Jungle Map - Progress, Video & Pics, Next Steps
It took a while but progress goes on.
As has been disscused, nature textures are very tricky.
1. They look better before converted into the Quake palette.
2. Low-res or high-res?
I think I go the middleway.
High-res background to low-res models could look interesting.
Progress for now:
. terrain creation
. added trees, rocks and bushes
. added ground vegetation
. reworked some textures
. destructable buildingds and assets
. asset box for everybody to use
next steps:
. creating some more assets
. cleaning up and finishing this map
. creating a map as asset box
. creating up to three maps in jungle style
As said in the last step I'm working paralell on the first map.
My plan is to recreate what I call the holy trinity of action shooters of the 80's Platoon, Rambo F.B.Pt.II and Commando.
For now I can show you the presentation video of the "jungletestmap" and will come out as a mod where future maps will be added.