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Map Jam 2 - Deadline 27th July
Map Jamming is about creating maps of any size or detail level over a couple of weeks using a certain theme and texture set. Check the readme file below for further details of what the Jam is about. Any questions or comments, please post to this thread only.

Deadline - 27th July 2014
Theme - IKBlue + IKWhite inspired maps

Guidelines for Map JamTextures Wads + Map Prefabs

UPDATE: Released! news thread is here.
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On a side note, travel also allows you see what a ridiculous bubble we Americans live in and live your life with some good perspective on our sense of self importance. Once you're in a different country you stop getting barraged by celebrity gossip, advertising, talking heads on TV, and all the trivial shit that seems so important to people when you're in the bubble.

Travel. It's worth it. 
Now ... back to the map jam! Sorry... 
On a side note, travel also allows you see what a ridiculous bubble we Americans live in and live your life with some good perspective on our sense of self importance. Once you're in a different country you stop getting barraged by celebrity gossip, advertising, talking heads on TV, and all the trivial shit that seems so important to people when you're in the bubble.

Travel. It's worth it.

That was one of the best posts I've read anywhere in a long time. 
I think Americans would be surprised at what Britain is really like. It's not harry potter. 
...who the fuck thinks it's Harry Potter? In the Harry Potter universe, dentists exist. Clearly that is not Britain.

The men are all Mr. Bean, and the women Spice Girls, and no one knows how to spell "Color". 
Having never been there, I assume all the food is boiled. I need to travel there at some point to dispel my misconceptions... 
Playing With The Prefabs And A Skybox

@Fifth, that's cool that blocking out is working for you. might have to try the same thing 
Re: ericw
Well that looks awesome, the skybox in particular.

Re: Cocerello
I'm using a few extra textures from Heretic 2's Palace set, which contains some arabian designs in gold and blue.

Re: Travel
Sucks about the pollution in India, that's somewhere I'd definitely like to go in the future. I've always wanted to see Istanbul, that seems like one of the great cities in terms of world history. 
Just Wondering 
If one of us wants to start all over, are we allowed to do it? 
Are You Scrapping Something? 
upload the source if so!
also I'm going to upload some prefabs probably on the weekend.
what texture do people use for a door in an ikwhite map? 
Yeah, I Might Scrap It 
I hope there is room for time or extensions. 
Thanks :) The skybox is grimmnight by hipshot: 
Thanks :) The skybox is grimmnight by hipshot

What a coincidence :) 
That looks very cool. 
what texture do people use for a door in an ikwhite map?

I use ''adoor10_1'' from DoE, it fits very well, but there is several ones from Hexen 2 that fit the ikwhite set.

**Willem, you are never too old to travel. It is just harder to do it, and harder to abandon the life you are used to. Kids and wifes make it harder too, but for the first you have your grandfathers.

Once you're in a different country you stop getting barraged by celebrity gossip, advertising, talking heads on TV, and all the trivial shit that seems so important to people when you're in the bubble

Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to the people of those countries you visit. That happens in every country, as long as there is enough people that has enough lack of worries and enough time to get bored so they care for those kinds of things to get rid of boredom and fit into society. You stop getting barraged is because you are in a different and strange for you environment, apart from several other reasons. 
Personally I use wdoor6 and wdoor8 from the ikwhite wad as door textures, they work very well.

Two more pictures, still not compiled. We're getting there. 
That verticality is reminding me more and more of Prince of Persia 1 and 2 (the ones from 20 years ago, of course) without colours. You only need to put some human bones on the bottom to complete it. 
"Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to the people of those countries you visit. That happens in every country, as long as there is enough people that has enough lack of worries and enough time to get bored so they care for those kinds of things to get rid of boredom and fit into society. You stop getting barraged is because you are in a different and strange for you environment, apart from several other reasons. "

Sure, but it's still a valuable thing for the person doing the traveling. 
Completely Agree 
The first one screenshot has a strong T3 influence, forgot the name of map.
something like the "keeper compound" level 
Cocerello: There won't be bones at the bottom of this area but something else that's deadlier. :)

As for the T3 influence, it's probably not a conscious thing but I really like the style of the Keeper Compound in that game, so maybe. 
@ericw, lovely angle, looking through the doorway. If you want a different hedge textures there is a one in my zendar map.

@skacky, awesome as always :)

are we allowed to tweak textures etc. for our maps, or do we have to use the stock ones?
@than, go for it, I plan to extend the ikblue texture set with extra stuff, so it is only fair if everyone can do the same. Maybe it is better to see the ikwhite/blue as a starting point instead. 
Photo Reference 
@Barnak, awesome photo's thank you for posting. There is some details in those photo's I am certainly going to use in my map entry.

@nitin, sure, please post away. The more inspiration the better! 
Ok Tronyn 
here's the scrapped map's source: 
In-Game Pics 
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