#1126 posted by Bugsy on 2017/02/12 21:52:18
thx... *backing away shamefully*
 Das K
#1127 posted by Qmaster on 2017/02/13 03:46:56
We all ran into that one on azad.
#1128 posted by Bugsy on 2017/02/21 11:12:45
Whatever happend to socks twitter-account? It is gone.
#1129 posted by Icaro on 2017/02/22 08:49:53
mfx's account is also gone!
 Sock = Mfx??
#1130 posted by dwere on 2017/02/22 08:55:03
Mind = blown!
 Sock ≠ Mfx
#1131 posted by Icaro on 2017/02/22 11:48:18
#1132 posted by Kinn on 2017/02/22 13:11:01
Seriously what's that about? For two of the AD mapper's accounts to be deactivated at the same time? Viral marketing for something? an ARG?
mfx's went away about the same time he started posting "anonymously" here.
 Otp=sherlock Confirmed
#1134 posted by mfx on 2017/02/23 18:29:00
#1135 posted by Bugsy on 2017/02/24 10:12:08
Are you sure?
#1136 posted by Jonathan on 2017/02/24 11:37:38
It is for me. I heard twitter has started punishing people who are reported for violations by making them invisible except to their followers, maybe that's happened? OTOH I thought I was following MFX and Sock.
Ah well fuck twitter anyway
 Well You Chaps Could Always Ask Him
#1137 posted by Kinn on 2017/02/24 14:03:53
I'm sure he's still on email.
 This Is Awesome!
#1138 posted by anonymous user on 2017/03/05 17:45:39
this is awesome, I started playing it yesterday. Playing on skill 3 (nightmare) and I think the game is very balanced (but I've been playing quake on and off for 20 years.....). I had no problem adapting to the new enemies and never felt frustated (except for when Necro Keep bugged out at the ending and the portal didn't open after killing fire wrath)
All the standard enemy redesigns\variants are great and fit both the gameplay and the artstyle. The other new enemies fit the gameplay but I'm not convinced they fit the art style completely.
The flow of the maps is really great and I never felt lost... but I didn't wander off the path in foggy fogbottom or crucial error.
I still have a few levels to finish though. Thank you for this!
 @#1138 Do Demos Maybe?
#1139 posted by mfx on 2017/03/05 18:10:33
Still awesome to see skill3 runs.
yeah, MFX... no twitter... "page not found"
#1141 posted by anonymous user on 2017/03/05 18:48:09
"Ah well fuck twitter anyway..."
i've got nothing to add.
 Mfx Twitter
#1142 posted by Qmaster on 2017/03/06 18:33:41
"Twitter took too long to load"...after like 0.4 seconds.
 A Skill 3 Demo
#1143 posted by Bugsy on 2017/03/11 11:07:55
shy of 2 secrets and 1 monster from perfect, i forgot the locations of them :)
My play is a bit jittery, sorry for that.
 Is Sock Back To Twitter?
#1144 posted by Icaro on 2017/03/16 20:39:53
Looks like he's pimping the last map of the mod, hopefully we'll get some more eye-candy and those sexy maps he teased before :P
 Map Looks Amazing Nuff Said.
#1146 posted by Shambler on 2017/03/17 00:36:07
 AD Effects In Base Game?
#1147 posted by guitardz on 2019/03/16 14:11:37
I made a post about this on another forum and got some good tips, but still with a couple of hiccups.
I want to be able to use projectile shotguns and new particle effects from AD in the base game and expansions. I've found a couple ways to do this, currently I am using QSS and have an AD_Id1 folder with all the files from AD copied into it, then all the maps/sounds/etc. extracted from the Id1 .pak files copied in as well (no overwrites so I keep the AD models and such). This works (and works for hipnotic and rogue as well) however, Shub is unkillable due to changes to his code in AD. Does anyone know what I'd need to edit or remove to fix this?
You'd have to modify the QuakeC to fix this.
 Fix For Zombie Rocket Splash Damage
#1149 posted by StroggVorbis on 2019/05/12 09:18:32
Does anyone know a fix for the above?
Rockets that hit zombies don't have splash damage, hurting neither nearby monsters nor the player.
#1150 posted by Oh wow on 2019/05/12 09:46:33
How could a bug like that slip by unnoticed... Or is it intentional for sock reasons?