Beta - The High Place - Pjw3tourney4
Hi folks! This is probably my last Q3 map, before I move on completely to Doom 3 engine stuff, but I wanted to get it finished up.
It has two completely different item layouts for Tourney and FFA. FFA has Quad, RG, and an extra YA, while tourney does not. The map is so open that I figured tourney would be completely about the RG if it were included, and thus much less interesting.
This is far from your typical tourney map, and may not be very satisfactory to "purists", but I had a lot of fun on layout on this one, and the RA placement shows that. :) There are various obvious and not-so-obvious movement tricks and possibilities that can be discovered.
Props to Evil_lair for the textures, ydnar and Hipshot for the sky, Rungy for the waterfall, Death2UAll/RKone for the waterfall sound, and Finko for the ceiling light.
Still to do:
-some detailing
-some bot optimization
-improving lighting (which is a little assy atm)
Let me know what you think re: movement/layout and item placement (and please specify if you're talking about FFA or tourney play). Any feedback is welcome.
(~2.3 meg)