God damn!
Skiffy that is freaking incredible! I really can't wait to see this in-game!
#13139 posted by Icaro on 2016/01/27 17:10:39
we want the Shambler in AD!!!
Unit Offsets For Shambler?
#13140 posted by Skiffy on 2016/01/27 17:20:39
Anyone know all the movement speeds to the shambler? I know he moves 8 units per frame in his walk.. but not sure for the others. Is there a snippit of code where I can see all the info? :)
Shambler In AD
#13141 posted by Skiffy on 2016/01/27 17:22:22
Working as fast as time allows me. I do hope I can get it done before the patch. But we'll see. I am polishing walks and runs still for foot sliding and there is some seams left to fix... plus his forarms and hands need some love still.
Skiff, Sock is a good person to ask about all that... And also a good person to ask about including the shambler in AD with some extra goodies ;)
#13143 posted by necros on 2016/01/27 18:48:17
that is some badass shit! i love it!
here's the amount of movement per frame:
is so sexy
I'll Admit
I was quite apprehensive about a new Shambler model when you first started talking about it but this stuff is beyond brilliant.
#13146 posted by metlslime on 2016/01/27 19:10:34
where are we at with authentic monster replacements now?
#13147 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/01/27 19:29:34
Seriously, nice job on this! Someone else said the same above but I LOVE that you updated it and still kept everything about it that makes it what it is. Beautiful work.
#13148 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/01/27 19:29:57
I would accept a new Quake if all the graphics were updated in this fashion. :)
#13149 posted by Shambler on 2016/01/27 20:15:53
Congrats for revamping an iconic monster that makes it still look like an iconic monster. You can be trusted with Quake :D
#13150 posted by Spirit on 2016/01/27 20:53:16
AD is full of detailererered id monsters isn't it?
#13151 posted by metlslime on 2016/01/27 21:10:52
AD might be ... i thought it was mainly new variants rather than straight replacements though.
#13152 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/01/27 21:12:06
Well, if they're all redone in AD and nobody noticed... that's kind of the same as them not being there. :P
#13153 posted by metlslime on 2016/01/27 21:20:46
well i haven't played it yet, so that's no criticism
#13154 posted by necros on 2016/01/27 21:28:23
There's a new Hell Knight and Ogre model, but they are not straight replacements, they have different animation lengths.
You can't drop them in like Lunaran's Knight.
Nice Work
#13155 posted by killpixel on 2016/01/27 21:59:14
the shambler looks great
has improvements, like extra details for death knights and ogres (extra spikes and armour details). Some extra varients like the zombie knight. If you didn't notice the upgrades you must have your eyes closed ;)
The enemies that have seen visual upgrades are the grunt, dog, knight, player model. Now we have an improved shambler.
#13157 posted by Qmaster on 2016/01/27 22:23:12
And don't forget the monster footsteps in AD. The shambler stomping around...hoo! Who knew you could make a shambler even scarier!
#13158 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/01/27 23:00:54
We need moar polished monsters!
Suggestion For AD - Shambler
#13159 posted by Icaro on 2016/01/27 23:05:57
In SMC (by Seven - QuakeOne), the Shambler seems really heavy. This feeling is the result of the shaking earth when he walks runs and falls dead. I personally love this effect. Would it be possible to implement it in AD??
#13160 posted by nitin on 2016/01/28 00:11:08
#13161 posted by [Kona] on 2016/01/28 00:56:35
yeah looks awesome. Can you give him real teeth, rather than painted on teeth? That's the only bit that I reckon looks like it should be 3d.
#13162 posted by Kinn on 2016/01/28 01:01:40
don't add more polys for the sake of polys