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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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I could not test them well because with some issues with binding keys for the secondary attack, but looks good so far.
I got a bug i could not reproduce again where the hammer would not do the ground slam attack and would shoot the same as with primary. Will investigate more.

By the way, guys, to bind keys it is just, for example ''bind e impulse 41'' in commandline, right?

Madfox, looks good. Thought at first it would be a new enemy, like the one from Quake 2 with a tongue attack. 
The bind commands are close, but most engines require quotation marks around the command, ex:
bind e "impulse 41"

Attacks 2 and 3 are on different timers, and if the timer is up, the hammer will do a normal swing. I still haven't figured out how to add 2 cooldowns to the UI to show that better. 
Attacks 2 and 3 are on different timers, and if the timer is up, the hammer will do a normal swing. I still haven't figured out how to add 2 cooldowns to the UI to show that better. I know but it does not make a primary attack when the secondary is on cooldown.

I got to reproduce it again but still does not know what triggers it. I only know that switching weapons fix it and that i can use the primary attack with the key for the secondary for several minutes till sometimes the hammer slam happens and all works well again for some time again. I also noticed that attacking on its tertiary with no ammo resets the cooldown, which works to give a cooldown for the other weapons, but it is not much of an issue. 
"I know but it does not make a primary attack when the secondary is on cooldown." Hmmm...I'll have to take a look, thanks so much for reporting! Same with the resetting the timer without ammo. I thought I had covered that case, but clearly I did not, so good to hear people are actually playing it! 
First Map - Flooded Ruins! 
Hi there!

Here's my very first quake map: Flooded ruins!

It's a short map with a few arena fights that are pretty challenging (to me). For my first map I focused on

1) Actually finishing the map!
2) Getting scale right!
3) Good level flow and progression
4) Fun arena fights
5) Learning Trenchbroom

I didn't spend as much time on "decoration", textures and lights as the main goal was to get something done. Done is better than perfect, right?

I know this is a crude first-mappers attempt but I'd still love to get your feedback to know what I should focus on improving next.

Also, Thanks to Dumptruck_DS for A M A Z I N G tutorial material and Andrew Yoder for writing "The Door problem"!

Download here:


I got into level design earlier this year and started to make Doom maps. I'm trying to transition into Quake maps but it's a little daunting because
1.) "Real 3d" is just more complex. I need to switch my brain from the way doom floors and ceilings work
2.) I don't know Quake monsters and movement as well. 
As you published it also on Quaddicted it seems that this is not beta but a completed map. If it is so, you need to submit a news thread with the same text as your message and wait. It is the button at the bottom of

I will see to find some time to play it. 
Ah Ok. Thanks. I'm just trying to ”fail fast, learn fast” and get some feedback so I can improve my map making skills 
The Temple Of BLOOOOOOD Pre-release 
Hey all!

I'm looking for some feedback on my upcoming map if anyone feels up to it!

Here are some screenies (images might look fuzzy for a couple of seconds...OneDrive does a quick load and then does the highres load in the background):!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dP6o8H-Ju0WG2Cig?e=yOjL5h!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dOsF01uFNgnDykFA?e=sdm1Nk!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dLd4tncTf5IsJIMA?e=wODcZd!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dK0nJag4FBArOQtQ?e=FZY2sJ!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dJEinzgzDdvfF5UQ?e=qD2QqT!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dH6qSroLD44tTkgw?e=p2Rwc1!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dF6BQqgiO2Per1kA?e=lnvd6l!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dIrwh7Em38OiJFBw?e=eyW6s6!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dG0D7Z4M3I-vcpVg?e=CwZf0u

And here's the zip file:!AoR-AHsUdeQDi4dCEH9JM5CEhmBqmQ?e=MaUQNj

I haven't done an optimization pass like func_detail or anything like that yet. It's designed with the Hard difficulty in mind, but I did do a easy and normal pass...just not incredibly well-tuned on that front yet. Also no DM spawn points.
Any feedback welcome! Thanks! 
Need a place to host your screenshots? Upload them here:
Screenshot Hosting 
Seriously guys use Quaketastic... some of these links are ropey af 
And Map Hosting 
I am having issues in getting the map's link to work, as it is in a perpetual loop. 
I clicked on one of those and it logged me into a "one drive" account that I had no idea I even fucking had.

Seconding the "just use quaketastic" chaps. 
Some tips for when you finish up your map: 
Apologies All 
I've never had an issue with OneDrive before, so sorry for the runaround. Here's the quaketastic links:

And here's the pre-release of the map:

Is there a way to remove files from quaketastic? I couldn't find anything other than the upload options when logging in via browser. I realized I started putting things in the root directory instead of the screen_shots one and don't want there to be a bunch of junk files in there.

Thanks dumptruck_ds for the links! I'll follow them to the tee when it's ready to go prime time.

Thanks again, all! 
Made A Little 
I will return my mortal combats to you
Looks great madfox 
Imortal Creep 
Never could end that mod decently. I'm just a normal skill player and the nightmare setting didn't fit my joy at all. Good maps, I won't deny.

Afterall it's more than fair to see a Ranger killed after three shots, while nightmare skill offers the equal combat. 
A bit of husslin', but I finaly managed to get a decent base file for the thing. Thank Dr. Rigormortis for the start frame. It must have been quiet a job to combine a Chtong with an OldOne and some basic joints.

Turbosquid Model 
Just finished the manticore model. Original it comes from the turbosquid site as a label model, but I got so fixated with it that I made it a quake model 
Fire, Water, Squish 
I've started a new map, based around the idea of having - well - fire, water and places where you can get squished:

There are some more subsequent blog posts, but the map is still work in progress. Feel free to have a look at it and let me know what you think! 
That engine and hud literally makes my eyes vomit actual bile over my monitor and keyboard.

Also just direct link the images rather than having to have two clicks to open each one.

Map looks like an okay start tho. 
Welcome to Quake mapping.

I think you should be using a engine and textures which looks closer to how Quake is if you want to be sure the player is going to see and experience the same as you and issues do not arise. It also makes easier for us to tell you things as right now is hard to know. I am under the impression there is something wrong on the brushes on the upper part of the third screenshot but as i said before is hard to tell. 
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