Battle Mech will be released tomorrow, so anyone who wants their map included in the official release, please, please have it ready and uploaded somewhere (not my e-mail) so I can download it around noon tomorrow and put it in the zip.
If you have a mapshot for your map (for MHquake, which will be in the release), please include that too (btw, metlslime, please send me the mapshots for bmech01-03, I can't find them anymore).
I won't be able to test your maps to check quality, I just don't have the time. :( So, I suppose that means I'll be including any and all maps that are submitted.
By the way, I got powerups added. They use the original powerup names so those of you including powerups in your maps won't have to worry about not knowing what the classnames are. They are:
Super Damage
Infinite Ammo (replaces the biosuit)
Also, here's the infiltration map my bro submitted. It's pretty good quality, but probably slow too:
Please get those maps submitted soon. However, if you don't make it on time, I can later add your map to the qexpo page or Battle Mech page, and will gladly do so.