#14751 posted by Tronyn on 2017/05/17 19:49:02
func_train, the wheels don't rotate and when it "turns" on its path, it doesn't rotate at all.
seriously though that's some amazing work mfx, it's epic watching you continue to push the envelope.
#14752 posted by mfx on 2017/05/17 21:17:23
#14745 no, fully made in editor with brushes.
It doesn't move. Thx Tronyn!
#14755 posted by
khreathor on 2017/05/18 01:56:08
ahh, respect man, amazing work.
If There Was A Func_detail Competition
#14756 posted by
Qmaster on 2017/05/18 02:51:46
I think mfx just won.
#14757 posted by
Qmaster on 2017/05/18 03:07:43
Is quaketastic a good place to upload an html page for a new mod or is that presumptuous?
Where Others Have Gone Before...
#14758 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/05/18 15:40:07
...And Failed
The greater the number of assignments that are due in my course, the more progress I make on my map.
Procrastinating is easier when you can tell yourself you're working.
#14759 posted by
mjb on 2017/05/18 15:49:07
Telling a small story there.
Quake mapping can be finished at any time but your projects have a due date. Get em done!
MFX's Car
#14760 posted by
Barnak on 2017/05/18 16:09:44
Can we go inside, even if it's stationary ?
Could be cool to get ammo and weapons from inside...
#14761 posted by mfx on 2017/05/19 20:47:33
Needs Deep Tire Tracks
#14762 posted by
negke on 2017/05/19 22:56:17
And a vista where the player approaches it from a slightly distant and elevated position to be able to appreciate the whole thing, because from it looks really huge in game when being close.
#14763 posted by anonymous user on 2017/05/19 23:04:45
my plan is to start from the vehicle, reaching a far out outpost which has gone silent after finding that evil stuff....
#14764 posted by
Qmaster on 2017/05/20 00:20:55
Notice mfx is still leaving us wondering what the inside looks like. Dirty we must play it.
#14766 posted by mfx on 2017/05/20 00:39:54
Coming for ID1 or maybe something else, hopefully this summer.
#14769 posted by mfx on 2017/05/20 19:11:07
Cool rockscape!
#14770 posted by
negke on 2017/05/20 20:20:28
Rool Cockscape more like...
#14772 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/05/22 15:18:05
A Deadly Drainage Pit
Despite all the mapping I've been doing, I'm actually still (mostly) on top of my coursework. I think they call this a "work/work balance".
Into The Abyss
#14773 posted by
mjb on 2017/05/22 16:49:46
Awesome man, keep sharing the seeing these!
And extra points for staying on top of your coursework...yeah buddy.
Looks great - reminds me a bit or Markarth in Skyrim. Which is a good thing.