To Model Or To Sprite?...
#16385 posted by
Redfield on 2020/04/23 04:15:34
Madfox, for this scene the gun smoke and dust are models with scaling and position keyframed, along with the alpha blend shader. These models have only one single skin so there is no sprite animation. The effect is achieved by key-framing these three attributes:
A closer look
The model skins can be converted to sprites with AdQuedit 1.3. You can spawn these sprites as temp entities on the correct frame in code. You can also give the sprites a self.alpha for each frame.
Here are my smoke and dust alphas already in Quake palette as an example:
The Sprite
#16386 posted by
madfox on 2020/04/23 06:44:29
I was already amazed by the way you had that alpha on the pinetree. I see your aproach is different than mine.
I see you're using Blender to make these attitudes. I never managed to get my model in it, but it looks good seeing it is possible.
Only way I can use sprites is with an alpha screen on tiff file. Other extentions loose the transparant quality.
AdQuedit, I used it once to change the hub files. Didn't know it had that ability.
Nice Stuff
#16388 posted by
wakey on 2020/04/25 16:51:23
and quite good for learning pruposes too!
#16389 posted by
ijed on 2020/04/25 17:25:52
Right in the motivation package...
Just kidding, that stuff is awesome :D
#16390 posted by
Cocerello on 2020/04/25 17:42:22
they aren't released maps, or are they? I wanted to check the texture set of this map:
It suits the maps i am making lately.
Seen A Couple Of These Before
#16391 posted by
ijed on 2020/04/25 21:36:26
It's for a future release.
#16392 posted by
Qmaster on 2020/04/26 05:02:33
#16393 posted by
Cocerello on 2020/04/26 16:09:01
Thanks. Yeah, they are the same ones: even though it is hard to see details on the .gif, with the name i tracked them back to the source, on Twitter, and found the release post and later Bal showing some screenshots of that map to Makkon.
Surprisingly they look a lots less sharp on the map than on the .wad, which makes me think if Bal edited them a bit ... also because they are 178Mbytes and the textures for detail are all together into a single picture.
And, by the way, is there another repository for .wad files like Quaddicted or Quaketastic now? I have seen some new textures for Quake in the last years but no new files on either of them.
Re: That Malice Textured 1024 Map
#16394 posted by
negke on 2020/05/01 21:04:01
Finally sealed that bad boy.
I'm cautiously optimistic about meeting the Xmas Jam 2021 deadline now.
Looks Great Neggers.
#16396 posted by
Shambler on 2020/05/02 10:44:56
Just needs a proper skybox, some fog, and nice coloured lights.
#16398 posted by
lpowell on 2020/05/04 01:24:56
Also does anyone know what map has a "bloodfall" texture? I think I recall playing a map that had one but I can't remember what map.
Jam3 Has Bloodfalls
#16400 posted by
mfx on 2020/05/04 11:55:59
#16402 posted by
Drew on 2020/05/06 02:07:06
ps Bal shit is as inspiring/dispiriting as ever.
Love the pointers and hints marbled in with the brainbreaking detail shots.
Negke - yes please! Some of my favourites from you are in this vein. Hope to get to play eventually. I'll even record a demo! (will probably record it in quoth though, full disclosure)
Shambler - you've been oddly quiet on the map front as of late! Here's hoping you release something with a proper skybox, some fog and nice coloured lights some time soon
#16403 posted by
Shambler on 2020/05/06 18:32:35
Thanks for the encouragement, I haven't been mapping nor playing Quake though, I've been catching up on other games, and painting:
#16404 posted by
yhe1 on 2020/05/07 03:49:02
@Qmaster, are you still working on the keep mod?
Put The Jump Boots In The Keep Mod
#16407 posted by
lpowell on 2020/05/07 04:03:09
Stained Glass
#16408 posted by
madfox on 2020/05/11 05:10:16
Finally a way to blast the window and get way through the pew!