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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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if you have a model that fits in qmle it is easy to export one frame out of it to a 3DS or DXF file.
Opening a new model from scratch and import the same frame back in Qmle you can save it as a mdl.
From there it can be used as a static entity that can be used in game as eyecandy.
As long the model excist on the extention 3ds or dxf and is under the 1000 verts / 2000 triangles it will do.

Just give it a qc code like:

$frame 0

void() squad_stand1 =[ 0, squad_stand2 ] {};
void() squad_stand2 =[ 1, squad_stand1 ] {};

void() model_squad =
precache_model ("progs/squad.mdl");

self.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;

setmodel (self, "progs/squad.mdl");

setsize (self, VEC_HULL2_MIN, VEC_HULL2_MAX);
self.think = squad_stand1;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;

Of course you need to compile it in a new progs. dat. 
preach has a md3 to mdl converter so depending on what you need, it could be trivial to convert them! 
Thanks For Feedback All Ya! 
The model is done by Sock in the end. We just collect thoughts together... 
Thank You Madfox And Necros 
(it is awesome to hear from Madfox and Necros! If I won the lottery I would pay you guys to make a giant rotating mechanical quake episode).

I will write you guys later this month. I will see if I can rouse PM from his slumber. 
Great Stuff Fifth. 
Liking the stuff ur posting, hope it comes to fruition. 
^Iron Maiden! 
Fuck that, and fuck anyone who targets 8chan in particular. 
I Don't Care :-) 
This Post's Body Contains A List Of Things Dumber Than Chan Users 
I'm really with czg on this. Meh. 
Aren't 8chan users mostly pedos?

I'm just going from things I've read, I've never visited that place. 
yep, and antisemitic. 
It's just shitheads fighting with other shitheads, who cares. 
the part about imgur being used in an XSS attack doesn't bother you? Don't you guys ever go to imgur? 
This post has some details on what happened and some updates:

It was concerning that it was able happen of course... but Imgur has removed the images with the attack and fixed the exploit of how it got there in the first place.

Still, it was shitheads targeting shitheads. You were only affected if you went to specific images that were uploaded with the exploit, and they were all posted to /r/4chan/ and /r/8chan of Reddit. Hard to muster any concern for them. 
There Is A Lot Of Trash On Those Boards 
but there is also a lot of interesting content too. Just stay away from the *troublesome* areas. 
The Areas With Pictures Of Willies 
You Mean The Secret In The Q2 Final Map? 
Ok, after obtaining a little more knowledge about Quake mapping (stackenblocken actually did help!) and using tronyn's lighting tools, I was able to come up with this so far:


Looks interesting ! 
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