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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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You Post That Screenshot Of Mouth Salivating Goodness MFX, 
And you have the nerve to call my map pron? :) 
Orl & Mfx 
Quality Screenshots Abound! 
...that looks as far from Periwinkle Paranoia as anyone could get. Looking forward to it Ionous. 
Boobs (oYo) 
ionous - It looks like stars in the night sky. 
You Guys. 
Rock. End of story. I can see fuck all from those shots, but I just know they will be good :) 
Awnnn I got a thank you in the credits! :D You're welcome! Glad to help. I'm stealing your readme template, though. 
New Version 
Your comments about gameplay were absolutely right. DM-Cepheus plays much more better now. Check it out:

As far as I can tell, it's finished. What do you guys think?

P.S.: Promise to build some single player next. 
"much More Better" 
geez... "much better"

Start map, maybe. 
Holy Shit 
gorg mfx 
awesome, i'd love to see a map that is composed of a dozen of those floating chunks, different sizes, where you have to travel from chunk to chunk. Mmaybe using wind-tunnel type launchers, or maybe by riding various moving platforms/ferries, or maybe the chunks move closer and farther based on the wind, like in bioshock infinite. 
That is exactly the plan, some hanging wooden bridges, some stone arches, floaters in between, ladders, chains, and a new gadget to explore it all... 
no grappling hook. I promise. 
On A Similar Vein 
I always liked the concept of a treetop city, like what the ewoks had on endor, or "tree top town" stage of donkey kong country.

Having said that I don't think it would easily lend itself to a quake map, maybe deathmatch, but it's probably a bit tight for monster combat. 
Each year I think that people have done the cool stuff and explored all the cool styles in Quake and anything further will just be a improvements and rehashes (no bad thing).

And then MFX does something like that....okay so maybe it is the same old textures, maybe people have done enough floaters before (I did a massive one after wednesday's stir fry), but fuck me that just looks so good. 
What a beauty. Awesome job, man. 
We need coag4. 
in between the floating architecture, you should have a piece of a large tanker ship, and it should be connected to the other islands with big drooping chains that you run across. 
Final Version 
To anyone interested, the final version of that level is:

Here is a video: 
As Long As I Posted This On Daz's Stream, I'll Post It Here Too

Almost no lighting so far. I wanted to make a small map, but it turned out to be pretty large 
Just wow. 
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