bars or lights. Something that doesn't make it a flat rectangle surface.

The second screenshot, put some trim around the steps. In fact, realistically why are these steps here? Maybe add some windows and something outside so they have a purpose.

The other screenshot - way too dark. Make the giant hole in the floor not a perfect circle. 
Kona? You been doing any mapping lately? 
Kona? You been doing any mapping lately? 
How are your posters going? 
Nah not for almost 2 decades. Would like to because the tools are so much better now. I always had to make small levels because of shitty tools and a slow computer I'd get pissed off waiting days (or up to a week) just for vis. The tiniest amount of detail and leaks start opening up. But now it seems you can put as much detail in and make levels as big as you want, which would be great fun now. plus there's great mods like AD to map for.

But I don't have time these days, it's hard just to find time to play games. 
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