#16215 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/25 12:02:58
The error was faust skin taller than 480
#16216 posted by madfox on 2019/09/25 20:11:40
I was afraid of something like that, 64x1010 is much too large. Can you open faust in a modeleditor?
#16217 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/25 20:22:01
But you were clearly able to open it in quakespasm.092.2 rss admod
#16218 posted by madfox on 2019/09/25 21:00:14
I thought the skin limets were 300xwhatever, although quakespasm_spike_ad these limits were crossed.
#16219 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/25 21:50:49
can you upload the quakespasm_spike_ad?
 Link Quakespasm
#16220 posted by madfox on 2019/09/25 23:16:27
I tried chasm_quake_dev01 out on a win98 computer with winquake and it runs fine.
 Or This One
#16221 posted by madfox on 2019/09/25 23:22:10
#16222 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/26 05:12:49
No, I mean the program directly from your computer.
I tried again, quakespasm give me the faust skin error
#16223 posted by madfox on 2019/09/26 07:23:37
#16224 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/26 07:45:41
 Notarget ?
#16225 posted by madfox on 2019/09/26 08:36:07
It looks as if the entity wants to attack you.
Mod will only work when using no target as soon as the game starts.
#16226 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/26 08:48:21
Got it, thanks, the skin is much better now
 Skin Size
#16227 posted by madfox on 2019/09/26 21:43:31
After I took the time to seperate each model to import it as a common sized skin file, it really took time to evaluate the 64x1010 chasm skin. This is an odd size anyway.
It only could get more bad before I realized Noesis converts them to mdl with the according skin.
Looking at Faust eyepiece I don't think I could reproduce it on 300x200.
I wonder if there is a way to extract the 64x1010 file.
It seems I need more knowledge of the UV filter.
#16228 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/27 00:04:30
I don't think the skin file size is a big issue, as the regular quakesapsm could just expand its limits.
I also tested it on Aguirre's engine, works fine there also
#16229 posted by madfox on 2019/09/27 06:09:02
What about the size of the entities?
In Chasm I'm not further than the second level, so I'm not that experienced.
All I can do is compare the two games and it looks as if all y-axes are somehow " shrinked".
#16230 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/27 06:45:30
You mean the size of chasm monsters compared to quake monsters?
 < Eyesight
#16231 posted by madfox on 2019/09/27 09:07:52
The comparishment between the way chasm monsters appear in Chasm and how they look in Quake. I think of a mincer and a goblin with a smaller bbox than fire height, or should I look to an orc on eyesight or look up at it.
#16232 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/27 10:48:58
Are you worried that the height will affect the monsters attacks?
#16233 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/27 21:42:50
Also, where is the skeleton and the final boss of the addon? I do not see him in the loko video
 I Think This Is A Bit Off Topic?
Maybe a dedicated Chasm mod thread is in order?
#16235 posted by metlslime on 2019/09/27 21:56:19
or move it to Modelling Help
#16236 posted by metlslime on 2019/09/27 21:58:06
 Fire Height
#16237 posted by madfox on 2019/09/27 22:19:00
I made all chasm entities seized between a quake ogre and rotweiler.
I seized the Worm like Shambler.
Maybe they should be more ponounced.
 Off Topic
#16238 posted by madfox on 2019/09/27 23:00:14
Maybe you'te right. I never started a new toppic, maybe time to do so.
#16239 posted by yhe1 on 2019/09/28 00:45:31
As long as the chasm monsters can attack the player properly, I don't see how size is a big issue.