#120 posted by
nitin on 2003/03/17 23:34:07
looks good but they dont look too sharp, somehwat blurry.

#122 posted by
. on 2003/03/18 04:08:45
Filter / Sharpen *droool*

#123 posted by
Kell on 2003/03/18 07:13:18
Holy techorama, Batman. You're really going into the grungy industrial stuff these days. Me like A LOT.

Wot, No Title?
#124 posted by
Kell on 2003/03/18 07:14:15
"in rust we trust"
Now that's a motto I live by...

#125 posted by
starbuck on 2003/03/18 13:39:24
that DM map looks good daz...
and i like the new Dazsp4 screenshot :)

Unsharpen Mask
#126 posted by
cyBeAr on 2003/03/18 15:13:59
(photoshop) is more usefull than sharpen if you want to sharpen up your textures.
Speedy: they look better than the ones you released but you need to work more on the forms (specially the round pipes or whatever they are) and use less black.

Because It Makes Them Look Bad/non Believable?
#128 posted by
cyBeAr on 2003/03/19 12:00:37
#129 posted by
Vodka on 2003/03/19 21:10:30
rather opposite
painted shadows should be black to remain black regardless of the lightmaps, or you get washed dull look of HL

Use Of Black
#130 posted by
Kell on 2003/03/19 21:42:19
Well, I understand the comment. Using black for all shadows and recesses darkens the underlying material irrespective of its qualities or the light that would actually be falling on it. This is really more an issue of realism textures, like with the ( stalled ) med texture challenge on Map-Center. Pale colored stucco and brickwork recieving large amounts of sunlight would not have black/dark gray shadows; more likely bluish gray or brown. Using black produces a stronger, comic book feel in a texture, especially if the materials being represented are incredibly corroded metal or heavily grunged up brickwork.
Personally, I've used black shading ( or, as I refer to the omni-directional shading between texture components, inking ) on almost all of my textures. Which are, patently, comic book style and not highly realistic.
For Speed's textures, I think black is perfectly acceptable.

#131 posted by
Vodka on 2003/03/23 20:28:34
It required tonn of voodoo tricks and text editing of the
.map to do it, but here it is ...
Now need to apply snazzy shaders and shange items

#132 posted by
nitin on 2003/03/23 21:31:46
have you modified the textures too or are they going to be blurryish like von's converted map?

#133 posted by
Vodka on 2003/03/25 22:46:39
I`ll do something to the texes

#134 posted by
nitin on 2003/03/26 02:03:42
cool, that was the only thing I disliked about von's map. I've played the qw version of leaks and if it's the same (added detail?) then it can only be good.

For anyone who hasn't seen this one yet:
This one is an unlit screenie of the Q1 DM map I'm currently working on, dressed in texes from the good old quake.wad. The architecture is nearly done and I hope to have a lit version ready by the weekend.
Comments are welcome as always...

Looks Good
#136 posted by
Wazat on 2003/04/03 10:06:06
Particularly interesting is the way the lava is shaped.

Q2 Dm...
#137 posted by Maric on 2003/04/05 12:10:02
I mentioned this one last eve. and posted an early rough pic...
I wanted to do a bit more with it than what is pictured here but have run up against the max_patches limit. This is pretty much what the final will look like.
It is a tad bland but I was going for a minmalistic, all terrain map which it made coming up with decent lighting a bugger.

#138 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/04/05 12:22:56
That is very nice looking.

Hmm, very nice looking Maric. Looking forward to see the finished product...

#140 posted by
H-Hour on 2003/04/05 14:59:56
the lava looks a bit too straight to me, but everything else looks great!

#141 posted by
Wazat on 2003/04/07 14:06:22
Nice. I like the canyon, and the way heat glows from the cracks.

#142 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/04/10 19:13:15
maric, let me tell you this. you are my hero.
not only because you map for q2, but also because you kick ass and your maps put any q2 maps to shame, you just keep on inproving.
keep it up.

#143 posted by Maric on 2003/04/10 19:29:23
Thanks guys, thank you daftpunk. I keep trying to come up with interesting stuff. Just in case it was missed, here is the link to the finished map. It was not a news item and it is off the main page now so...

#144 posted by
Vodka on 2003/04/10 21:57:58
u HAVE TO make page with all your latest maps listed (with link and screenie)