Posted by metlslime on 2002/12/23 18:27:46 |
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.
Need a place to host your screenshots? Upload them here:
Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
File size limit is 128MB. |
 Scale Is Hard
#16465 posted by SavageX on 2020/07/17 15:49:03
Well, yeah, scale in Quake is hard.
Quake guy seems to be rather short, while moving unreasonably fast.
My major point of reference for scale is doors, then scale the rooms accordingly. In castellated, I chose 192 qu for door height (wizard doors, as in e1m3). These doors indeed dwarf the player, and so do the rooms. This is not unintentional for magic castle-libraries with "you're not welcome here"-architecture, but may still be excessive, so I *do* see your point.
In swampy, doors are 128 qu tall and the map *is* built to a smaller scale. Of course, I still like my big cave and outdoor areas...
farty is the oldest of these three maps, and also has 192 qu doors. So the scale here should be comparable to castellated.
Scale is a topic I'll have to keep in mind.
#16466 posted by Greenwood on 2020/07/19 09:26:10
What's going on with your Base map? I just played your Beta1 and then Beta4 (didn't see it until later). I liked the changes that you made along the way!
#16467 posted by SavageX on 2020/07/20 21:13:54
I think you'll find that the current snapshot available at https://maikmerten.de/maps/savlqmaps/ now features a much improved start map.
As was already clear from the screenshot you posted, the terrain work in the map is really nice. And I agree that the LibreQuake textures work well in this map -- although having reddish fireballs emerge from yellow lava looks a bit odd.
Love the way you integrated the notepad message at the start. :)
#16469 posted by SgtCrispy on 2020/07/24 06:16:46
The usual rl stuff and world on fire mental dread was keeping me distracted. Should have something around this weekend.
Thank you for the interest, kind of needed a reminder I was working on a map.
 FSPM Beta 5: The BSP Awakens
#16470 posted by SgtCrispy on 2020/07/25 23:40:16
Added and tweaked some enemy placements with a couple minor geo and lighting tweaks.
Should be the last beta (fingers crossed again)
#16471 posted by Greenwood on 2020/07/26 21:06:29
Here is a demo of your latest beta (#5):
I like it! It's a nice little retro map. The only secret that I didn't get was the rafter quad (which I didn't need). Maybe you could change that with something more useful, like grenade launcher, because you end up killing everyone in that room before you get to it.
 FSPM Beta 6/RC1: The Final Countdown
#16472 posted by SgtCrispy on 2020/07/30 00:06:21
BETA 6 LAST ONE I SWEAR! (unless someone finds a major boo-boo)
Added and tweaked weapons placements.
Changed the sewer secret train to a lift. Simpler and less noisy.
Minor stuff you won't notice probably.
#16473 posted by madfox on 2020/08/03 08:39:51
I rounded up my escher model with a skin texture. I wanted it to use it in a map. Bad is that is rather long, so its bbox won't crawl through holes as I wanted. Also don't wanted to fight it .., more like a passive atribute, but yeh, quake is a shooter, so I couldn't resist it.
A bit strugling with the qc to get it run and roll togling.
"pertinaxis_desastrious" a bacteria that lives on chips and silicium.
 I Love It, Madfox
#16475 posted by yhe1 on 2020/08/03 10:32:48
How does this thing attack?
 It Doesn't Have To Attack
#16476 posted by Kinn on 2020/08/03 12:25:12
Whilst Ranger is busy "wtf"ing at it, that's when the other monsters get the drop on you.
Clever girl...
 Secret Project
#16477 posted by Preach on 2020/08/03 19:32:11
Madfox, could you email me a copy of that model? I've had this idea for an animation gimmick in Quake for a while, and that creature is the perfect candidate to try it...
 On Its Way
#16478 posted by madfox on 2020/08/04 01:21:46
Some lingering monsters, an amonite or so..,
I had this intention earlier to add a population of statics, to serve as eyecandy. Things like birds that just fly arround to enlightened the grimm of the dark.
Right, as if a flog of squeeking ravens would comfort me.:P
No, they will attack me and I will defend myself.
It is just that this kind of attitude does not fit in Quake. A static won't move, a bird jumps over from walkmove to flymove. To much hussling with code I'm not familiar with. (yet) To make a walkmonster_go and a flymonster_go it has to switch between these two scripts, and I learnd with my amphebian this isn't the easiest way to do it.
The same goes for beez. Making a flog isn't that hard, but the bbox widthold its appearance. And a bbox for every bee costs to much entities.
It must be possible to adjust only one black point in game, that could function like that. I wish I had the knowhow to do so. From there it would be easy to make beez, or add fleez to an Ogre.
But whatever, it seems anything has to be shot in Quake, even a lost refugee who has done anyhing but being there. I won't mind if I loose my shells on shooting ravens, but I first have to make them fly and land.
#16479 posted by Tribal on 2020/08/04 09:46:38
Maybe you can adapt Cannonball's code from the X-Men: Ravages of Apocalypse mod for the raven you want to make. I remember that Cannonball could walk and fly in this mod.
X-Men: Ravages of Apocalypse is free, you can download the game and the sourcecode from this page:
look for cannon.qc and cannon2.qc
#16480 posted by madfox on 2020/08/04 23:06:49
Ha, yes I found it. It seems to convert with a FlyThink. Never would have come up the idea.
Thanks for the hint!
 How Crows Would Feel In Quake1
#16481 posted by madfox on 2020/08/05 01:35:42
Here is the first impression how Crows would act in Quake1. I can get them stand and walk, not in one row sadly. As soon as I add run I also need to make them attack, so no space for free wandering still.
 Great Fucking Idea Madfox
#16482 posted by Drew on 2020/08/05 04:25:08
I'd like to see them blacker tho. Also any way to make a 'skybound only' setting?
 How Zombies Would Squeel
#16483 posted by madfox on 2020/08/05 06:29:23
It is an old concept of Necros, trying to port a H2 raven model to quake. It ought to just surf around, sit down and pick around, fly in flogs, gather.
Quake doesn't have that many th_entity settings, so I split up the stand and walk functions in two toggable poses, and took the run function for fly.
Still was confronted with the error it would only walk with two seperated files. So one can be used for sky tracing only. It still will attack though.
Bad intentions for standing wagon wheels with hanging zombies and crows on top, burning cities in the background.
#16484 posted by madfox on 2020/08/05 06:30:43
I keep getting a noreply on your email adress, is something broken?
 Quake Ravens
#16485 posted by lpowell on 2020/08/06 04:49:54
are awesome.
 First Release, Looking For Feedback
Hello everyone! This is a medium to small-sized base map I was working on for almost a month now, and potentially my first Quake release. It is not in the final state yet, and any kind of feedback is appreciated, including demos! You can DM me in discord @ Mista Heita#9082
Quoth and protocol 999 is required. Tested, working with QS/QSS.
Some screenshots
Those screenshots look lovely.
Protocol 999 for a "medium to small-sized" map, though? Shouldn't that only be required for Ter Shibboleth-sized monstrosities?
 It's Not Big, It's Deep!
There are a couple of pits that are just over 4k coords, hence it launches under 999.
It's just me always testing it with QSS, so it always launches it @ 999. Just tested with regular QS - works with 666! Sorry!
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