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Galactix Released 
Those of you interested in any of the QExpo mods coming out may like Galactix. It's over at my qexpo page:

You might also like Jeht.

I notice some of you guys have booths up for your maps. Downloading now! Metl... no release yet?
/me twitches slightly 
i couldnt get galactix to work when i tried it a day or two ago. I used CheapHack 1.5b i think, but when i started a new game, and during/after ship selection, etc it was all full dark, though i could still hear the game continuing and see me losing health...any ideas? 
Less drugs should fix that problem :) 
thats your answer to everything! 
DOOM 3 Again. 
System requirements...

Do people think (based on what they've heard or seen which I haven't) that a "good" current system, say P4 2.5, 512meg ram, Radeon 9700/9800 or top end GF4TI blah, will be good enough to run D3 when it arrives?? I mean run it reasonably well (but not uber-fast) with a lot of the graphical spandooglies on?? 
I don't think this can really be answered until John. C. has anything to revealing to disclose regarding it... 
Yeah, if you don't buy shitty hardware this setup should work pretty well.

I'd go for a 2.5 GHz with 800MHz FSB and some fast, 400 MHz, DDR RAM. The Radeon 9700 is more powerful then the 9600 altho the price difference may not be worth it, I for myself went for the 9600. 
Sorry Phait 
I ran your post through babelfish and it still didn't make any sense!! 
Tsk Tsk, Shambler, 
he means:

I don't think this question can be answered properly until John C. reveals any more about the DooM engine.

cheers, dudes! :) 
Yeah, that should run it, I've run the leak on a similar system (albeit with a worse graphics card) perfectly fine. 
You didn't list FitzQuake at your QExpo booth! 
good point.

i'll do that tonight.

Otherwise i'd have to release it during qexpo!!!! 
Battle Mech Maps Due 
Battle Mech will be released tomorrow, so anyone who wants their map included in the official release, please, please have it ready and uploaded somewhere (not my e-mail) so I can download it around noon tomorrow and put it in the zip.

If you have a mapshot for your map (for MHquake, which will be in the release), please include that too (btw, metlslime, please send me the mapshots for bmech01-03, I can't find them anymore).

I won't be able to test your maps to check quality, I just don't have the time. :( So, I suppose that means I'll be including any and all maps that are submitted.

By the way, I got powerups added. They use the original powerup names so those of you including powerups in your maps won't have to worry about not knowing what the classnames are. They are:

Super Damage
Infinite Ammo (replaces the biosuit)

Also, here's the infiltration map my bro submitted. It's pretty good quality, but probably slow too:

Please get those maps submitted soon. However, if you don't make it on time, I can later add your map to the qexpo page or Battle Mech page, and will gladly do so. 
I don't know what to say, other than cheaphack rubs your computer the wrong way. Try MHQuake, which works fine with battle mech (though it lacks transparency).

I hope and hope galactix isn't messed up for other people. :o 
btw, metlslime, please send me the mapshots for bmech01-03, I can't find them anymore

You must be thinking of some other metlslime; i didn't make those maps, nor did i make mapshots for them. 
I'm The Other Metlslime 
Haha, I Can't Believe 
I mixed you to up. Last night I woke up realizing that...

Thanks pushplay. 
News: Battle Mech Released! 
Battle Mech has finally been released. The overhead mech game includes 7 Deathmatch maps and one Capture The Flag map. You can play Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, Instant Kill Deathmatch, Rambo Match, and other game modes. It also includes frikbots for your fighting pleasure.

Those of you who didn't get your maps completed on time can still submit them in the future, and I will provide links on my website.

BTW, Galactix Black Screen Problem: 
Here's something Xsniper said:

Wazat, the black screen issue is an issue in newer quake engines spawned from tomaz quake in most cases. Anyway it can be fixed by updating your video drivers and directx in most cases.

Hopefully that helps. 
K Thanks 
ill update all my drivers later 
"Speedmapping" Pack 41 Released 
Speedmapping session 41 took place last night and fun was had by all.

It went on longer than the original 100 minutes in most cases, but I think it was worth it, as the result is a huge 11 maps being produced!

Download the pack here (2.7mb)

Definitely worth getting; there's some great work in this pack. 
L33t! But why do you have a path for the files in the zip? 
Because I Suck 
thanks, should be fixed now 
Further Experiments Into Useless Geometry

Twisty column built with gyro-elongated hexagons. weeee 
Downloading now.

BTW, someone should post news that QExpo is over, and say congratulations to all those who participated etc. 
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