Anyone Want To Make An Fgd?
#134 posted by
jt_ on 2011/03/06 15:15:35

#135 posted by
necros on 2011/03/06 19:09:25
that sounds familiar. ^_^;

#136 posted by
Lardarse on 2011/03/07 01:44:41
Especially as those who are ignorant of the past are damned to repeat it. As are some of the less ignorant...
#137 posted by Scrama on 2011/03/08 11:19:42
Amazing game! Thank you!

#138 posted by
RaverX on 2011/03/08 22:46:38
"Subterranean Spookworks" is pure genius, I still can't believe that a map can look so good, it makes you feel you're THERE.

7/7 in rub2m3.
7/7 in rub2m2.
6/7 in rub2m1.

Thanks A Bunch
The one you forgot to list was the one I couldn't find.
#142 posted by
mwh on 2011/03/10 05:01:23
So how do you get to the quad in rub2m2? I've found everything else I think.

Spoiler, Too.
Gurer'f n fubbgnoyr ohggba ba gbc bs gur pengr vzzrqvngryl evtug bs gur fcnjavat cbvag gb gur ynfg nern gung ybjref gur tengr lbh fcnjarq hcba gb gur yriry bs n qhpg yrnqvat gb gur dhnq.

#145 posted by
mwh on 2011/03/10 11:00:37
I thought it would be something like that, but couldn't find it. Ta!

Thank You
#146 posted by taniwha on 2011/03/22 00:46:44
That was good fun. I played through all three maps yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed them. I was too busy hacking on qfcc for the last two months to have time to play, but rubicon2 was a great reward :)
While fantastic for single player (probably coop, too), the maps are a bit big for a small death-match game, but I noticed that especially 1 and 3 had nice hidy-holes for ambushes.
Other than some draw-order issues with transparent brushes and map models, everything works well in QuakeForge (so long as you use multi-texture rendering with the fog).
I had a similar reaction to the flame-thrower guys: why's he chasing me? ... uh oh!
As for the flyers: maybe along with the 5 nails, a cell or two? (scavenged from his disk).
Again, thank you for the fun :)

All Secrets And Demos On Easy Skill
#147 posted by Bugsy on 2011/04/06 20:14:40

Rubicon 2 Fgd
#148 posted by
Vigil on 2011/08/08 21:48:35
I made one. Who wants to test it? Hammer doesn't complain, but I might have overlooked something.

Post A Link
#149 posted by
generic on 2011/08/10 00:32:00
...and I will have a look.

#150 posted by
Vigil on 2011/08/10 13:11:26
Get it here:
I copied all the instructions from the
.def so make sure you read through it to know how the new stuff works. Some bounding boxes might not be optimized properly. Monsters are with the other monsters, other stuff is at the top.

#151 posted by
metlslime on 2011/08/10 20:47:33
one thing i noticed, you have "movedir" and "movedir2" as integers for the func_turret, they should be vectors.
Another thing, all monsters should have the "spawn_triggered" and "spawn_silent" flag. (Although, i'm not sure if fish support that feature, since they have a different spawn code than the other monsters.)

Still Looking...
#153 posted by
generic on 2011/08/19 16:29:36
Some of the bounding boxes are indeed off. I have been tweaking items so that they show up correctly in the editor. I will post a new version next week-ish.
#154 posted by
Spirit on 2011/09/17 22:29:51
cant get it work for coop.
quakespasm -dedicated gives me:
SpiritQuaddict entered the game
IFNOT 4332(???) branch 23
client.qc : SelectSpawnPoint
client.qc : PutClientInServer
runaway loop error
Host_Error: Program error
Client SpiritQuaddict removed
QUAKE ERROR: Host_Error: Program error
./darkplaces-dedicated +sv_protocolname quake +map start -game rubicon2 crashes ~28 seconds after a client tried to join (unsuccessfully):
SpiritQuaddict connected
server Profile:
[CallCount] [Statement] [BuiltinCt] [StmtTotal] [BltnTotal] [self]
1 45000000 800000000 0 0 inf% SelectSpawnPoint
5001479 ----------------------- builtin ----------------------- find
710 34790 101768 34790 101768 100.00% RotateTargets
Host_Error: server runaway loop counter hit limit of 10000000 jumps
tip: read above for list of most-executed functions
QuakeC crash report for server:
s6464: CALL3 find (=find())
s6465: STORE_ENT GLOBAL1, lastspawn (=entity 0)
s6466: NE_E lastspawn (=entity 0), world (=entity 0), GLOBAL4330
s6467: IFNOT GLOBAL4330, statement 6469
s6468: RETURN lastspawn (=entity 0)
s6469: GOTO , statement 6503
s6470: IFNOT deathmatch (= 1.0000), statement 6503
s6471: STORE_ENT lastspawn (=entity 0), spot (=entity 0)
client.qc : SelectSpawnPoint : statement 25
client.qc : PutClientInServer : statement 0
Client "SpiritQuaddict" dropped
SpiritQuaddict left the game with 0 frags
Quake Error: Host_Error: server runaway loop counter hit limit of 10000000 jumps
tip: read above for list of most-executed functions
#155 posted by
Spirit on 2011/09/17 22:36:23
It works fine if I do it locally with non dedicated (but listen?) games started via the menu with both Quakespasm or DP as the server and client.
#156 posted by
Spirit on 2011/09/17 22:43:55
Note to self:
Use +deathmatch 0 ...
#158 posted by
metlslime on 2011/09/18 09:58:09
i don't think i put any coop starts in there...