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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Screen My Feets 
You Better? You Bet 
Bastion II: The Marcher Fortress 
Time for a little pimpage of my next Q1SP map. As it stands, I'm afraid this bad boy will probably have to be custom engine only, but in any case, I'll supply an engine with the download to at least ensure a consistent experience (a lesson I learned the hard way with the first map). I'm currently finalising the architecture and lighting; I haven't added any monsters yet, but you can expect a similar type of combat to the first one.

The main differences this time around are the terrain elements, less linear exploration, and more epic architecture >:D

Here's a quick trio of screenshots - I'd have more but the lighting is still being worked on in most places. 
that first yellow road tex is ugly tho 
good point re: yellow texture. It does tile badly from a distance :/ 
uhm that water is like really bright... 
oh that's just the contrast correction i applied to the screenshots. It looks normal ingame :) 
Pic #3 Is A Beauty 
Pic #2 Is A Beauty 
Er, I Can't Decide 
I meant #2, I tried to erase #1176 before it posted 
Shot 1 is truly epic, amazing stuff SB!

I am eagerly awaiting release. 
I Told You 
i cancelled the project, it was too GAY 
what the fuck is wrong with you? you must be possesed by the devil to map in such a fasion!

whatever you do, don't stop! ^_^ 
Err Lol Etc 
Of course I meant Kinn not starbuck, I think I am going insane... 
sorry for that outburst but considering that's q1 and handbuilt terrain u say! it's stunningly erotic. Probably the most amazing q1 outdoor screenie i've ever seen. Keep up the stiffy! 
Kinn and starbuck have the same sorta nick colour, thats why I got them mixed up...

(what? you mean the strange squiggly lines have something to do with it too? Gah...) 
Thank You Guys 
Yes the terrain is all handbuilt. It's actually hollow (i.e. there's an underground cave network), so an "instant terrain" tool like gensurf would have been of little use. Besides, I much prefer the level of control you get with handbuilding terrain vertex-by-vetex. 
vonsp1 is bettar 
Hip2m2 by Levelord is better, but only in the third main area after the second Shambler. Otherwise, Kinn has us all beat. 
everyone's job is to outdo Kinn. 
Levelord is talking at 3DRealms.COM forums. 
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