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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Q3 Map Screenies 
hey ppl.. been away from mapping for quite some time, and well I'm cooking up a port of my Q2DM map - Deep Freeze for Q3A. The level is getting quite an update, better architecture, improved layout, ect...

Here are 2 pics: 
Looks good. I like the trim on the walls, but I'm not crazy about the use of brick texture on the ceiling in shot 2. I can't think of when I've ever seen exposed brick in a building on a ceiling. 
limburger,american and of course chedder. 
New Quake2 DM Map With Almost Finished Structure 
Hi all Quake fans!

In a post before (two weeks ago I think) a guy here (Zwiffle) told that my new map is totally bland and the grayscale colours also sucks.
So, I replaced the lights with a smoother, warmer colour, and put in a few more details.
Check out, tell me everything about them! Good and bad points are all highly appreciated!

Here are the pics: 
Quake 2 Map 
Epic gothic map for Quake 2, with Q3 textures ??

Could still need some more ornaments.
Glowing gothic crosses, maps like this one need
tons of glowing gothic crosses :)

Or pentagrams and stuff ...

It still looks a bit empty. 
Let's be honest and blunt.

The textures you've used are completely bland and boring and you've used them as such. The scale is hideously huge for no reason and everything looks empty. Beta4 shot is the best one becuase it shows some detailing and has a somewhat interesting peice to look at.

Sorry, I just don't like the pics at all :( 
ditto what scampie said. the thing is, aside from the crosslights, there doesn't appear to be any details whatsoever... definatly needs more texture variety on walls, some trim here and there, maybe some curves, or at least some angles other than 90.
plus, the lighting on the crosslights is just bad... the light appears to be emitted 16 units above the actual source, and the source's texture is dim while the wall is bright. lower the lights so that they are near the source face as a starter. play around with attenuation to get a more realistic falloff.

right now, you've got the barebones -- let's see some meat. :) 
In-editor Short Of A Work-in-progress:

This is the same ikbase map I posted am in-game screenshot of about 25 or so posts ago in this thread. 
What Version Of... 
Radiant is that, that you were able to load the .wad?? 
RE: What Version Of... 
GTKRadiant 1.5 has had WAD support for a long time now. 
Commnets On My Map 
Hi. Thanks your comments Grieve, Scampie and Necros!

Need som more ornaments and detail? Ehh. I can do that maximum with the textures, because the r_speeds already touches 1500..., so I can't really put in more detail.

The scale is not so huge, just the shots shows that, because I used fov 100 to make a better view of the areas.

There ARE curves, though You don't see them on the shots (and remember, it's quake2 and not so much curves are enabled in this engine...), but there aren't really trims and texture blends, I see.
And don't be so clever with those lights! They are texture emitting lights, so don't tell me craps like "emitted 16 units above the actual source", because the engine makes them look lke, but they have a little trick, that's why they look a little weird. So I can't lower them (lower what? Attenuation? Craps. They are naked texture lights!). Maybe they aren't realistic, but they are interested!

Anyway thanks. That's the maximum I can do. I'm not a professional mapper, so this will be the map You will download and play free, or You will skip it! Maybe the next one will be more good...

bye Quake fans 
That's the maximum I can do.

Maybe the next one will be more good...

Well, if the next one might be more good, then obviously this might NOT be the maximum you can do... 
A Couple More 
In #tf, Blitz requested a couple more shots of the fortress exterior; I figured I might as well post them here as well:

Note that the water and the road texture has been changed from the previous pimp shots. 
Kinn / Blitz 
Wow... Nice screenies really... I like the architecture, and the textures use, even if it's a little bit too much "red"... This sensation is reinforced by the red-falling sun-sky in the backward... and I feel a "bloody" after looking at the screen... Anyway, I hope my rookie comments are not discouraging you... It's a nice work however... Keep it up !! 
Shots 2 And 3 
are fantastic! 
Omg Kinn 
you rock! 
Teh Pwnage!! 
Personally I think #1 is the best as it shows how really impressive it will be when you;re actually approaching it, plus how well the lighting works with that skybox (might even have to try custom engine shizznaz for this one).

P.S. Vondur get back to the dark forests :P 
Thanks Guys 
Shambler - that's very true - #1 (view from the road surface) is representative of an actual in-game view, whilst I flymoded to take the others.

A couple of people have mentioned that coloured sky lighting may further compliment the scene (although the brownish textures give the illusion of coloured lighting to a certain extent anyway), although I don't want to stray from using aguirRe's light tool (which currently doesn't support colour). 
i don't think coloured lighting is needed. as you mentioned, the textures already lend to a orangeish appearance. making the sunlight yellow or orange (i'm guess that's what you'd do...) will probably make the textures look over saturated or something.
but either way, good work :)

i like the new texture used on the path's floor. tiles nicely and looks good.

am i looking at external tga textures? the green in the 2nd and 3rd shots is really vibrant and seems to be colours missing from quake's palette. 
no externals - just a standard q1 palette. I did a gamma correction to the screenshots before exporting to jpg, so that may be the reason. 
More Work-in-progress... 
Lookin' Good 
If you are going for the low lit IkBase look that Than perfected, Jago, I'll be very pleased to play it. 
Oh, Kinn, 
I am soooo jealous looking at those pics . . . 
Interesting. I haven't before considered combining SpeedBz and IKBase. Your results look good enough, though. It might not look good in large quantities, but I'm sure your judgement would distinguish between good and bad. 
What RPG Said 
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