#1020 posted by . on 2004/05/07 00:47:49
Microscopic shamblers.. that reminds me of editing in BUILD when you could easily change the size of enemies and fight them that way, if I recall correctly.
#1021 posted by necros on 2004/05/07 01:43:14
i remember that. i hated how a lot of stuff was handled though, they made setting up triggers and stuff so complicated compared to editing in doom.
#1022 posted by - on 2004/05/07 08:40:16
Serious Sam also had an easy way of changing monster sizes. Was fun to make a headless bomber 20 times it's size... too bad the explosion doesn't scale. The running bull monsters were also cool to make 2/3 the size so they were like minipoodles that would blast you across the map.
2 Screenshots
#1023 posted by Tronyn on 2004/05/07 14:10:47
Of my new map, at Underworldfan's site.
#1024 posted by Kell on 2004/05/07 16:51:36
Almost Escheresque; sweet, I like the terracota.
Tronyn: I remember you asked about custom textures recently. I can do a bit, but I have a lot on my plate atm what with the monsters, Black Belvedere, my own Q1SP, lack of net access and lack of site ( /me plays little violin )
Give me a rundown of what you're looking for, either here on Func or at my new ( apparently w0rking ) email - monster_kell AT hotmail DOT com.
I'll see what I can do. Warning: all of the multi-layer .psp originals for the knave textures were lost when Signs Of Koth died :~( Though if that's what you're looking for modifications of, there are surplus means by which to flay a feline.
It's not that I don't want to do any more textures - I do. But it's unfair if I agree to do something specific and then procrastinate....poor R.P.G. is still waiting for his texture ( it's done, I just haven't had a chance to mail it yet ;) )
Jack Carver Is The Road Warrior!
#1025 posted by necros on 2004/05/13 16:35:13
of course, i doubt i'll ever release this thing... it's really just a huge terrain with a hummer with it's hitpoint setting skyhigh and a bunch of other hummers with guys in it. it's fun getting them to chase you though. ^_^
if i get better at the farcry sandbox editor i might actually try to make this an actual map.
(you can see i didn't even bother to give the terrain more than 1 texture :P )
#1026 posted by Kell on 2004/05/14 09:54:11
When I look at that it makes me think of the Long Version remix of Lucretia by The Sisters Of Mercy. Pedal to the metal....
#1027 posted by necros on 2004/05/14 13:01:12
never heard it. :P
i just finished watching road warrior two days ago and i wanted to recreate that last chase scene with the truck and all the dudes. it's not working out so well.
now i'm just goofing around and piling enmpty trailer boxes skyhigh and setting explosives to knock the whole thing down.
plus there are some guys at the top of the pile of boxes. >:D
and holy shit! you can run maps as they are in game right from the freakin' editor! whoa!
#1028 posted by madfox on 2004/05/14 13:27:00
gravity 800 needs so much space.
this one is 3.5Mb, but argh... that texture and brush alignment....
Nice Brushwork Madfox
#1029 posted by HeadThump on 2004/05/14 14:50:50
you are getting good at this. One question, low gravity and flowing water canals? I guess we have never raised a stink about low grav and active magma in the original e1m8 either!
Thanx HeadThump...
#1030 posted by madfox on 2004/05/14 16:35:04
In this map are also the 8 round brushes, turning in space. But it needs a sync_func_train, and I can't find it anymore on Inside3D!
I just came to these corridors by accident, covering the outside space of it. The water is thin, so you fall through it into another same corridor, under it.
When jumping aside on the sidewalk, the wall leads into the middle, and falling into it.
Maybe not a good ID to put water in a low gravity map, as weth clothes won't lift up.
I Looked Around Inside3d Forums
#1031 posted by HeadThump on 2004/05/14 17:16:26
for that the other day when you first mentioned a need for it, and couldn't find it though their archived boards go much further back then I checked. Have you checked Custents for similar functions?
#1032 posted by necros on 2004/05/14 17:48:04
i don't remember if the entity was actually called func_sync_train, but there *is* an entity like that in custents. it will keeps it's place in relation to other trains even if you block it, and such...
i actually used a variation of that to get the func_trains in "Emptiness Without" to get the trains to move properly. you can use the duration key to set how long it takes for a train to go to one path corner instead of a speed key.
#1033 posted by madfox on 2004/05/14 20:44:41
custents is the place to seek for the "func_train_syncer".
#1034 posted by Shambler on 2004/05/15 03:14:28
...that shot is looking better than almost all your previous shots. Keep playing around, I think you're getting somewhere with that one. Grand architecture and curves are good, as is a consistent texturing theme.
Devotion To The Antiques...
#1035 posted by madfox on 2004/05/15 12:43:38
I am only crumblin' with that nasty habbit of the compiler to decompile right brushes. At least, that's what Quark aims...
Here is one from "Cicade", endlevel-2 part#6.
Ogre Can't Stand Loosing...
#1036 posted by madfox on 2004/05/17 19:21:53
#1037 posted by HeadThump on 2004/05/17 19:40:40
Submit that one to PlanetQuake!
Rock Textures
#1038 posted by Razumen on 2004/05/18 02:19:02
#1039 posted by Vondur on 2004/05/18 03:27:55
the images are extra dark, i cannot see a thing, sorry....
3 (or 6 If You Really Have To...)
#1040 posted by distrans on 2004/05/18 03:35:52
...the stratification in the other textures doesn't suit some of your outcropping.
#1041 posted by Razumen on 2004/05/18 03:47:28
Yeah I should have run them through PSP and made them brighter, it's just that they'll look darker unless they're viewed in fullscreen.
I'd go with #2
#1043 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/05/18 08:54:45
#1044 posted by pdictter on 2004/05/19 15:49:48
was bored so i decided to put some screenies up of the maps i'd been working on since mid 2003. i havent gotten much done. i usually sit down and work on these for liek 1 hour every month. :)
the lighting/textures migth be all fucked up in some.