Had Fun, Not Quite Finished With It Yet
I really enjoyed playing through these maps on a PC with a Pentium III with a pair of Voodoo IIs in SLI!
Only two maps didn't run.
Untitled (Dark Oppression?) by Mike C
and Markie's map, but we played through that in Windows 10 because he was there...
Also on one map, I couldn't find the exit, but check out the videos from my stream to see the results.
I will add markers to the video descriptions at some point soon, but for now if you want to find a specific map you will have to skip through, though I did them in order of the start map, working kinda from left to right, if that helps. There were a couple of exceptions.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
There will be a follow-up where I play again in DOS to pick up the maps that crashed GLQuake 1.09. I just need to sort out my DOS driver config :D
Shameless plug for stream:
Seems to be locked at 30fps for the game video feed until I fix my janky VGA capture setup (new HDMI capture on the way)
This pak was a lot of fun for me, and it's an excellent example of what can be done without trying to push the limits.