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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Thanks for the comments everyone. @dumptruck_ds, thanks for the comment about the lighting; getting the right Quakey contrast is something I really need to work on. 
It's detrimental to gameplay (enemy variety) to refuse to use base enemies in otherworldy settings for "thematic reasons". But even thematically it doesn't make logical sense. Why can Ranger travel through the slipgates, but the grunts can't? Is there an anti-grunt forcefield? It's perfectly reasonable to imagine grunts traveling through slipgates to act as backup. 
It's detrimental to gameplay (enemy variety) to refuse to use base enemies

If it's the mapper's choice to not use base enemies, then it ain't detrimental to jack shit, mr anonymous.

Let's try not to confuse "what mapper wants to do" with "what people are telling mapper to do". 
@lpowell, Lighting 
@lpowell I was just going to add to dumptruck_ds's comment about the lighting. At the moment from the screen shots, you can see the light spheres around obvious light sources (especially in the 3rd screen shot), but there isn't much to break the lighting up or give it a different flow and direction. It looks good now, but it would look better if you thought more about lighting in terms of how the architecture would cast shadows on itself, how light might flow from area to area, how light might flow out of a brighter area into a darker larger area (for example, having light spill out of a doorway or hallway). Let the architecture shape the lighting more. Doing this also increases the visual detail. 
For Those Not On Discord 
I have been farting around in trenchbroom recently (it's been a while)...

I've been pottering away at it, though it's slow going now that Outer Worlds has been released. 
Ouch ! 
Fifth, that kind of fart would tear a butthole to shreds but what a visual stun ! Such a beautiful spiky-curvy shaped menace. Love it. Can't wait ! 
butthole shreds ahoy 
Any People Up For Playtesting? 
I'm looking for playtesters for my first map in Quake! I have tested it a bit with people inexperienced with the game, but I'd love to hear what you guys think. Mostly looking for some absolutely brutal feedback.


I have here a skill 1 demo for you (i usually play 2 but i have not played in a few years ...).

About your map i like the original style, the interconnectivity and exploration, and variety on looks and rooms. You are going into the right direction.

On the things to get better:
- Lighting is dull, while low contrast lighting is nice i think you have gone too far in that direction. The good part of it is that it hides secrets a lot better.
- In general it feels like the scale is a bit small and it is easy to get stuck on columns, but as the map is easy at least on skill 1 it poses no problem.
- Those two silver key doors at the beginning should not be marked for, as they open without a key later, which can be misleading.
- You may want to add a silver or gold key texture like in id maps to make it obvious for everyone they are for that. It can lead to misunderstanding and people getting lost.
- That ring of shadows probably needs to count as a secret.
- Those crates you saw me looking on while on top of them need the textures to be aligned, but it also seems that all of them have the wrong size compared with the texture they use.
- You should probably put a non invisible wall on top of that rooftop or any other mechanic.
- Theres too many green armours, even for skill 1, but better too much than too few.
- You will probably receive complains here because the map is non-linear, but i do think you should pay no attention to them.
- You probably saw how those enemies telefragged themselves at the end ... 
@lpowell @FifthElephant @oprel, And A Little Of My Own Work 
@lpowell I like those screenshots, they look nice. Good lighting and QUAKE style brush architecture.
@FifthElephant - I love heavy, dark, metal, spikey stuff! When I see something like this I know it is not friendly world but evil unknown dimension.
@oprel Good architecture on screenshots, as Cocerello said maybe the lighting is a little to flat in some place but generally looks for good work.

After 10 years pause in QUAKE maps I back and play around with architectures and light. If you like see, here are my playgrounds: 
Interesting Stuff AA 
Seems like you're doing a lot of experimenting with brushes. I'd recommend also recommend experimenting with layouts and monster placement too, make blockouts and then use your brush experiments to detail up the map afterwards. 
I am loving these. Keep going! 
AZure AGony 
Great looking stuff! 
@FifthElephant @dumptruck_ds @mfx 
Oh, thank you very much for good words! I remember very well quad shadow from original QUAKE map "Gloom keep" it's still impresive look. I redesinged the quad shape, it's not perfect, but keeps grid and looks not bad. 
interesting stuff again, feels like a cross between Q1 Episode 4 and Quake 3. 
Lords Of Chaos - Beta Version 
A beta version of Lords of Chaos is available for those who are willing to playtest it for me.

I request that anyone who downloads the file not distribute it. I also request that ONLY those who are going to play this for testing purposes, download and test it. If you just want to have a look, wait until the final version please. It won't be far away.

The level is almost done. All that is left to do, is fine tuning of the gameplay, which may depend on feedback, and some more tuning of the lighting.

This requires a port with BSP2 support.

This level is on the larger side (about 340 enemies and a play time of 45 minutes to an hour). It is quite non-linear (though you shouldn't be able to skip sections), requires a little bit of exploration and planning. Ammo and health aren't always placed in front of you, and you may have to choose between looking for more ammo and looking for a fight.

In the level, you have to summon and kill seven Chaos Lords. As each Chaos Lord falls, more of the level opens up. But they aren't summoned right where you are standing, you have to hunt them down!

The link is here.


Please read the included text file.

@BoraxMan Just A Few Things... 
Why is there a "pak0.pak" file IN the "pak0.pak" file!?

Also there's a "config.cfg" file in your "pak0.pak" file, which should never be there.

I'm continuing on... 
Cool! I'll give this a spin and let you know how I get on. 
I'll Fix The PAK 
Thanks damange_inc for pointing that out. Explains why the file is so large!

That probably has to do with a utility I'm testing to create PAK files. I'll have to modify it so it doesn't include the files its creating as part of the files to add.

The 'config.cfg' shouldn't be there. I'll fix the PAK when I next can. 
PAK File Fixed 
Ive re-uploaded with a fixed PAK file. It should no longer have the config.cfg and other superfluous files.

Redownload using the same link I gave in the original announcement of the beta. 
Looking forward to playing this and seeing what you did with progs_dump. 
@BoraxMan A Few Moar Things! 
I've no idea how many CL's I've defeated... might be cool to create a "shrine" where as you defeat them heads are placed so the player can always tell how many? Or have the player "aquire" the heads and have to go place them?

Also I might be stuck? The level is pretty much cleared, 300/"about 340" and my only option is to grenade jump to a "gold key", upon doing that I hear a CL appear but working my way to him and killing him does not do much and doesn't really feel like this was the intended way.

I even noclipped out of desperation. 
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