"Most Of The Models, Were tweaked from other games or mods, some were donated
Are you serious with this comment?"
Not 100% sure which models were done by whom but it's undeniable that AD has a lot of borrowed content. I know you did stuff like the book pedestals, the tome, armours, keys, power-ups etc etc...
The point was mostly in relation to guy above requesting a knight on top of a fiend and your response asking him to provide the model. ;)
#977 posted by Yhe1 on 2016/10/26 21:55:11
Not requesting, pitching an idea
#978 posted by Baker on 2016/10/26 22:16:03
I'm going to step out of the technical conversation because Spike is a better resource. / scrams!
 Fact From Fiction
#979 posted by sock on 2016/10/26 22:40:23
Not 100% sure which models were done by whom but it's undeniable that AD has a lot of borrowed content
Serious man, if you cannot fact check what you are saying about the MOD then please stop posting comments in this thread. People reading this thread will think what you are saying is factual and its clearly not.
For the record, I made all the new ogres, death knights, crossbow knight and lost soul monster models. The fact I have to explain this is probably the saddest point this week. :(
 @sock (static Ents)
#980 posted by Spike on 2016/10/26 22:53:17
yes, there are limits to the number of static entities that you can have. There's actually 4 possible engine limits:
max_static_entities - nice and simple (no longer an issue in fte+dp, 512 in qs).
max_efrags - depends on the complexity of the world bsp as well as the size of the static models (no longer an issue in fte+dp).
max_msglen - static ents are written into the single 'signon' buffer (aka: MSG_INIT) (no longer an issue in qss+fte).
max_visedicts - applies equally to both regular ents and static ones (no longer an issue in qss+fte+dp).
on the plus side, MAX_EDICTS doesn't need to be quite so high... yay?
lame nq protocols also won't have such high overheads either, so its probably worth trying to optimise where you can.
findradius will only return entities that have .solid set to something, but the builtin itself still has to itterate through every single entity.
whether that's significant depends on how often you call findradius. probably not worth worrying about too much.
@baker, more opinionated, sure :)
#981 posted by anonymous user on 2016/10/26 23:22:07
It should be no secret that most AD monster models are from other mods, games and authors. Its even written in the readme.txt.
Its the maps that make AD so great. Not the mod.
So I do not understand the discussion between sock and FifthElephant.
sorry man I wasn't trying to upset you. I think it's plainly obvious to a lot of people how much work you've put into the mod. I mean yeah I know about the lost souls, hogre models, new d_knights and the crossbow knights (anyone who's played ITS should know where this stuff comes from).
I'll just skulk back into the shadows I guess...
#983 posted by dwere on 2016/10/27 00:15:21
Its the maps that make AD so great. Not the mod.
The best thing about the mod for me isn't the maps tbh, although some of them are the best maps I've ever played, but getting that email every week or two where Sock had added a bunch of new features.
It's kind of a weirdly unique experience that I guess only working in a mod team can bring.
Or getting early versions of peoples maps and giving feedback etc.
This has been the best project I've ever been involved with tbh.
 #Jealousy #WhyAmIUsingAHashTag?LOL
#985 posted by Qmaster on 2016/10/27 01:26:10
 Sock's Models
#986 posted by Qmaster on 2016/10/27 01:47:57
By my count Sock created 156/249 of the models which means he created 62% of the models in AD. I'm not counting the borrowed models or models with added skins or added anims, just pure new models.
The rest breaks down as follows:
6% Rubicon
5% Raven Software
5% Quoth
2% Rogue
2% Capnbubs
2% MatthewB
<1% Madfox
15% ID1/Other
 Models = Shares
#987 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/27 08:46:46
We need to start aggresively contributing models until we can perform a hostile takeover of the mod. Sock will rue the day he made AD publicly traded...
Its the maps that make AD so great. Not the mod.
That is wrong IMO. The maps are great, yes. Fantastic even. But they owe some of their qualities to this mod and its features. The greatness of the the entire package lies in how the maps and the mod mesh together.
