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New Map For QuakeWorld 1v1/2v2: The Catalyst 
Thjs map is fantastic!

There are about 48 textures missing (message in the console while loading the map).

I noticed a missing texture on the side of the last door (exit slipgate).

I believe the lava texture could be much better. Currently, it's looking like vomit (low res orange-yellow lava texture).

Also, the texture used on the teleporter could be better. It is too low res!

Also, once we fall on some parts, there's no way to get back. Especially on the large pipe under a floor. It's looking like hiding some secrets, but we can't walk on the pipe.

Despite these first crittics, the map is awesome! Nice new ideas in there. 
That Looks Fucking Ace In The Shots!! 
Looks very interesting 
Not Used To Hard 
So these demos are going to be frustrating to watch. But beautiful, stunning brushwork, texturing and lighting! I think you will see a lot of areas where game play could be improved. I was cheesing enemies form a distance much of the time and that's kinda of boring BUT I think you can get this baby purring with some tweaks. 

I love this map.
The design is awesome. the interior and used textures in colour and dimension look great. The whole level with its big rooms feels great to play. A little more contrast on lights and shadows would give the map more depth and make the structures mightier. 
Beta Map Neonquake 

Have a little sideproject called neonquake.
This mod was created with progs_dump and has a START map.
For now there's one episode with 7 levels platform jumping.
Three different games are planed. Number two is in progress. Two more episodes for the first game are in work.


Nice work.

It's a bit repetitious but I got hooked and wanted to conquer the 7 levels. Do you have any plans to make other "flying" blocks for the player to dodge? I think that would add more of a challenge.

Also, do you have lookspring defaulting to on in this? And I noticed something about jumping forward too. 
Nice! Bearing in mind that I'd already got the hang of the gameplay from playing that one map with the train issue, I didn't have any problems getting through the other maps.

The arcade machine in the start map was cute. I liked the appropriately-retro music, and that the music gets more frantic as you progress.

I'm seconding dumptruck_ds' sentiment that the gameplay is a bit repetitive, but on the other hand it didn't take long to play through that first episode. I guess more variety could be included in the second and third episodes?

I noticed a few purely technical issues:

* The zip file contains a copy of your config.cfg file; I'd strongly suggest removing that, because it'll cause players' settings to be overwritten by your own settings. I expect this is why dumptruck_ds was having the issue with lookspring.

* There are a couple of files with uppercase characters in the names; this can cause issues for players using operating systems that use case-sensitive file systems. It's better to make all files have lowercase names. Relevant files are "GSH_neonquake" and "START.bsp". The "map" key of the trigger_changelevel in ep17 would also need to be changed from "START" to "start" to match.

* In the first three maps, the edge of the first big train pokes through the wall after it stops moving, so the player can cheat by standing on that until the end.

* In ep16, the curved corners at the edges of the map don't line up with the outer walls (look to the left/right on map start to see).

* In ep17, the player can trigger the "You succeed" message early if they aggressively jump forward across the platforms. This could be solved by putting the trigger behind the door to the exit, or by making it so the message is triggered when the door opens instead of when the player touches a trigger.

* ep17 ends with an intermission screen, but the map doesn't contain an info_intermission for the camera view, so the viewpoint just defaults to the info_player_start, which isn't a very good view.

Hope this is useful. Keep at it! 
Looking For A Skin Tailor 
Not so familiar with the seize and behaviour of the chasm monsters.

Can you please some quake monsters along side them to see how they fit together? 
Chasm's AI is pretty garbage, so I think simply watching the gameplay and getting in close enough will do. 

Yes theres repetivity. In the first way I had to learn how to place blocks. In the second I want players to get used to the sorts of blocks.
I have plans for shootable blocks and walls to walk and maybe three levels of platforms for using the 3rd dimension to.
Dodgable Blocks would also bee nice and I'm working on that. Have to find out how to stop a player stopping all trains by getting in between a train and a wall.

what do you think about lookspring and strafeing? Should it be activated? 

Yes the repetivity is in it. I had to learn how to use the trains and look forward to create more interesting levels from now.
Thanks for the technical hints too. I'm fixing that.
Looking forward for a more cleaner episode two. :) 
@dumptruck_ds @wi 
What do you think about smaller trains?
I also think about a shorter starting platform.
Now its 6 Units. What about 3 to 4?

Best wishes 
I'm not sure what you mean by the starting platform being 6 units?

As far as smaller trains... if you mix them in with larger trains in more advanced levels why not?

Also I wonder if you could use the code from func_fall in some way? Those are platforms that fall out from under the player and fade away. Newly released in 1.1.0 You'd likely have to combine a train with that code the way the mod works. Also in 1.1.0 there is metlslime's "retrigger" spawnflag for func_trains. I bet you could put this to good use in this mod. 
The models from Chasm_theRift contain as double as much frames as the Quake asset. They also have more extra subroutines like victory and shout. Here some screens of howfar I've come.


haha, they fit very well together.

The chasm monsters still do not have AI? 
Madfox, can I share the video on another site? 
If they didn't had IA they wouldn't appear in game.
Share whatever you want. 
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