Just released the first version of a port I've been working on for a few weeks, purely as a hobby project. Very raw, largely untested on windows, but with enough new features to justify a public showcase. Pasta from the git readme:
- A "New Options" menu, can be toggled with "newoptions 0/1"
- Integer scaling
- Borderless window with -borderless parameter
- Auto-resolution fullscreen with -fullscreen_desktop
- Hardware-accelerated frame > screen rendering
--- Boosts performance massively on systems with GPUs
--- Tanks performance on machines without GPUs
--- Use the new -forceoldrender flag to disable
- High resolution support
--- Maximum tested is 16K, 2000 times bigger that 320x200
--- Defined by MAXHEIGHT and MAXWIDTH in r_shared.h and d_ifacea.h
--- Can probably be set higher for billboard gaming
- Non-square pixels for 320x200 and 640x400 modes
--- Can be forced on other modes with -stretchpixels
- General feature parity with the original WinQuake
--- "Use Mouse" option in windowed mode (also _windowed_mouse cvar)
--- Video configuration menu (mostly for show, use -width and -heigth)
- Proper UI scaling
- Advanced audio configuration
--- The default audio rate is 11025 for more muffled WinQuake sound
--- New flags -sndsamples and -sndpitch (try -sndpitch 5 or 15)
- vim-like keybinds that work in menus, enable with -vimmode flag
- Mouse sensitivity Y-axis scaling with sensitivityyscale cvar
Building on Linux is trivial and only requires SDL2, windows binary is available at