Thanks for showing us how "modern" effects can blend nicely with a "retro" feel.
what you're doing shits all over modern effects on classic maps.
Thanks man, looking forward to whatever you end up releasing with this engine / mod.
Shit's Lit, Fam
#14526 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/01/23 10:02:17
This is where I'd like to see indie games go in the next few years. The kind of tasteful fidelity that is offered by modern effects, blended with the aesthetic of "crunchy pixel art" and low polygon counts.
If I ever made a game, that's how I'd make it look.
#14527 posted by
topher on 2017/01/23 15:52:12
also, that light inscriptions in the walls looks like the gates of moria (LOTR).
cool stuff with those light rays
i want to see something like this too. but that looks really hard to do.
Re: #14526
#14528 posted by
starbuck on 2017/01/23 16:24:27
Well said! I agree completely.
This aesthetic is so appealing. The low-fidelity abstracts things to the point where your brain is forced to read between the lines a bit. When things are crystal clear, it's almost impossible to suspend disbelief... I've spent 20 or more years playing games, and like most of us, i know what particle effects and skyboxes look like, and can spot the polygons in the highest polycount models.
But reduce the resolution and render fancy effects in software, and it's so much harder to figure out how the scene is created. I can't see behind the curtain so easily with this, and that subtle haze, that slight mystery makes the world so much more engaging. So great work so far! Really excited by this project.
Thanks For The Feedback!
#14529 posted by
killpixel on 2017/01/23 22:12:14
@khreathor - thanks!
@Shamblernaut - I appreciate that. Those shots are a good example of what I'm trying to avoid. Funny, it's the same engine, same code, same tech. It really isn't about the tools, but how you use them.
@Pritchard - I agree, I'd like to see more stuff like this.
@topher - The doors of Durin were certainly an inspiration. That and Wayne Barlowe's work is what I drew from when designing those. I was slightly annoyed when a Doom4 gameplay trailer released and revealed the keyed hell doors that look very similar. Oh, well. Regarding the light rays: it can be done. I did some stained glass tests a year or two ago and it looked pretty good. Rays are easier if they're right angles. In half-life ep.2 they did angled rays like the ones you linked and they looked pretty darn good.
@starbuck - I think you hit the nail on the head. I liken the pixelated look to reading a book: a book gives you key information and a general outline but allows your imagination to do the rest. This makes the world so much more rich and interesting and gives the reader (or player) a certain authorship of the world they're in. It seems that the closer we get to the uncanny valley the less immersive and engaging the world becomes. What you described is a core concept of this project.
Cool Stuff
#14531 posted by
mjb on 2017/01/24 20:46:26
That looks rather unique with the mash of textures.
Socks Dreams
#14532 posted by my friendly xenomorph on 2017/01/29 01:18:36
Oh My Word
#14533 posted by
starbuck on 2017/01/29 02:23:39
that first shot is stunning!
#14537 posted by my friendly xenomorph on 2017/01/29 07:24:47
sock made it, i just posted them here
Screenshots of unplayable "maps" should go into Inspiration & Reference.
You Should Go Too
#14540 posted by anonymous user on 2017/01/29 09:53:53
little otp
#14542 posted by
Kinn on 2017/01/29 10:13:46
It's like what Quake 3 should have looked like if Quake 3 had art direction.
#14544 posted by
Kinn on 2017/01/29 10:44:59
"every brick is at least one brush" is the new "every brick is a brush"
No but seriously otp, what makes you think it's unplayable? Looks fine to me.
The fact that sock said "it's not a playable map" on Twitter.
I suggested that he make a story driven map. AD certainly has the tools for that style of map.
#14548 posted by
madfox on 2017/01/29 20:36:04
with that cruel stories about metal caches and corpses that were moleshed with rasping flesh cutters and fired daggers and examples of foto's of cathedrals after making them first in quake scaring the hell out of me.
Something Like Firetop Mountain
#14549 posted by
generic on 2017/01/29 20:44:40
Would be cool...