#16390 posted by
Cocerello on 2020/04/25 17:42:22
they aren't released maps, or are they? I wanted to check the texture set of this map:
It suits the maps i am making lately.

Seen A Couple Of These Before
#16391 posted by
ijed on 2020/04/25 21:36:26
It's for a future release.
#16392 posted by
Qmaster on 2020/04/26 05:02:33

#16393 posted by
Cocerello on 2020/04/26 16:09:01
Thanks. Yeah, they are the same ones: even though it is hard to see details on the .gif, with the name i tracked them back to the source, on Twitter, and found the release post and later Bal showing some screenshots of that map to Makkon.
Surprisingly they look a lots less sharp on the map than on the .wad, which makes me think if Bal edited them a bit ... also because they are 178Mbytes and the textures for detail are all together into a single picture.
And, by the way, is there another repository for .wad files like Quaddicted or Quaketastic now? I have seen some new textures for Quake in the last years but no new files on either of them.

Re: That Malice Textured 1024 Map
#16394 posted by
negke on 2020/05/01 21:04:01
Finally sealed that bad boy.
I'm cautiously optimistic about meeting the Xmas Jam 2021 deadline now.

Looks Great Neggers.
#16396 posted by
Shambler on 2020/05/02 10:44:56
Just needs a proper skybox, some fog, and nice coloured lights.
#16398 posted by
lpowell on 2020/05/04 01:24:56
Also does anyone know what map has a "bloodfall" texture? I think I recall playing a map that had one but I can't remember what map.

Jam3 Has Bloodfalls
#16400 posted by
mfx on 2020/05/04 11:55:59
#16402 posted by
Drew on 2020/05/06 02:07:06
ps Bal shit is as inspiring/dispiriting as ever.
Love the pointers and hints marbled in with the brainbreaking detail shots.
Negke - yes please! Some of my favourites from you are in this vein. Hope to get to play eventually. I'll even record a demo! (will probably record it in quoth though, full disclosure)
Shambler - you've been oddly quiet on the map front as of late! Here's hoping you release something with a proper skybox, some fog and nice coloured lights some time soon

#16403 posted by
Shambler on 2020/05/06 18:32:35
Thanks for the encouragement, I haven't been mapping nor playing Quake though, I've been catching up on other games, and painting:

#16404 posted by
yhe1 on 2020/05/07 03:49:02
@Qmaster, are you still working on the keep mod?

Put The Jump Boots In The Keep Mod
#16407 posted by
lpowell on 2020/05/07 04:03:09

Stained Glass
#16408 posted by
madfox on 2020/05/11 05:10:16
Finally a way to blast the window and get way through the pew!

Maybe A Grenadelauncher..,
#16411 posted by
madfox on 2020/05/13 02:20:31

Not To...
#16412 posted by
Kinn on 2020/05/13 11:55:44
...be a downer, but is that window intended to be used in places where a solid wall would exist underneath it?

Unreal? In My Quake 1?
#16413 posted by
Danz on 2020/05/13 16:57:19
Using Hourences' converted icy skaarjtech textures from Xidia Gold.

#16414 posted by
madfox on 2020/05/13 17:06:42
Presuming it would be on 64 units height would give a natural look. It is always possible to lower the gibs of the underlying debris.
It is made as a static_debris using "newton force", that makes it possible to ruin every object in an exploding act so al components make a real advantage use of the gravity they depend on.
I made it a second time, as the first one didn't give enough space to crawl through. Now I'm left with a ruined scrambled skin.