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Rubicon 2 Released!
Rubicon 2 is a new Q1SP experience with three large single-player levels, plus a custom mod featuring new enemies, sounds, textures, mapmodels, hazards, and more. It should run with any Quake engine, but for the optimal experience I recommend Fitzquake or any derivative engine such as Quakespasm or RMQ.

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rj, thanks, but fitzquake085 looks very bad, I think it's the colored lights - everything looks like a rainbow :(

I played a little the czg map : awesome work, great feeling. 
Fitzquake Looks Fine 
But your monitor seems to suck. 
The Disco-Lights Effect 
Check your id1\maps DIR for a start.lit. I bet there's one there. Delete or re-name it. Try loading a map from the console:

map rub2m1
Check your id1\maps DIR for a start.lit. I bet there's one there. Delete or re-name it.

This brings up a good point in that fitzquake should probably do some sanity checking on a lit file before loading it, since the common case of start.bsp being replaced in a mod will cause errors that an average user might not be able to diagnose. 
Lit Problem 
RickyT23 : thanks. Removing the .lit file from id1\maps solved the problem and the map looks awesome :)

jt_ : yeah, sure, my monitor sucks only in fitzquake - you are very smart... (end sarcasm) 
Sanity Checking 
By definition, the .lit file should be 3 times the size as the light lump in the map, right? Would that be enough of a check?

I have had the blessing of seeing the error in question once, so I would probably recognise it again. Fortunately, it was only in the ending room of e1m1red, where I had the lit file from e1m1rmx (this was before I extended that room). The results in that room were interesting, to say the least. 
Lit File Loading 
> This brings up a good point in that fitzquake
> should probably do some sanity checking on a lit
> file before loading it, since the common case

I added a paranoid check in quakespasm for that, so that the engine allows the lit file only if it is from the same gamedir as the map itself.

> By definition, the .lit file should be 3 times the
> size as the light lump in the map, right? Would
> that be enough of a check?

Well, no check is fool-proof, but that seems another way of feeling safe. 
Thanks for the feedback and demos everyone. I have now watched all the demos now except zwiffle's, because fitzquake can't playback multi-map demos. Something I should fix :)

Oh and Ricky: sure, you can post videos if you want, i have no problem with that.

It's good to see people figuring out the turrets fairly quickly. Sometimes frustrating when people look right at a secret and then don't seem to recognize it. I also saw some common behaviors like shooting every flickering light you see, randomly axing computer screens, and everyone seems to want to climb up the crates by the green armor in rub2m2. Several people used the trickjump shortcut in rub2m1 to skip the row of blasters, including one person who didn't realize what it was they were skipping until they backtracked :) Getting the megahealth in rub2m1 the "wrong" way was also common, i should have extended the trigger_secret to cover that situation better. 
axing computer screens is true quake dude behaviour! :) 
I Do It 
all the time! 
These are Quake maps. These have the Quake atmosphere. These have the Quake Gameplay.

This is what I came to say. I'd be really proud to have made this.

(completely forgot to record demos. :( ) 
I Have Now Watched All The Demos Now Except Zwiffle's 
You're not missing much.

Also, hi Lunaran. When is your next Quake map out? 
Very Nice

Frankly, I liked czg's gameplay better, but loved all the touches in metl's maps that tell me how good of a level designer he is. Awesome maps.

The flyers are nice, the Droids are okish (tedious to fight), hated the flamethrowers because they look exactly like the usual quake guys (and i have a strong tendency to run up to them to shoot them in the face). With water the flamethrower guys were pretty cool. Missed the gl in the first two maps, the third had way too much ammo. The new enemies can be pretty devastating if you run into them in the wrong way or get stuck somewhere, that nearly killed me a few times.

Secrets are hard to find, i think i got 5/7 on all of the maps but couldn't find the others :( 
wow, just wow.
great stuff!! 
A Vary Short Demo;

I swear I found it on accident! (the first time I played) 
Being able to climb down them (with +movedown perhaps) would've been nice.

I thought about this, too, but figured it isn't needed. How often do you climb down ladders instead of just jumping down, if health isn't an issue?

That said, I do prefer the Quoth/RMQ ladders because you can just walk up to them and you'll ascend, without the need of pressing another key. (Again, this is a typical onetruepurple overly perfectionist complaint) 
That said, I do prefer the Quoth/RMQ ladders because you can just walk up to them and you'll ascend, without the need of pressing another key. (Again, this is a typical onetruepurple overly perfectionist complaint)

Actually that was a planned improvement, but got cut because I wanted to release it this decade. Maybe in the next release... 
Just a bit of code, I can't remember where we robbed it from tbh - can email it over if you want. 

Is hard to say anything more than had be said...

Love the flags at the wind :) I think nobody said that...ehhehe

honestly this is a awesome work from both of you, very cool maps and very cool time spent playing then! will replay again to get all secrets :) 1� demos!

1% sometimes but I SURVIVED LUCKLY :)

my favorit demo was melt2 because I was always in red line :) only at end I was ful of power and just one bitch!!! 
Yeah The Flags Are Sick. 
Feels Unlike 
any other quake environment, really well done guys!. Blast to play through too.

Special mention to the lighting in metl's maps which is exquisite and czg's use of fog which by itself added so much foreboding to the map's atmosphere. 
>> By definition, the .lit file should be 3 times the
>> size as the light lump in the map, right? Would
>> that be enough of a check?

> Well, no check is fool-proof, but that seems another way of feeling safe.

3 times plus 8 bytes for the header. I've been using this check for years and it seems quite robust; nothing's caught it out yet.

Of course it's possible to (and some day a mapper who hates LIT files will probably do it out of spite <evil grin>) but highly unlikely. 
got this 100% secret with a trucky jump :)

but found the secret later :) 
Do you have any document (description of items, monsters, entities, etc, etc...) that could help to map for Rubicon2 mod ? 
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