 You Guys Are All Wrong
It's sock that makes AD amazing.
here's a screenshot of sock contribution to the Noir Mapjam: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/bd/5a/36/bd5a363887ba75c0deb57f4c4b5ca067.jpg
#990 posted by dwere on 2016/10/27 10:58:00
Too bad the levels in AD are just random maps. Projects with any semblance of a narrative don't seem to be very popular today.
#991 posted by anonymous user on 2016/10/27 11:04:33
AD is sock's mod.
It comes with some great maps, but those are just the dressing around the incredible amount of work he's put into giving designers toys to play with.
#992 posted by mjb on 2016/10/27 12:52:11
Do you mean episodes or sets of maps or just even individual maps lack narrative?
Anyway, I'd agree with #991 and SleepwalkR's statements regarding AD. I find that the maps were an example of what could be done with the new tools when at their highest forms of quality.
 I Agree With Dwere
#993 posted by Mugwump on 2016/10/27 13:27:28
As much as I love AD, I wish its maps were organized in an episode instead of single levels.
Beyond AD, generally speaking it would seem mappers have been lacking ambition lately in this department. But things may change thanks to the new blood. I know NewHouse is planning a two-episode game. I myself have a long-term project for a full-on lovecraftian TC, but I won't start on that until at least a few months. If my current Sin City experiment turns out good, I might make a whole episode in this style.
#994 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/27 13:37:56
Personally I don't care for episode formats. By that I mean that I enjoy taking each map as its own little parcel and challenge by itself, rather than progressing through large campaigns of maps that can sometimes take a day's worth of my free time to complete.
That's not to say I dislike episodic releases, or anything like that. It's just that with the format I like to enjoy Quake in, a mod like AD with a bunch of great maps that aren't necessarily interconnected is more suited to what I want out of the game, and what I strive to create for the game.
Just another side of the argument, I guess.
#995 posted by dwere on 2016/10/27 13:52:02
Individual maps don't really count. I was talking about projects like Travail - at least a small episode's worth of maps, and they're tied together in some way. Just enough for it all to feel like a single adventure, instead of clicking through a bunch of unrelated setpieces.
 Whew, Glad You Guys Have Come Along To Sort It Out!
#996 posted by ayy lmao on 2016/10/27 14:14:53
...it would seem mappers have been lacking ambition lately in this department. But things may change thanks to the new blood. I know NewHouse is planning a two-episode game. I myself have a long-term project...
Phew! It's gonna be alright lads! NewHouse and Mugwump are here to save Quake from all the lazy crap the likes of mfx and sock have been churning out!
Do you have a PayPal we can put some money into?
 Ayy Lmao
#997 posted by Mugwump on 2016/10/27 14:20:11
Look man, if you have nothing else to contribute than troll comments, you might as well stay in your cavern.
Look man, if you have nothing else to contribute than troll comments, you might as well stay in your cavern.
#999 posted by damage_inc on 2016/10/27 16:07:14
Can we please try not to "dirty up" the Arcane Dimensions thread any further.
Simply put, it's the culmination of awesomeness from people/mappers/coders/etc who have spent countless hours of their personal life to bring a breath of fresh air to game over 20 years old and give us all something incredible to play.
Mission accomplished :)
I just want to thank everyone involved... sock, mfx, necros, Lunaran, Scampie, FifthElephant, ionous, EricW, Preach and anyone else who may have contributed.
You guys rock, no doubt about it. And every time I think the bar cannot be raised anymore, somehow you guys always find a way. Amazing.
#1000 posted by Mugwump on 2016/10/27 16:39:53
Simply put, it's the culmination of awesomeness from people/mappers/coders/etc who have spent countless hours of their personal life to bring a breath of fresh air to game over 20 years old and give us all something incredible to play.
I agree, and it would be even more awesome in the form of an episode. MFX, Sock and the others make incredible maps, chaining them into multi-leveled adventures would be stellar! Not for Pritchard apparently, but I do crave for episodes made by these guys. Speaking of raising the bar, that would definitely do it for me.