You Post That Screenshot Of Mouth Salivating Goodness MFX,
#12448 posted by
Orl on 2015/07/15 00:59:38
And you have the nerve to call my map pron? :)

Quality Screenshots Abound!
#12450 posted by
ionous on 2015/07/15 02:53:36

#12451 posted by
distrans on 2015/07/15 08:47:34
...that looks as far from Periwinkle Paranoia as anyone could get. Looking forward to it Ionous.

Boobs (oYo)
#12452 posted by adib on 2015/07/15 09:06:46
#12453 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/07/15 11:01:29
ionous - It looks like stars in the night sky.

You Guys.
#12454 posted by
Shambler on 2015/07/15 11:40:05
Rock. End of story. I can see fuck all from those shots, but I just know they will be good :)

#12455 posted by adib on 2015/07/16 03:26:50
Awnnn I got a thank you in the credits! :D You're welcome! Glad to help. I'm stealing your readme template, though.

New Version
#12456 posted by
adib on 2015/07/16 07:18:51
Your comments about gameplay were absolutely right. DM-Cepheus plays much more better now. Check it out:
As far as I can tell, it's finished. What do you guys think?
P.S.: Promise to build some single player next.
#12461 posted by
metlslime on 2015/07/17 03:59:17
awesome, i'd love to see a map that is composed of a dozen of those floating chunks, different sizes, where you have to travel from chunk to chunk. Mmaybe using wind-tunnel type launchers, or maybe by riding various moving platforms/ferries, or maybe the chunks move closer and farther based on the wind, like in bioshock infinite.

#12462 posted by
mfx on 2015/07/17 08:00:10
That is exactly the plan, some hanging wooden bridges, some stone arches, floaters in between, ladders, chains, and a new gadget to explore it all...

#12463 posted by
mfx on 2015/07/17 08:11:25
no grappling hook. I promise.

On A Similar Vein
I always liked the concept of a treetop city, like what the ewoks had on endor, or "tree top town" stage of donkey kong country.
Having said that I don't think it would easily lend itself to a quake map, maybe deathmatch, but it's probably a bit tight for monster combat.

#12465 posted by
Shambler on 2015/07/17 11:06:32
Each year I think that people have done the cool stuff and explored all the cool styles in Quake and anything further will just be a improvements and rehashes (no bad thing).
And then MFX does something like that....okay so maybe it is the same old textures, maybe people have done enough floaters before (I did a massive one after wednesday's stir fry), but fuck me that just looks so good.

#12466 posted by amurad on 2015/07/17 15:31:16
What a beauty. Awesome job, man.

#12468 posted by
metlslime on 2015/07/17 18:01:09
in between the floating architecture, you should have a piece of a large tanker ship, and it should be connected to the other islands with big drooping chains that you run across.

Final Version
#12469 posted by
adib on 2015/07/19 07:48:54

As Long As I Posted This On Daz's Stream, I'll Post It Here Too
#12470 posted by
PuLSaR on 2015/07/27 23:58:38
Almost no lighting so far. I wanted to make a small map, but it turned out to be pretty large